想問下有冇人收過封email話: "We need to add an observation to your British national (overseas) passport about your immigration status in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. For us to do this, we need you to:
complete and return the attached personal information sheet."
張personal information sheet係咁

我係included child 97前香港出世 今次第一次申請自己嘅BNO
寄文件嗰陣有連埋媽媽本有我名嘅舊BNO、我出世紙同身份證 唔知點解都要填呢張表
想問下declaration嗰度 我應唔應該揀" I am a Chinese national"? (因為我未拎過自己嘅BNO 用開廁所板同支那好似97年後強制將香港人變成中國公民

利申:打過去英國office問 但佢話唔教得人點填 但我填嘅答案好影響佢地審批