Everything is complicated.
In my trip in Europe, a USA person says Hong Kongese speak Chinese and we are Chinese.
So I think that USA person are British because they speak English.
Maybe you are living a place without citizenship problem so you don't understand.
Is Obama a American or African? you cannot even use blood to identify. Somebody in this world don't have passport in their life. Are they nothing?
Country is always authority group to control a land. boundary is always changing through time.
Land of Australia is owned by Indigenous Australians originally. what's now. Roma Emperor or Mongol Empire are past and we have to admit it. But think about World war 2, you are one of citizens of Nazil at that moment. Will you think that you are people of Nazil because Nazil take your land and give a passport of Nazil?
毛主之地2019-04-25 16:44:00
我有錢2019-04-25 16:46:41
MosesSumney2019-04-25 16:46:45
高級支那打手2019-04-25 16:47:38
Chinese 係華僑 華裔 定華人?
Chinese 就一定係中國藉人咩?
日日要飲凍奶茶2019-04-25 16:48:01
Polis2019-04-25 16:48:36
喺外國讀書個時上堂老師逐個問你邊度嚟,香港人好自然答係香港,然後啲中國人就會衝出嚟柒話Hong Kong belongs to China
I grew up learning that my city’s core values were rooted in the freedoms granted by the Basic Law, including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of press and publication.