[歐美H game]推介(9)

947 回覆
24 Like 6 Dislike
2024-02-08 23:42:07
終於玩完 Sage chapter 10,Josy同Zoey好sad
2024-02-08 23:44:53
2024-02-08 23:47:11
望住佢兩個個sad樣,我嘅cheater point無限+緊,DPC好絕
2024-02-09 14:46:07
2024-02-09 15:01:14
real porn類質數參差唔建議,冇咩邊隻係好玩
2024-02-09 18:43:25
girl life, life choice個d?
2024-02-10 07:45:27
2024-02-10 11:08:36
2024-02-10 16:19:13
見到restore her career更新過
2024-02-10 16:20:23
2024-02-10 19:39:26
2024-02-10 22:25:55
2024-02-14 02:10:59
2024-02-14 03:03:57
H game唔望遊戲性有幾好玩, 而佢真係好悶
H場面又麻麻地咁先衰(佢正式發售果陣既情況, 宜家唔知)

想佢出多D DOA既動畫
2024-02-14 03:35:39
2024-02-15 11:20:58
呢幾年steam幾隻3d h大作 subverse fallen doll
2024-02-15 12:07:41
2024-02-15 15:40:21
有生之年會唔會見到wild life做完
2024-02-16 22:51:18

2024-02-17 00:48:03

2024-02-18 08:55:09
放咗好多時間去she will punish them 個整容,同埋做室內設計。分享下啲相

2024-02-18 12:23:42
Intertwined 更新
2024-02-18 12:24:15
2024-02-18 13:02:01
fate collide
Progress report 3

Time for another public report!

No idea if it's because it's nightime, or I just wrote so so much in all my previous reports, but I'll keep this one short-ish.
Progress has been well. Slow, but well. Episode 1 stuff is getting close to completion, the nightclub, small park part and Levy thief remaining. I also feel the flow got even better in script, unlike the flow of my progress reports 🤣

We've reached around 1 100 renders now, and the nightclub looks even better than before. Rendering background characters without cheating (aka using monochrome characters that are just black/dark gray) will be tough, but the newer GPU is handling up to 15 npcs like a champ, and even up to 25 in some maps. Few chara intro animations should be in a week or so on the menu, can't wait for more animation pain DespairEmoji.

That's about it, more things to buy soon, new ep2 map needed, and also something regarding the intro when opening the game. Stay tuned for more!

Till next time, love you all
Kat <3
2024-02-18 13:03:52
twisted memories
Development update – Despair

I'm still pretty busy but I actually managed to get done with all the translating and putting everything into the script. Still, I can't release it yet as the game isn't in a releasable state right now. Most of what still remains to be done is proofreading so that its not completely unreadable, a bit of testing as well as some minor details, such as transitions and some small sfx here and there. Lastly there is one little coding thing I don't quite know how to do yet but I will figure something out. Its probably not that complicated, just a small pop-up to appear for when the bonus scene is unlocked but I'm sure I will find some code to copy from somewhere.
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞