[歐美H game]推介(9)

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2024-05-02 16:31:39
Desert Stalker

Dev log 28.04.2024
Hace un instante
This week I took a creative pause from Zahra's scene to continue the Queen's side quest. We're back in the arena, and Lirah is standing out because of her unwarranted remarks on the scene unfolding before her. But the Queen does not really like guards who act up or are defiant...
As I've mentioned before, I wanted to give a bit of backstory to Lirah (which was also frequently requested over the years) and make her less of a simple bystander, and this scene delves a bit into that. We will learn some things about the guard, and how Zeta is in her opinion not the ideal society she was brought up to believe.
I am trying to get the release ready for late May, but let's see about that. I can't say yet for certain!
Render progress:
Queen / Lirah / Talia: 25%
Date with Zahra: 60%
Igor visits Kateryna: 90%

First return home / Ain's introduction (d1c): 100%
Shani's introduction (d1d): 100%
Kyra in basement (d4a): 100%
Shani's workout (d4c + d5a): 100%
Ain's new room (d4f): 100%
Short distant Ivy cutscene (d4h): 100%
Lirah brings Emilia (d5h): 100%
Animations: 0%
Coding: 0%
2024-05-02 16:34:46
2024-05-02 16:45:50
Latest News
Hi everyone,

Here is an update on what's going on with the last release #12

Rendering is all done and all the post works on everything is done, that was a load of works correcting minor flaws in the images. All animations will be done and assemble today, including the extra latest additions.

Steam edits are also done so we are able to deliver a new build for approval! I will give you a link when it is done.

What need to be completed is the pacing and scenes ordering of R11 and R12 to include extra images and scenes so it work perfectly with the end sequences.

I may need to add minor things here and there once I test it assembled as I always do on every release to make it perfect, crossing fingers I do not need to do it this time.

Also missing many dialogues that is about 30% done because I was working on many other things mention above.

Hope you all doing good, thanks and take good care!
2024-05-02 17:13:47
Between Humanity
Development Log - 2024 #4
Hey there lovely people!

You are probably waiting for some news and I can tell you for sure, that this will be the last development log for version 0.2.

I'm approximately 90 - 95% done with the current scope. Some selected persons have already tested most of it and the proofreading effort is on track!

As some of you might know, this is my first project of this size and I'm really not the best at making good assumptions on how long I need for certain content to finish.

Despite working full time beside the development, it's quite tough to make good assumptions. But over the duration of the project, this will improve, as well as the quality of the game!

Let's talk about the game size: The current update is sitting at ~1400 renders and ~34000 words. As you can tell by comparison to last months devlog, I was missing a little bit of dialogue.

The finished update will probably have around 1500 renders, so you can definitely look forward to a few hours of additional content!

So, as you can tell, this update will be quite big and I'll definitely make version 0.3 a two-part project. (You can, of course, just wait for the final 0.3, but you're also very welcome to play the first part!)

Anyway, once I'm done with those remaining renders, I'll focus on the animations and smaller things like my 500+ code to-dos (Yay!)

That's it for today. Hope you're having a great week. The weekend comes soon!

Thank you all and take care! <3
2024-05-02 17:21:09
being a dik
Status update Episode 11
I've been working on a lewd scene for the entire week. It's mainly animation work, but I've also done some renders, code, and dialogue.

I'm almost done with this lewd scene; I need to create a few more animations before moving on. Afterward, I will pose static renders for normal scenes.

I believe I have four, possibly five, lewd scenes left to create for this episode. I have left some wiggle room in this area and will decide on it while creating a certain part of the episode. I will leave the remaining lewd scenes for a bit later. Now, I want to bump the static render count and rack up more potential previews.

Even with over 2000 renders produced, it's tricky to post previews because I don't want to spoil what I've been working hard on. I have several written scenes for which I'm dying to start working on art. Next week will be fun for me.
2024-05-02 17:32:56
twisted memories
Development showcase
Alright, as I said last week, this showcase is a mix of all kind of things.

Lets start things of with some teasers, although I don't have very many of those.

I pretty much only managed to finish the first variation for the morning scenes and a bit of the second, which isn't too little in terms of render count but still below what I can normally do in one week. The problem was that I probably overdid it a bit with this whole improvement business, as StudioNeo kept crashing while rendering. I'll probably get myself some bigger ram sticks next week and hope that that will solve the issue, otherwise I might have to tone it back down again, as rendering with constant crashes really is a pain in the buttocks.

But while where at it, here is a small comparison so you can see the actual improvements. All in all it pretty much boils down to up scaling which makes everything a sharper and some adjustments to the graphics preset to somewhat keep it with the old style of things. I think you can see the difference especially well if you pay attention to the hair.

You might have noticed over the last few development updates that I spend quite a bit of time tweaking and reworking things. Most of these changes are pretty small like changes to fingers, feet, position of eyes and other things that are not very noticeable. One thing I changes across the board however are the eye shaders, the biggest improvement being that they are a bit sharper and especially that they interact dynamically with lightning which should make the eyes look a bit more alive during animations. Here are just a few comparison shots.

Another bigger change are the characters heights. These have been all over the place right from v0.1. I did already do quite a bit of tweaking over the course of the updates, especially increasing the height of some of the characters on the lower end, but it remained messy and inconsistent. Accordingly I did take the time bring all the characters heights in line. There are still noticeable height differences but things should look less weird now and I think a bit more “realistic” In any case, here is a updated height comparison for (I think) all characters that made an appearance.

Its been quite a while since Julia's character preview, where I not only showed off her model but also her husbands. Her husband however I remade completely for his appearance in v0.9. Here is a look at his new model.

And lastly, because I wasn't able to finish it for the last showcase, here are a few previews of the last map for v0.9.

Anyway, that's it for this months showcase. I'm not going to lie, it wasn't quite as much progress as I was hoping for, but I got kind of lost in the whole improving and tweaking business. That said, I do think that the visuals are approaching a stage where I can say that I'm very happy with them and don't see too much more room for further improvements. Now I just have to hope that 24gb of additional ram will actually fix the crashes.
2024-05-05 00:10:44
F95 502
2024-05-05 01:18:02
Race of life更新
2024-05-05 17:37:57
2024-05-05 18:39:32
2024-05-05 22:46:03
2024-05-07 19:39:29
Summer story三年都未有戲肉不過算好玩既,都冇game好似
2024-05-07 19:48:36
睇個樣都係summer story姐係最多到九月暑假完,依家先7月頭到中仲有排,而且近排推多個啞妹配角出黎唔知有冇得食
鄰居同家姐好難簡,鄰居有得屌又淫,家姐放長線又正,點解冇得why not both
2024-05-07 19:59:00
cheat mode 不過我開哂data,屌完鄰居,都係miss咗唔少家姐,無點益kenny 真係搵唔到game似,summer with mia、restore career小小啦
2024-05-07 20:16:28
cheat mode都一樣,我樣樣都扯到數值爆都係miss左好多scene,例如最新果個素股scene我都睇唔到,佢D路線多到爆就算你數值一樣都唔一定入到條線都唔知佢點判定
twisted memories
deadmoon survival
sinful summer
heart problems
the inn
2024-05-07 20:28:57
劇情,最好focus返自己屋企嗰幾個,twist、heart problem都算,多返啲日常
2024-05-07 20:33:44
2024-05-11 00:28:18
屌,D撚樣真係好尻煩,已經轉左pfp仲想點。 班友係咁攞TM做籍口騷擾我個fd,要佢出手踢尻我,唔係就舉報我個fd個server
2024-05-11 00:48:08
你同你個FD FD唔FD?係FD既理撚得佢,相都轉埋佢點鋤得你入由鳩得佢report
2024-05-11 03:27:16
2024-05-11 06:20:13
我係about個到寫左個Avn list,其中一個係TM就咁啦
2024-05-11 06:21:04
2024-05-11 12:50:39
2024-05-11 13:53:44
2024-05-11 14:02:18
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞