[歐美H game]推介(9)

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2024-01-19 02:10:12
Tune in to the Show
Weekly update #119
Hey everyone, it's time for another weekly update!

This was a great week when it comes to productivity. First of all, the work on Episode 6 of Tune in to the show is going very well. I created 87 new renders this week, which means that the first big scene of in-game day 10 is already completed. I also wrote 1,700 words of the script. Currently, I'm working on the second major scene of the in-game day 10 (out of 4 big scenes overall). I think I should be able to finish the second scene next week and that's what I'll be focusing on.

I also managed to work on An Evening of Wonders, creating 31 new renders. I aim to get some writing done next week to keep the progress going.

From other things, my 25th birthday is tomorrow so I'll get a bit of rest I guess. This will be a bit of a weird one, but hopefully, I'll be able to celebrate the next birthday in a better real-life situation.

Anyhow, that's all for this week. Thank you so much for your support and reading, I hope your week was great,

2024-01-19 02:17:12
復活節星期一 4月1日 星期一
2024-01-20 12:05:22
2024-01-21 01:16:50
有冇d 似corruption 既game 推薦下?
2024-01-21 03:01:01
Corrupted hearts
A Promise Best Left Unkept
Hero Party Must Fall
sao 氣息遮斷魔法的陷阱(Sword Art Online: The Trap of Breath Concealed Magic)
Nebel Geisterjäger
2024-01-21 07:23:14
2024-01-22 20:30:38
Twisted memories
Development update – Teaser 3

There isn't that much to write about. All the renders are done although I was very tempted to redo one scene completely. I didn't do it though. At this stage of development I always think that all I did is bad, it has been that way for pretty much all updates so far. I normally only start liking it a few weeks after release so at this point its probably best just to stick with what I got.

Apart from that I'm busy translating. Its a tedious task but I'm getting there. I got about 100 pages of dialog done which is only about a third of all that I have to do, but I was still rendering at the start of the week and in general I didn't have awfully much time. I should be able to get a good amount more progress next week.

Anyway, I was considering not posting the last teaser today as I don't know whether I will need another dev update next week or not, but if necessary I still got a render of the MC sitting around waiting, so I'll probably just stick with whats tradition.
2024-01-23 02:47:51
2024-01-23 02:52:47
2024-01-23 02:53:47
2024-01-23 02:57:41
2024-01-23 03:09:30
先唔講外型同樣一樣係hs2 gen出黎似都唔出奇(雖然造型對比兩個真係8成似)
家姐外型性格對標penny,又係大學生IG KOL同part time model
2024-01-23 03:11:04
而且有D scene擺位角度角色造型姿勢真係似到eternum果個scene十足
2024-01-23 03:13:36
點解歐美H game啲女全部同會計妹一樣樣
2024-01-23 03:19:48
2024-01-28 03:26:34
City Devil: Restart更新
2024-01-28 03:27:48
巴打咁夜仲mon 住
2024-01-28 03:31:16
2024-01-28 16:39:52
想問有冇啲類似karryn's prison既game推介?
2024-01-28 19:51:21
Waifu academy更新
2024-01-28 20:50:22
2024-01-29 01:37:51
2024-01-29 01:54:34
2024-01-29 19:09:34
2024-01-29 19:36:07
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞