[歐美H game]推介(9)

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2024-01-03 01:15:02
Twisted memories
Development update – Happy New Year 2024!

Alright, December has been a pretty rough month for the games development, especially the past few weeks. I got a few good hours in since the holidays, but progress still has been pretty marginal.

I did however have an idea and honestly, I really don't know how I didn't have this one earlier. Its not that big of a deal, basically one additional minor scene in between the morning and the mall scenes, as well as a few very small changes to two other scenes. All of these I've finished in the past few days. It would probably have been better to already set this up during v0.7, but its not really a problem and it really is just a very minor change to make the Leo side story in v0.8 a bit smoother.

Apart from that I've been working on the second of the three big lewd scenes of the update, but I didn't manage to get awfully far into it, mostly because of the amount of animations. That said, I do really start to feel pretty confident in my animating capability, both in terms of the quality of the final result and the speed in which I am able to do them. I do however already know that the third lewd scene of v0.8 is going to challenge this confidence a bit, as it will be something quite a bit different from what I've done so far.

All in all, there are actually not that many more scenes that I need to do, although some of them are pretty big and the biggest chunk of animations still remains to be done as well. Release in January is still my goal, but early January will not be it.

Anyway, there will be another teaser next week. Instead I wanted to change the old banner for some time now, as it was pretty boring and I thought the new year could be a great opportunity for that. So here is a little render of the roster of girls, including a first glimpse at the last side girl which is going to await you next year.

I hope you're all going to have a great start into 2024. Its going to be a good one, I can feel it.
2024-01-03 05:25:28
第一次玩love & sex second base睇住攻略玩都玩唔掂,但又好過癮,禁下禁下又天光
2024-01-03 06:54:04
once in a lifetime同mist都幾正 都係故事越睇越冇心打J
once in a lifetime係第一眼唔慣 玩落唔覺 而且個個都啱口味 stepmom Carla好正 仲有對姐妹&同學 係老師差少少
mist可能因為係偽sandbox 有種一齊生活嘅感覺 robin mia好正 後面出場嘅女就相對地唔太夠時間培養感情

2024-01-03 12:47:29
岩啊 而且正在完結到...E 家隻隻爛尾/拖戲
2024-01-03 13:51:11
呢隻game 我玩精翻有bug
去到小組討論 對話同張圖唔夾
sorry for 1999
2024-01-03 15:19:10
maya個新髮型真係麻麻衰過以前,反而josy carry到佢個雙馬尾,saga直頭變左milf
2024-01-03 15:19:48
2024-01-03 15:20:35
2024-01-03 17:20:50
shushine love個偽後宮end感覺先似係現實,行哂後宮線俾班女同時發現左之後修羅場爆炸
2024-01-04 00:49:28
2024-01-04 02:34:36
2024-01-04 02:43:23
corrupted hearts果然冇令我失望,slow burn既NTR故心理描寫得幾出色,推薦鍾意NTR故既玩下,之後更新仲係維持水準既話可以考慮上T0
2024-01-04 22:31:32
12女神 以越南神話作背景
似啲轉生輕小說 有外掛幫佢

2024-01-04 22:35:23
2024-01-04 22:38:35
開頭係麻麻 之後好少少
2024-01-08 04:44:27
有無類似 summertime saga或者 treasure of nadia 玩法既介紹
2024-01-08 12:34:58
2024-01-08 12:48:01
2024-01-08 14:27:16
farmer dream
mythic manor
lust theory
2024-01-08 14:28:25
Dear Beloved AOA Academy Community,

I hope this message reaches you amidst a community known for its resilience and passion for gaming. It is with a heavy heart that I, TrueLove Games, the real developer of AOA Academy, address you today.

Regrettably, internal conflicts within our development team have reached a point where we must make a difficult announcement. AOA Academy, a project that we poured our hearts and souls into, has been unfortunately abandoned due to irreconcilable internal disputes.

The decision to abandon AOA Academy was not made lightly, and we understand the disappointment and frustration this news may cause among our dedicated player base. Our team has been navigating through complex internal challenges that regrettably reached an impasse, leaving us with no choice but to halt further development on the project.

We want to express our deepest gratitude for the unwavering support you've shown us throughout this journey. Your enthusiasm has been a driving force, and we are sincerely sorry that we cannot fulfill the promises we made to deliver a completed game.

We understand that this announcement may bring about numerous questions and concerns. We are committed to transparency and are willing to address any inquiries you may have through our official channels.

Thank you for being an integral part of the AOA Academy community. We deeply regret that we cannot bring the game to fruition as envisioned, and we appreciate your understanding during this challenging time.

Wishing you all the best,

TrueLove Games

2024-01-08 20:46:23
依隻正 仲要係個勢最勁個陣abandoned 依家睇嚟似係分贓唔均
2024-01-08 20:51:59
2024-01-09 03:56:03
Hello everyone! I wish you the best for 2024

Waifu Academy 0.11 Update is still planted to get out within ~10 days.
A short update, yet in preparation of a way bigger one.
2024-01-09 13:43:30
Twisted memories
Development update – Teaser 2
I'm not going to tell you that I caught back up completely but I actually think its been a pretty good week. I got done with the 2nd big lewd scene, which did take a while as it not only has completely separated corruption and seduction variations, but the seduction one also has another special variation on top of that (which once again is also splits into two different mini-variations). Apart from that I finished the last scene of the beach part of the update, as well as a very small dialog scene and I also started the 3rd lewd scene.

Here I didn't get very far into it yet, as this scene does have quite a lengthy dialog part at the beginning. After this scene there are only two more remaining, one smaller dialog scene as well as the big finale. Depending on how things go I might be able to get done with rendering next week, but as I've already said in the last dev update, it might depend on how the animations for the 3rd lewd scene go, as I think that they could be quite challenging. The final scene also isn't exactly small but it is the type of scene where I should be able to get a lot of renders done in a relatively short time. I do want to get this one just right though, as I hope for it to be something special.

After rendering there is still the usual to do, meaning translating, putting everything into the script, audio and polish. I would like to try to get everything into the update right from the beginning this time around, especially the h-sfx which I also still have to do for v0.7 retroactively but I'll wait before deciding on how to go about that until I see how the development further progresses.

Anyway, here are a few teasers.
2024-01-11 15:51:52
treasure of nadia 有續集 - The genesis order,
依家v94, 差唔多完成

有冇玩返佢前作 - Lust Epidemic?
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞