[歐美H game]推介(9)

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2024-04-16 09:53:33
好期待Viki回合 對女仔係自己面前流眼淚完全冇抵抗力 唔知mc可以點樣解結 生日走去拒絕人真係唔得掂
勁期待再之後嘅發展 Viki Catherine同mc一組 如果viki見到Catherine同mc相處尷尷尬尬咁 個場面一定勁正
2024-04-16 10:10:06
2024-04-16 12:16:16
2024-04-16 12:18:59
依家佢個thread只要講親eternum就會俾admin del都唔知係咪同admin有路唔俾講
2024-04-16 12:44:17
2024-04-16 12:55:49
emily太幼又唔靚性格唔啱feel 冇興趣但係mc又追住轉 多篇幅但係唔多描寫 得米就不斷h同h 而且一直覺得唔應該搞呀妹 越睇越燥
同比stephanie都多描寫談下情 楚楚可憐又gfable又重視朋友 表情神態又多又可愛又鳩下鳩下咁

Cathrine表白嗰段真係要講多次勁好睇 男女兩面嘅內心獨白 一幕成十幾個神態眼神轉變加埋對楚楚可憐嘅眼望住 女神就係雖然唔係好靚好sexy但就係令人忍唔住中意佢 睇到代入埋自己以前回憶

唔討厭呀男朋友仔 希望佢都有個好結局
覺得佢同Cathrine同樣諗對方係唯一先"註定"一齊 從Cathrine角度睇又唔似好中意佢 同mc對話完又若有所思咁
另一邊又好似mc鏡像咁 同leo/stephanie咁loser嚟 不過好彩遇到Cathrine一直係身邊 相反mc唔上心同本身似仆街多 就一個個伴都漏晒
2024-04-16 13:24:22
作者係Discord send左四張圖,佢執左Emily個樣
2024-04-16 15:00:53
2024-04-16 15:08:36

The reason I wanted to tweak her face as a whole was because I feel like she can look a bit weird from some angles, especially due to the depth of her eye sockets.

I'm currently playing around with the lip gloss for all characters. They probably won't stay this shiny, just so that I still have room to increase the gloss for special occasions.

Her eye size is also reduced a bit to compensate for the longer eye lashes. I think that also plays its part in her looking a bit more grown up.

For this model my intention was only to get rid of some weirdness and to make her look better. I do agree though that she ends up looking a bit older.
2024-04-16 15:23:58
btw,聽講最後一個side Li有兩個預測,最大機會一個係估係果個醫生係lola老母而另一個就係醫生係aden老母,後者既話aden俾mc NTR條女仲俾mc屌老母真係得個慘字
2024-04-16 15:27:43
2024-04-16 15:43:03
2024-04-16 15:45:06
2024-04-16 15:57:15
There isn't actually that much to forget about what happened with the girls in the original timeline as the information about that is quite sparse in the game and most of that you got about right. Non of the main girls had a awfully fulfilling live though. Alyvia got it somewhat together after her first marriage but she remained scarred, Emily handled herself probably the best of all the girls but she grew very distant with everything from her past, Jacky pretty lonely and most of the time drunk, Cathrine very successful but childless and kind of bitter. Stephanie and Viktoria probably got it the worst.
About Leo I actually haven't thought that much. I think he did alright though.
2024-04-16 16:06:06
Jacky因為無左份工導致Ben係Z school個陣家庭崩潰,做清潔工頂住頭家,跟住發生好多事,有次比婚姻失敗Alyvia講左句野hurt到,一蹶不振。
2024-04-16 16:08:19
2024-04-16 16:13:24

2024-04-16 16:15:00
2024-04-16 16:16:49
There isn't actually that much to forget about what happened with the girls in the original timeline as the information about that is quite sparse in the game and most of that you got about right. Non of the main girls had a awfully fulfilling live though. Alyvia got it somewhat together after her first marriage but she remained scarred, Emily handled herself probably the best of all the girls but she grew very distant with everything from her past, Jacky pretty lonely and most of the time drunk, Cathrine very successful but childless and kind of bitter. Stephanie and Viktoria probably got it the worst.
About Leo I actually haven't thought that much. I think he did alright though.
Jacky因為無左份工導致Ben係Z school個陣家庭崩潰,做清潔工頂住頭家,跟住發生好多事,有次比婚姻失敗Alyvia講左句野hurt到,一蹶不振。



2024-04-16 16:24:35
2024-04-16 16:54:07
睇字都覺得慘 真係要好好愛護step同家姐老母
唔知結局係超自然定點收科 不過其實今世搞incest+後宮end班女又會幸福咩 雖然九成都係追撚含搞多p good end

2024-04-16 17:40:12
dead moon survival
sinful summer
2024-04-17 07:57:49
睇返F95 Baibai嘅reply,佢嘅靈感來源係尼套漫畫,阿妹同Emily個髮型一樣
While I wouldn’t call it an adaptation, I got the initial idea and a lot of inspiration for this game from this one: https://hitomi.la/cg/gaki-ni-modott...d-and-starting-over!!!-english-1856219.html#1
2024-04-18 23:33:05
DeadMoon Survival / Stage of of the game

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well and had a good week-end.
Several people have been asking me about the progress of the game's story, especially regarding its lifespan. And today, we're going to talk about it, as it's an important topic. Especially at the current stage of the game.
I mentioned a few posts earlier that I was considering releasing an update a month after version 0.8 or sticking to the usual update schedule, which would take a few months. Given the situation, as you may have guessed, the month has long passed, and the first option is no longer feasible. But there have been further changes.
Considering the progress, my personal resources in terms of time and capability, I had to make a decision about the game. It means that we've reached a point in the storyline where it could split into two different stories. One short, the other long.
What I mean by that is, before starting the game, I had envisioned two possible scenarios. One was a very long story that would have greatly expanded the game's universe and its external world, involving the integration of several new characters throughout the story, new communities, and new mysteries. And another, shorter story, which would have focused exclusively on the group we're currently following.
I won't lie to you, as the story progresses, it becomes more complex and time-consuming. And the support you've given me is immense, I'm very grateful for it, but unfortunately, we're too far from the goal that would allow us to develop the game full-time. Given the evolution of the game, as you may have understood, I unfortunately don't have the luxury of choosing the long scenario that would expand the game's universe. It would take far too many years and sacrifices.
Since DMS is a project dear to my heart and one that we love working on, (and I hope this is evident through the game); I want to deliver a quality ending rather than a bad one, and above all, I don't want the game to be abandoned during its development.
So, for the reasons mentioned above, we will choose the shorter scenario, which will provide an ending at the crucial moment, the moment I had envisioned. As you may have understood, the story of DMS will soon come to a conclusion. Very soon.
What does this mean in terms of the number of updates remaining? That's probably the question on your mind.
For now, it's quite hard to say exactly since the envisioned scenes are always longer and more complex to realize than expected. So, expect either two updates or a final one that will be huge.
Thank you again for your support guys, I really appreciate it and I hope you'll like what we have planned.
By the way, I'll be posting a few new teasers, but unfortunately not many, (and no spicy ones since none have been created yet at the moment) as they would spoil the story too much.
That's all for today, I wish you a great day/evening.

Stay Tuned
Hot Tomato
2024-04-19 08:38:02
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