[歐美H game]推介(9)

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2024-04-02 01:08:15
2024-04-02 01:38:58
waifu academy
Previews, ETA and "support"
Hello fellow people of culture o/

Here are some WIP estimations :
-Storyboard : 100% (A whole school day with full activities~)
-Renders/Animations : 30%
-Dialogue : 20%
-Script : 5%

We are fully working on renders and dialogue right now, it's the most extensive part of the production since I want to keep the high quality for both. The Patreon issue being stressful slowed me down slightly for a week, but we are on a good pace. Still a couple of months of work will be required to have a good idea for a release date.


A word about the "support": First you guys have nothing to worry about me finishing what I started and I will never abandon the game.
But as I said in my previous post the Free Subscribtion option from Patreon hurt us financially. Mostly because the majority of your support lies in the 3$ pledge and unfortunately recently a lot of you decided to downgrade to Free membership.
Then the recent Patreon suspension canceled the payout and froze all of your pledges, leaving us with no ressources for March. Don't worry you guys haven't been debited, and will only be upon April 5.
If you want to help us a bit you can upgrade your pledge just for April, then go back to what you were before. You can also update your membership in March or cancel the frozen pledge and pledge again, both will work.

This is not an obligation, or even a complain. If you can't afford to help us a bit this month you will never be blamed, I'm already glad and thankful for the support you already provided.


The previews are "tame" to avoid any trouble... Join us on Discord to get more wild~ renders and previews in the upcoming days.

2024-04-02 01:48:01
Race of Life
Development Update - 29.03.2024
Hello everyone!
I finished all the images for 3.1! 🥳 I even managed to make 9 animations. I hope to finish all the animations by the end of next week - only rendering will remain then. Additionally, of course, I still need to make the extra scene, but I'll only focus on that after finishing everything for 3.1, so that beta testers have time to test the entire update. There's really not much left - add music, make sure everything works, and create the extra scene. I think in the next development update, I'll be able to give you a release date and exact numbers of renders and animations in the upcoming 3.1 update 😊
As I mentioned last time - Italian language and a new UI are now available on Steam. Currently, we are finishing work for Episode 1 on the Latin American Spanish and Polish languages, so these will likely be the next languages available in the demo on Steam. If you know any language other than English (while also having a high level of proficiency in English) and would like to help us translate Race of Life or be a proofreader for another language - feel free to reach out to us on Patreon or on Discord!
Also, this month, 2 girls won the wallpaper poll - if you're curious about what the wallpapers with Maggie and Jasmine look like, you can check them out here.

Few words from Joshua as well 🙂
Work is continuing well. I've drafted the bonus scene, and 3.2 is continuing on-pace. I've managed to update a lot of administrative stuff on the back end too, mostly just spreadsheets that keep track of variables and stuff, but also I've started mapping out the choices in a new program. It might help, or it might not. It's worth a try, I don't want to leave a plot line hanging for too long.

3.1 isn't too far away now. We're not precisely sure when it'll release, but we should know soon. I can't wait for you guys to check it out. The translations are also continuing, and our translators are really getting into some details that I'd never thought of. So many idioms and puns just don't work when translated, so they're adding their own creative flair where appropriate, which is awesome. Honestly, it's pretty humbling just to know that people want the game in another language. Having cross-cultural appeal isn't something I thought about when writing most of it, but I'm certainly not against it at all.

Apart from that, I did manage to get to the Melbourne Formula 1 Grand Prix last weekend, which was a lot of fun. I don't think any sane person can deny that Max Verstappen is an exceptional driver, and in years to come people will appreciate having seen him dominate the sport, but it was nice to get a race where he wasn't just lapping way out in front (apologies to the Dutch fans, but I'm sure Max will have plenty of success in the rest of the season). Melbourne has a massive Italian community on the other side of the city from the race track, so I joined in with some of the Tifosi (Ferrari fans) on a pilgrimage to Lygon st in Carlton, the centre of the Italian community in Melbourne to join in the party to celebrate the Ferrari win.

And what a party it was. Loads of beautiful Ferrari's lined the street, that they'd blocked off to keep the celebrations contained, Rosso Red everywhere, and all the Italian food you could ever dare to poke a Nonna at—all washed down with plenty of wine, naturally.

That took a bit to recover from. I was even wearing McLaren merch, but it didn't matter. Ferrari win, and everyone in Carlton is instantly both a fan, and an Italian, or Italian-Australian at least.

As promised from last time, here are the character playlists I listen to while writing. I only have them on Youtube music at the moment though. If people want them on soundcloud and spotify, I can do that next.

Stay tuned!
2024-04-02 01:55:47
fate collide
Progress report 5
Hello hello!

Few more weeks passed, so good time for progress report.
As many might know from my Discord, there has been unfortunately some IRL happenings that steered me of course for a solid week. Most likely due to stress and a flight, dad was rushed to a hospital presumably due to a blood clot. He is better now and he returned home, but it'd be a lie to say that I was focused on work at all in that week, while going few times in the week to visit him in hospital at the critical state area.
Besides that, I am relatively fine myself, had some period where I slightly fell mentally so I am again trying my best to pick myself up, and even exercise a bit.
From the game perspective, obviously less progress than planned due to everything, but still decent all things considered. We've hit 1800 total renders! That's 300+ from last report. And most importantly, FINALLY I am done with the hell called Nightclub. All renders are done inside it, just some walk home left. Honestly it was such a huge painpoint so I am really glad to be done with it, but I think it looks amazing with no expense at quality.
Meaning from renders for Ep1, only areas left are:
- Raiko park encounter (still on hold due to outfit issues)
- Levy thief encounter (on hold due to outfit issues)
- Changed walk home
After that, some animations, music, proofreading, and most likely some test between a few players to see how it stacks up compared to old ep1 content and if there are any issues I've missed.

As always, thank you for your patience, and love you all
Kat <3
2024-04-02 03:44:03
2024-04-02 03:44:55
2024-04-02 07:25:06
2024-04-02 10:27:02
2024-04-02 11:16:12
2024-04-02 12:37:33
Twisted個discord有人推薦Oppai Odyssey,有冇師兄玩過
2024-04-02 13:22:08
呢隻係好正 雖然得兩條女但有埋百合線 張圖又好易fake臭人
2024-04-02 13:25:40
2024-04-02 13:27:03
2024-04-02 18:38:00
twisted memories
Development Showcase 1/3

Alright, as I was making this post it turned out that Subscribestar has a limit of 20 attachments per post. This kind of sucks but for now I just split the showcase into 3 parts. For next time I will look for a better way to do this.

I don't want too bother you with too much text in these showcases and let the images speak for themselves instead. Accordingly, lets start with most relevant parts for v0.9: The inside of Viktorias and Julias home.
As I said in the last development update, I probably overdid it a bit with the kitchen. Here is a little video to show you what I meant. I normally don't like bragging, but I'm almost certain that you won't see stuff like that in any other honey select game.
2024-04-02 19:38:23
三人行唔知要等幾年 老母仲係企咁硬
2024-04-02 20:01:25
2024-04-02 20:47:58
2024-04-02 20:54:42
2024-04-02 21:40:07

Artemis DevLog CH6
It's April 1st, as most of you know
Last week has been an uneventful week with mostly posing and rendering. Alongside some coding. Testing a couple of things with the code last week as well. One of them is a feature I hope to implement, aiming to make more use of the wallpaper feature when unlocking them. Another is story-related that I hope I can pull off because it would really elevate the scene I need it for a lot. Granted the scene itself is impactful by itself. It's not a minigame or anything like that, but if I can dial it in just right. I think it'd be really cool.
I do have some unfortunate news about the translation. I've decided I won't be working on it any further. I've got enough on my plate as I'm trying to focus most of my time on getting CH6 out the door. The translation just required too much of my attention, and I just had to shut it down for now. I can't say when I'll start it up again, as every development cycle, there's a lot to do. Same reason why I haven't done an official walkthrough. There's a lot to juggle each cycle Some of the extra things like translation, walkthrough often I rely on others to complete but end up falling short. Primarily why I work solo as its difficult to have like minds align.
That wraps it up for this week. Also, it's rare we get a devlog on the first of the month. So, I wanted to share this preview
Artificial life, exploring natural life.

Have yourselves a wonderful week.

2024-04-02 21:42:58
a mother's love

Happy Easter Everyone !
Happy Easter everyone, have you found your chocolate eggs yet? If not, Bunny Nicole is always waiting for you to accompany her this time of the year. Of course, even if you're not celebrating Easter, Bunny Nicole still awaits for your arrival. ;)

I hope you're weekend is going great, and for those celebreating Easter that you are having a wonderful time with your friends and families. Make sure to eat lots of chocolates!
2024-04-02 21:44:29
2024-04-02 21:59:36
Hello everyone,

I hope you're all doing well!

I'm happy to share another update on the progress of Between Humanity.
Starting mid next week, I'll finally have a week and a half off for some much-needed vacation (*cough* work on the game) time. During this, my goal is to translate the remaining story and creating renders for those last scenes. Additionally, when beta testing and proofreading starts, I'll work on the remaining animations, sound, and code-related tasks. This includes animations for main menu and for some story scenes, making adjustments to Chapter 1 content, and some QOL improvements.

Currently, I'm reworking one of the earlier scenes for Chapter 2, as I think it doesn't meet the standards I've set for myself (those standards keep rising, tell them to stop). I intend to fine-tune certain renders and dialogue lines in the first two Chapter 2 scenes as well. I noticed they were rushed in terms of character development, and I would like to have more of a natural progression.

Also a little extra for those who enjoy statistics (like me): Chapter 2 currently sits at approximately 23,000 words and around 1,100-1,200 renders. GitHub shows 139 modified files, including 4,500 additions and 2,200 deletions, excluding any 0.2 story files. Which is quite a lot (I also updated the phone framework).

I'll provide another update towards the end of the month.
Stay tuned, and have a great week!
2024-04-02 22:11:01
chasing sunset

Power surges suck!
Spring is here, and Stone Fox Studios wishes all of you a happy Easter!

In what I wish was an April Fools joke, we had a massive development system failure mid-March. To make a long story short, a power supply failed in such a way as to smoke the motherboard as well. Given the unique storage setup, only two AM4 motherboards on the market provided the right combination of M.2 slots and GPU slots, both of which are out of production.

Emergency replacement parts were ordered the same day, but have taken some time to arrive and finalize installation. The bits came together with the full restoration of the dev rig backup image this evening.

While Kentyrr still had plenty of art to work on, a 10-day production hit for Stoya still hurts, though the impact to the project timline was minimal, it does ratchet up the pressure as we close in on the Chapter 9 end zone.

As of this writing, there are about six scenes left before we're ready to put out a beta, but half of those are comparatively small. At this point, I'm hoping to have something out to testers in a month or so, provided there are no additional motherboard-frying shenanigans.

In addition to the new content, Chapter 9 will also include changes to the preceding eight chapters that are mostly corrective, and represent a variety of bug fixes, spelling and grammatical errors, and even a few broken forks.

As we get closer to release, as always, expect the preview images and updates to occur more regularly.

As always, you can expect a wide variety of unique settings for the coming instalment. After the last episode focused on moving the story forward, we're past due for spending some time in the heads of protagonists as they examine what they really want, and what they're willing to do to get it.

We'll tease more of what's to come in the weeks leading up to beta.


Kent and Stoya​
2024-04-02 22:26:04

Chapter III Preview #2

Hi everyone,

Sorry for providing a very quiet month in terms of Patreon content.

Things have been quite busy on my side. I have done the introduction part for the new chapter and mostly finished setting up Chapter 2 for release on various other platforms.

There has also been a small update that gives you the ability to add custom names to save menu pages.

Now, I can come back and work on the more exciting part of the update - dates with the girls at the amusement park!
2024-04-02 22:46:15
element 174更新
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