[歐美H game]推介(9)

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2023-12-25 21:57:18

2023-12-25 21:58:07
有冇人覺得Being a DIK ep10啲女柒左好多
仲有Nora 今次唔知做咩變到成個黑人咁
等左成年先出 但啲女咁柒真係好失望

2023-12-25 22:00:13
執漏個表,原本fate collide以下T0果幾隻都應該要落T1度
2023-12-26 06:14:42
年更真係冇問題 但啲女可摸以靚返
2023-12-26 06:59:58
Acting lessons嗰陣Megan序幕最靚 後面冇咁靚 轉髮型就再差啲
Melissa就相反 最開始唔太靚 執過就勁靚

2023-12-26 07:08:14
你玩下就會明 今次更新真係搞唔撚掂
2023-12-26 18:25:08
Pale carnations
Hana做咗女朋友 不過忍唔住開後宮
2023-12-26 18:32:27
2023-12-26 19:39:48
又要等更新 空虛
2023-12-27 14:58:31
Ok Ty
2023-12-27 16:02:01

Merry Christmas and a small progress update!

Merry Christmas everyone!
If you are celebrating or not, I hope you still enjoy these holiday days and take it easy with a cake or two 🍰

Here are Serena and Eiko wishing you some amazing holidays too. Serena heard Eiko was all alone and came for a surprise visit with gifts 😊

I decided to also bundle a progress report here, which is the 2nd one so far (first one is here, it's for patrons only). I won't repeat too much of the first progress, but so far, this 1 month was... Good. Christmas related activities definitely took a bit of time, and I had covid in the first 2 weeks, but besides that, I've been working hard on Ep4.5. The script/dialogue is much much better now in Episode 1, with lots of problematic or weird choices removed, covid talk gone, changed/removed that old story that was supposed to have gang wars lol etc. I am much happier with Episode 1 script now and I think I managed to fix all loopholes inside of it. Episode 2 still left to do. Some stuff I won't say here as they are new additions, and some I already said in previous report, so I hope people will enjoy all that when it comes ^^

Last two weeks were on renders focused and they've been extremely tough for multiple reasons. When I started working on remastering them, I quickly realized that my thinking of "replace old characters with new + new lightning" isn't as simple as it sounded in my head. Not only did some of the old scenes load a bit weird (sure, I can still remove charas+ lights myself), but some scenes turned to be... flat out broken. Like bugged broken, that I showcased in my patreon discord channel. It could be related how my studio used to be broken for a whole year during ep1-3, but whatever the reason is, it makes the old scenes basically useless, meaning I need to make them from scratch. And once I started hitting that roadblock, I asked on my discord server for people to tell me which maps and character clothes they found the best/worst in ep1-3, and I got a ton of responses (if you wish, you can write on this post too!) It turns out a lot of ppl noticed some worse looking maps, mostly the bad textures (like that airplane with Koko, metro with Avis), and I took those comments to heart. Why use the exact same old map that people dislike if there might be a new map available now, as hs2 isn't brand new like back then with limited choices? Same with clothes. For some stuff I might not have a replacement, but those are quite rare (supermarket possibly).
So I am doing exactly that, I am checking the map/scenes options now and looking at what can be improved. I am also commissioning maps (aka using the patrons support to pay modders to make maps for me), and you will see a few maps first time ever in my ep4.5, never seen before in any other VN due to it 👀
I've also had some people actually go through my game a bit more in depth (and not just looking at the girls and butts), and even they saw multiple plotholes which just proves even more that my decision to fix old stuff was the right one. The journey won't be an easy one, but I am working my damnest to make it best I can so I don't have any more regrets, and also the fastest so we can finally continue with Ep5 too. It might not be in 3 months as I hoped, but I'll do everything I can to do it fast, as I am still relatively free in life.

And of course, patrons can expect in a few weeks the very first sneak peeks preview, altho I posted quite a few behind the scene work in my patreon discord channel already 😁

Thank you for reading, your patience, and I wish you once again a Merry Christmas and an enjoyable week ^^

Love you all, Kat <3
2023-12-27 16:05:04
Twisted memories

2023-12-27 16:10:39
Pale carnation
Hello all, Merry Christmas and a happy holiday from TD and GIL.
This post will be the final dev diary of 2023 and a summation of all we are thankful for.
But, for those who don't care about that last bit, let's get the business out of the way. All told, as of December 22nd (writing this a little earlier due to the holidays), Ch4Up4 sits at:
1,712 statics images, 37 animations, and 38,339 words.
That's a total of 293 images, 3 webms, and 5,977 words added to the project since the last developer diary 12 days ago.
The art exhibition of Felicia's date has almost been completed, and after that, we move on to the more intimate "post-art stuff" scenes. We hoped to be further along than this by the end of the month, but the numbers over the last month or so speak for themselves. This will be a heavier update than the previous couple, and I think people will be overwhelmingly pleased with the steamy direction the penultimate scenes can take.
After this update, you can expect the next couple to feature a varied, fun interplay of characters besides the typical singular (and separate) focus that has been the order of business of the "Hana update," "Mina update," "Veronica update," and "Felicia update" for the last year and a half. I think I'll finally have the whole cast more or less where I need them to be in relation to the player character going into week 4, and that should open up some. However, this is getting considerably ahead of ourselves, as we still need to wrap up Ch4Up4!
Now, to get to the sappy stuff...
Thank you all for another fantastic year. It's crazy to me to think that we will be coming up on the 4th anniversary of our initial release next April. That's four years of having the privilege of doing what I enjoy, working with a man who has become my best friend in a medium I love, and being graced with the generosity of strangers who find our collaboration worthy of financial support. My life has changed over the past four years, but this project has been a splendid, gratifying, enriching constant. I've spoken with many wonderful fans, had the help and technical support of many strangers, learned new skills, and it has helped cut through the malaise of daily life.
On the face of it, it may just be a smut game from a porn-addicted mind, but I really do believe it to be an endeavor that has helped me grow as a person and has been a vehicle to experience new perspectives and feelings.
So, thank you from the bottom of my coomer heart. I hope all of you have had an incredible year, and regardless, I hope 2024 knocks it out of the water.
We love you guys.
2023-12-27 16:12:33
A mother's love

December? Already? Time really flew this year, didn't it? For those who are celebrating Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful and jolly time. And for those who are alone, or isn't celebrating, may these photos of Nicole Heavens keep you warm through the time.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday everyone! Keep warm, and if where you're from isn't cold, stay cool. See you soon.
2023-12-27 16:15:49

# v0.23 update information

> Hello dear subscribers,
> I would like to announce the news about Agent17 v0.23.
> The current overall progress of v0.23 is 85%.
> Unfortunately, this work is behind schedule.
>December is impossible to complete.
> I will continue to try my best and **aim to finish it by the end of January**.
> Let me tell you a little bit about v0.23.

## 1. Added late night

> Added late night time.
> You can do activities late at night.

## 2. Information menu

> Added a system to record the number of times you have sex.
> Added semen measurement system.

## The suspicious phone button has been removed.

> (You can open it in your inventory.)

## The appearance of the protagonist has been remade

>A little more handsome than before...? After all, he is still an idiot, haha.

## Mom’s appearance remade (remade version)

Due to the redesigned appearance and many UI and functional updates, this forced me to spend more time on it.

Thank you for your continued support.

Merry Chrismas!

----Messenger from Discord channel
2023-12-27 16:30:43
Corrupted hearts

Hey everyone!

Merry Christmas from Sinful Studios! We're thrilled to announce our latest v0.3.5 update, which we believe will be more exciting and fun for all you devoted NTR lovers out there compared to our previous releases.

This update was exciting to develop (involving sleepless nights, sigh) that we hope will make your holiday season even spicier 😉

As we enter into the festive spirit of giving, we want to give the NTR community an update that is our biggest yet (as a special Christmas surprise *wink wink* ). So, don't mind the version numbering since we have to go easy on them.

With over 335+ renders, including intense scenes, dramatic confrontations, and choices to make, it will be one hell of a ride throughout the 19,000+ words in this update.

This time, you guys have to be careful with making choices since the training wheels are off from this update onwards.

The updates from here on would carry choices that would affect not only your life as the MC but also those around you, especially Clara and Anna.

You will see how your choices can also affect their choices or what they might do. So think twice before you decide something.

Your patience and love will be tested.

But enough talk about the juicy stuff, and let's get to the programming side.

We've fixed some bugs in the last build and gave a modest revamp of the UI. Hope you guys love the new design 😄

So why wait any longer? If you haven't already done so, click on the download post above and enjoy!

For those of you who are not part of our Patron family, no need to fret.

Either give us a chance by supporting us and getting the update earlier, or no worries at all. The public release will be within two weeks 😄

Either way, you won't regret it – trust us, this update is our best yet.

Once again, we'd like to extend our sincerest thanks to everyone who has supported us since the beginning.

It greatly helped to receive words of support and encouragement from you guys.

Merry Christmas, and happy playing!

Thank you for supporting us,

Sinful Studios

Change log,

19,000+ words

335+ Renders

UI overhaul

New music and SFX added (Unfortunately, no lewd sfx yet due to constraints 😩 )
2023-12-27 16:45:05
Friends in need

Dev Update! 12/26/23
Hey, hey! How's it going, friends? Hope everyone had a great holiday (or a great Monday, if you don't celebrate!) As most of you are likely aware, the new update is out, as well as a free teaser which contains roughly 400 images. I fell short of getting everything into the update that I wanted, but I'm going to work on expanding the content a bit for the public release. Speaking of which, the release schedule will be as follows.

$5 - 1/1/24

$2 - 1/4/24

Public - 1/7/24

Big thanks to everyone who responded to my prompt for messages to include in the livestream section of the game. You folks rock! Sorry if I missed yours - I was in a bit of a time crunch while I was doing them.

There's a decent-sized social media component for this chapter, which enabled me to reuse some renders from a previous Wanton Weekends post focusing on Brittani's Picogram account. But, since I was in a rush, I wasn't really able to make them look as good as I wanted to. I'm going to see if I can find a way to frame them for a 1920x1080 display size, without obscuring too much of the art, while still making them look like pseudo-Instagram images. We'll see how it goes.

My plan is to catch my breath for a couple days, before I move into working on some additional scenes for the public update. Between the holidays and the rigors of release day, ol' Neon's a bit tuckered out.

Finally, I'll reiterate that if you want to enjoy the full benefits of your membership, you should link your Patreon and Discord accounts, and join my channel. New game builds usually make it up there at least an hour before they show up on Patreon.

I'm still in cool-down mode after a rough couple weeks, so I'll keep it short and sweet this week, leaving you with some 'avatar' images for various new faces you'll meet in this update. As always, take care of yourselves, thank you for your support, and Happy Holidays!
2023-12-27 16:57:06
her little secret無啦啦轉左onhold
2023-12-27 17:02:39
2023-12-27 17:11:58
My bully is my lover
2023-12-27 17:14:54
Radiant CH6: Progress Report #1
Just a quick one:

Progress on the sixth chapter is well underway. We're four scenes down, and the next two should be finished in 2-3 days. If you haven't already you can go check out the progress tracker which I updated yesterday. Chapter Six, in total, will likely be around 22 "scenes," meaning we're approximately 18% finished with it. I'll post some previews for it in the next devlog.

I will also finish working on v0.5.3 as soon as I'm able, which won't contain any new content but will be the final build for Chapter 5, containing the ending credits, some additional fixes/polish, etc. That being said, if you haven't yet played CH5 there's no need to wait for it.

That's it, you can expect to see Report #2 closer to the end of the month. Thanks!
2023-12-27 17:16:59
Summer heat
2023-12-27 17:31:16
Waifu academy,聽住先

Hello everyone!

I wish you a Merry Christmas, happy Holidays and very soon happy New Year ^_^

The incoming Waifu Academy update 0.11 should be out within two weeks.
It's a slight "shorter" update than usual(still took me more than 2 months), but it heavly focus on lewd content and a couple of strong karma choices.
Also this is the last part of that never ending Weekend for ou poor MC...

Next Update 0.12 will be huge and put back the player in the Academy with more waifu daily events, activities, encounters and troubles.
The whole storyboard is already done for the Next big update, so stay tuned.

But for now I'll share some preview of the update coming in the next weeks the 0.11

2023-12-27 22:45:53
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞