『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(103) 睇頂置––抵壘政策之有冇錯漏

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2020-10-02 23:27:49
Select this option if you have lost or damaged a citizenship certificate that was issued after October 1986 and want a new one.

You cannot use this form to replace a certificate that was issued before October 1986. For anything before October 1986, you need to contact the National Archives
2020-10-02 23:28:24
2020-10-02 23:28:36
2020-10-02 23:29:10
2020-10-02 23:30:23

2020-10-02 23:31:48

by decent最最最低要求都要自己出世紙正本,父及母身分證彩色雙面副本,父或母BC passport Bio page 彩色副本

咁你媽咪呢,Daddy Mommy結婚先定拎左居英權先?

如果結婚先,咁你媽咪應該同你daddy一齊拎bc cert。咁嘅情況可以用你媽咪嗰張bc cert 正本/bc passport 副本黎做
2020-10-02 23:32:17
2020-10-02 23:33:13
2020-10-02 23:36:42
2020-10-02 23:43:50
2020-10-02 23:46:45
2020-10-02 23:52:30

巴打97後出世,點會係「you were a British dependent territories citizen」架,揀reject template都揀錯

我建議巴打你回覆個email,話 I would like to clarify that my application is for a British Citizen passport instead of British National Overseas。以及係In the application package delivered on xx-xx-xxxx,please find a copy of my Daddy’s Passport BIO page which states his British Citizen status. Therefore I am a BC by decent. A copy of my Birth Certificate and a copy of my Hong Kong Identity Card were also included in the package for the application. Please review my application.
2020-10-02 23:59:56
冇錯你可以去報失喇,如果有報失reference number,print嗰個email就ok。如果冇先print你而家呢個。

by the way, 1995年嘅passport 2005 expire,即係成人10年passport,你1995 已經18歲?

2020-10-03 00:24:31
2020-10-03 00:26:32
2020-10-03 00:29:03
2020-10-03 00:32:46

2020-10-03 00:34:03
2020-10-03 00:37:18
2020-10-03 00:38:04
2020-10-03 00:39:36
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞