2020/21 英國master討論區

1001 回覆
20 Like 7 Dislike
2020-01-27 21:17:07
2020-01-29 01:47:33
Imperial, UCL, glasgow, bath, bristol, birmingham, liverpool

Bristol出左offer 希望有IC/ UCL
2020-01-29 01:52:17
讀完有得 移民?
2020-01-30 00:59:25
2020-01-30 03:18:53
Imperial, UCL, glasgow, bath, bristol, birmingham, liverpool

Bristol出左offer 希望有IC/ UCL

最遲2月20要accept個offer, 但其他U未出offer/reject,
咁我係咪應該accept左個offer先? 1500 英鎊 deposit 好似5月先要交
2020-01-30 19:57:42
2020-01-31 11:39:22
睇你自己有冇信心同想唔想讀bristol wo...
2020-01-31 22:57:56
2020-02-01 00:30:07
2020-02-01 00:32:53
2020-02-01 00:50:43
屌, 我19號先交齊ref 有排等
2020-02-01 02:33:44
大家覺得City, CGPA 3.4; Major In Politics, GPA: 3.7
有冇機入到LSE International Relations嘅master?
2020-02-01 02:36:06
2020-02-01 04:57:16
2020-02-01 06:32:34
有冇ching知道LSE accounting & institution 果個master 收生點? 好似好多人爭...
三大first hon 夠做?
另外UCL business master 係咪水水地?
2020-02-01 12:51:51
2020-02-01 13:39:51
Major 讀business, master 想讀international relation 係咪有啲怪
2020-02-01 19:05:17
2020-02-01 19:07:50
唔報埋Edinburgh? 唔計ic ucl 應該會好過哂你其他
2020-02-01 20:23:00
唔係 識一d師兄姐都係咁

利申:yr3 同你一樣想咁樣讀 好辛苦咁追hon
2020-02-01 20:24:34
因為我見edinburgh entry requirement 寫明UG要讀夠數學course

"During your degree you must have completed the equivalent to 60 credits of mathematics that have typically covered the following subjects/topics: calculus (differentiation and integration), linear algebra (vectors and multi-dimensional matrices), discrete mathematics and mathematical reasoning (e.g. induction and reasoning, graph theoretic models, proofs), and probability (concepts in discrete and continuous probabilities, Markov chains etc.)"

2020-02-01 20:25:52
話說lse 話master degree一定要 gpa 3.5以上
但之後又寫1st / 2nd up 先報得
如果有2nd up 但gpa 3.3
2020-02-01 20:26:04
如果bristol 同glasgow比 巴打覺得邊間好D
2020-02-01 20:27:29
gpa好似度度計法唔同 睇hon應該最穩陣
2020-02-01 20:29:47
係咪基本上可以理解為d員工多數直接睇hon 好少花心機同你計gpa
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞