如果係Law and accounting,Dept of Law會守admission關;
冇純accounting,如果你指MSc in Accounting, Organisations and Institutions,Dept of Accounting會守admission關
所以好睇你個profile e.g. referee/modules/PS 係會取悅邊邊再揀priority。
蝸牛大奔走2020-02-05 02:32:44
我accounting 搭多科 BBA major 吖 ... 佢admission 寫undergrad Law/ acct / relevant disciplines 好虛
Accounting and org 果個有考慮吖 .... 主要係想睇邊個有機就博果個
acct / law law 果面其實係多business law/ taxation 所以我係想係taxation入手講
business law /company law 係自己U冇take
acct major 先要 我credit 唔夠 而且grade 又麻麻
Btw Ching 英國讀書?
蝸牛大奔走2020-02-05 02:35:20
仲有我係predicted 啱啱好踩到first hon 線果d
手淫的力量2020-02-05 02:50:37
有d危不過有得博,如果acct credit唔夠可以試下搵教授寫ref補返刀,跟手寫好份PS報law and accounting,寫得好都仲有機。
小弟某英國G5 econ first., LSE Dept of Finance某MSc 2020/21 uncon. holder,希望d意見幫到你
蝸牛大奔走2020-02-05 03:53:48
我想問下G5 點睇三大? prefer 三大定UK d二線U ( Durham / Liverpool 果類) 香港或亞洲人當然prefer 番三大 但UK 有冇partiality to 自己本地U / Europe schools