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Filibuster_HK 2019-12-09 22:05:05
Ukraine: Paris talks with Russia aim to end eastern conflict

The leaders of Russia and Ukraine will hold their first face-to-face talks in an attempt to tackle five and a half years of conflict in east Ukraine.

More than 13,000 people have died in fighting between government forces and rebels backed by Russia.

Now there is hope of a breakthrough after Ukraine withdrew from three areas and accepted a series of conditions.

President Volodymyr Zelensky will join Russia's Vladimir Putin in Paris, along with the leaders of France and Germany.

Elected with a landslide earlier this year Mr Zelensky built his improbable campaign around bringing peace to eastern Ukraine

Mr Zelensky's strategy since has focused on trying to restart talks with Moscow. But for that to happen he has had to agree to Russia's conditions and that has triggered some angry reactions among his opponents.
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-09 22:12:31
Trump impeachment: judiciary hearing could bring Mueller into play

Marching ahead toward the impeachment of Donald Trump, Democrats on Monday prepared to hear testimony that could result in material from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report being folded into articles of impeachment.

The House judiciary committee was scheduled on Monday to hold its second public impeachment hearing. The committee could draft and vote on articles of impeachment as early as the end of the week, leading to a House vote on whether to impeach Trump before the 20 December holiday break.

A trial in the Republican-controlled Senate would follow in the new year A Senate trial is widely expected to acquit Trump.
一直等TY 2019-12-09 23:01:46
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-10 09:08:58
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-10 09:10:00
Ukraine and Russia agree to implement ceasefire

Ukraine and Russia have agreed to implement a "full and comprehensive" ceasefire in eastern Ukraine by the end of 2019, after top-level talks.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky met face to face in Paris on Monday.

Five-and-a-half years of fighting between Ukrainian government forces and Russian-backed rebels have cost 13,000 lives.

The negotiations were brokered by the leaders of France and Germany.

They follow a big prisoner swap and the withdrawal of Ukraine's military from three key areas on the front line.

In a written statement, the countries agreed to the release and exchange of all "conflict-related detainees" by the end of the year.

The two sides also pledged to disengage military forces in three additional regions of Ukraine by the end of March 2020, without specifying which regions would be affected.

Additional talks will be held in four month to take stock of the ceasefire's progress.
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-10 09:10:36
'No political bias' in FBI probe of Trump campaign


A US watchdog has found no evidence of political bias when the FBI launched an inquiry into the 2016 Trump campaign, despite "serious performance failures".

The US Department of Justice inspector general's report concluded the law enforcement bureau had "authorised purpose" to initiate the investigation.

But it also found applications to wiretap a Trump aide had "significant inaccuracies and omissions".

The 476-page report provides fodder for Trump critics and supporters alike.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz sought to assess the basis for the FBI's surveillance of Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser who had lived and worked in Russia.

The inspector general identified 17 "significant inaccuracies or omissions" when the FBI applied to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (Fisa) for surveillance warrants to monitor Mr Page's communications.

Mr Horowitz wrote that the errors resulted in "applications that made it appear that the information supporting probable cause was stronger than was actually the case".
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-10 09:13:08
India parliament passes citizenship amendment bill


India's parliament passed a bill on Monday that let India grant citizenship to religious minorities persecuted in neighboring Muslim countries.

It is the first time that India has used religion as a legal basis for determining nationality.

What the bill does

Non-Muslim minorities who fled from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan will be given Indian citizenship.

It affects Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Christians, Sikhs and Parsis.
Eligible people who arrived before 2015 will no longer be treated as illegal immigrants.
一直等TY 2019-12-10 09:22:17
蔡英文 51
韓國瑜 16.5
宋楚瑜 7.5

美麗島個董事長話最少贏 340 萬票
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-10 21:29:46
France set for further transport chaos on sixth day of pension strikes


Travellers across France braced for a sixth day of turmoil on Tuesday amid massive strike action over government plans to overhaul the pension system.

Union leaders on Monday rejected the government's overtures and vowed to keep up the fight over the reforms, which are set to be finalised and published later this week.

Another mass demonstration is planned in Paris and other cities, with teachers and other workers once again expected to walk out alongside transport workers.
書桓 2019-12-11 10:23:50
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-11 23:25:23
Tories majority is beyond doubt
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-11 23:38:37
Trump impeachment: Democrats unveil formal charges


The Democratic-controlled US House Judiciary Committee has unveiled charges against President Donald Trump, a key move in impeaching him.

The first article revealed by committee chief Jerry Nadler accuses Mr Trump of abuse of power and the second accuses him of obstructing Congress.

The Republican president is said to have withheld aid to Ukraine for domestic political reasons.

A defiant Mr Trump has urged the Senate to try him "sooner than later".

"The president wants a trial," White House spokesman Hogan Gidley told BBC News.

Mr Trump insists he has done "nothing wrong" and has dismissed the impeachment process as "madness".
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-12 18:32:09
Citizenship Amendment Bill: India calls in army to Assam and Tripura states

The army has been called into north-eastern India, after thousands of people defied curfews to protest against a new citizenship bill.

The Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) offers amnesty to non-Muslim illegal immigrants from three countries.

Critics say the bill discriminates against Muslims - but in the north-east, protesters claim they will be "overrun" by Hindus from Bangladesh.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has appealed for calm.

Officials said 20-30 people were injured in the demonstrations, and air and railway services have been severely impacted.

The bill - which applies to people from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan - was passed in the upper house of parliament on Wednesday night.

It is yet to be ratified by the president, but that is merely a formality.

The ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party says the CAB will give sanctuary to people fleeing religious persecution.

Illegal migration from Bangladesh has long been a concern in the north-east.
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-12 18:32:54
General election 2019: Voters head to polls across the UK


The UK is going to the polls for the country's third general election in less than five years.

The contest, the first to be held in December in nearly 100 years, follows those in 2015 and 2017.

Polling stations in 650 constituencies across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland opened at 07:00 GMT.

After the polls close at 22:00 GMT, counting will begin straight away. Most results are due to be announced in the early hours of Friday morning.

A total of 650 MPs will be chosen under the first-past-the-post system used for general elections, in which the candidate who secures the most votes in each individual constituency is elected.

Latest as voters head to the polls
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-13 06:41:18
Election results 2019: Tories on course to win majority - exit poll

The survey taken at UK polling stations suggests the Tories will get 368 MPs - 50 more than at the 2017 election - when all the results have been counted.

Labour would get 191, the Lib Dems 13, the Brexit Party none and the SNP 55.

The Green Party will still have one MP and Plaid Cymru will lose one seat for a total of three, the survey suggests.

The first general election results are due before midnight, with the final total expected to be known by Friday lunchtime.
書桓 2019-12-13 09:24:04
snp 55? 打錯?
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-13 09:26:53
書桓 2019-12-13 09:31:47
咁工黨係scotland 真係亡黨啦
六米七九 2019-12-13 09:32:45

[ 國際戰線 ] 歐洲巡迴展覧團隊眾籌!
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-13 10:37:55
How do the actual results compare to the exit poll?

Professor Sir John Curtice (Polling expert)

In the results declared so far the exit poll was anticipating a 3-point increase in the Conservative vote when in the event there has been a 1-point increase so far.

Meanwhile, we were expecting a 10-point decline in the Labour share and in practice it has been 9 points.

So if this pattern continues the swing from Lab to Con will be a little less than anticipated by the exit poll, and thus the overall majority may be somewhat less than the 86 the exit poll was originally anticipating.

With three results now declared in Scotland the SNP vote is up on average by 9 points, only a little less than the 10-point increase that the exit poll was anticipating.

The SNP have now picked up their first Tory scalp in Angus, where the Con vote fell by 5 points - indeed the Tory vote has fallen in all three of the seats declared in Scotland so far.
書桓 2019-12-13 19:25:54
DUP 已經即刻向bojo 開火
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-13 19:56:25
有冇link, 不過是旦啦,Bojo已經唔洗理佢地
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-16 21:56:20
Citizenship Amendment Act: India PM Modi appeals for calm as protests grow

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has appealed for calm as violent protests against a new law on illegal migrants entered a fifth day.

Large demonstrations are taking place in the capital Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Kolkata (formerly Calcutta).

Monday's protests came a day after clashes between police and protesters in Delhi left at least 50 injured.

Protesters are angry at a law entitling citizenship to some non-Muslim migrants from three Muslim-majority countries.

But people are divided on why they have taken to the streets. Some critics say the law is anti-Muslim, while others - especially in border regions - fear large-scale migration.

The protests - which have left six people dead - began in the north-eastern state of Assam on Thursday, before spreading to other parts of northern and eastern India.

But as students resumed their protests on Monday, Mr Modi attempted to calm tensions in a series of tweets.
Filibuster_HK 2019-12-16 21:57:07
General election 2019: Boris Johnson's Brexit bill planned for Friday

The government plans to ask MPs to vote on Boris Johnson's Brexit bill on Friday, Downing Street has said.

The PM's spokesman said the government planned to start the process in Parliament before Christmas and will do so "in discussion with the Speaker".

The withdrawal agreement bill is the legislation that will enable Brexit to happen - the UK is due to leave the EU on 31 January.

It comes as the PM prepares to address his new MPs in Westminster later.

Many of the 109 new Conservative MPs won in areas traditionally held by Labour in Thursday's election, which saw the Conservatives gain an 80-seat majority.

Mr Johnson is also expected to carry out a mini cabinet reshuffle.

He needs to fill posts made vacant by those who stood down ahead of the general election, including the culture and Welsh secretary posts.

The prime minister has also cleared a parliamentary report into alleged Russian interference in UK democracy for publication.

The Queen will formally open Parliament on Thursday when she sets out the government's legislative programme.

On Monday, the prime minister's official spokesman told a Westminster briefing: "We plan to start the process [of the withdrawal agreement bill] before Christmas and will do so in the proper constitutional way in discussion with the Speaker."
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