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2019-11-12 09:17:41
Thousands of Poles join nationalist Independence Day march


Tens of thousands of Poles on Monday took part in a march in Warsaw organized by nationalist groups to mark Polish independence.

Although the yearly march is organized by far-right bodies, many families have also joined the event in recent years, seeing it as a simple display of patriotism. City authorities estimated the number of participants at 47,000, while organizers boasted a far greater tally of 150,000.

The symbol of the march this year was a raised fist holding a rosary, which the organizers called a symbol of Roman Catholic resistance to growing calls for gay rights in the country.

"We have to return to our roots. Our world has abandoned God and Christianity," Robert Bakiewicz, the head of one group organizing the march, told participants. "We will die as the nations of western Europe are dying."

Some marchers chanted "No to the European Union" as they proceeded through the streets of the Polish capital.

Several smaller counterprotests also took place.
2019-11-12 09:18:35
Uranium particles detected at undeclared site in Iran, says atomic watchdog

The United Nations’ nuclear watchdog has detected uranium particles at an undeclared site in Iran.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in its latest report, seen by AFP, on the country’s nuclear programme on Monday: “The agency has detected natural uranium particles of anthropogenic origin at a location in Iran not declared to the agency.”

The particles are understood to be the product of uranium which has been mined and undergone initial processing, but not enriched.

The IAEA added that it was “essential for Iran to continue interactions with the agency to resolve the matter as soon as possible”.

The agency did not name the site in question, but diplomatic sources have previously said the agency has been posing questions to Iran relating to a site where Israel has alleged secret atomic activity in the past.

Sources say the IAEA took samples from the site in the Turquzabad district of Tehran in the spring and that Iran has been slow in providing answers to explain the test results.

The report confirms that Iran is now enriching uranium at its Fordow facility, one of its latest breaches of the 2015 deal.
2019-11-12 09:21:57
Bolivia crisis: Ex-President Morales offered asylum in Mexico


Mexico has offered asylum to former Bolivian President Evo Morales, a day after he resigned following weeks of protest over a disputed election.

Mexico says the decision was taken for "humanitarian reasons" after a request from Mr Morales.

Mr Morales has not yet commented. He earlier urged his supporters to resist the "dark powers" that had forced him to step down.

Some 20 people were reported injured as his supporters clashed with police.

Mr Morales, Bolivia's first indigenous leader, stepped down after the head of the army publicly called on him to leave his post.

The deputy head of the Senate said she would take over as interim president until new elections were held.
2019-11-15 09:22:44
MH17 disaster: Phone-taps 'show Russia directed Ukraine rebels'

An international inquiry into the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 believes high-level Russian officials were directing separatists in eastern Ukraine linked to the attack.

Investigators allege a top aide of President Vladimir Putin was in contact with rebel leaders on a regular basis.

All 298 people on board were killed when a missile struck the plane over rebel-held territory on 17 July 2014.

Russia's foreign ministry has rejected the latest findings.

Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said international investigators had manipulated the inquiry to suit a predetermined conclusion.

Investigators have charged four people, including a separatist defence chief. The suspects are due to go on trial, probably in absentia, in April 2020.
2019-11-15 09:23:10
Bolivia: Interim president bars Morales from new elections


Bolivia's interim president said on Thursday the country's former leader, Evo Morales, cannot run in any prospective elections.

Jeanine Anez, a Senate deputy leader who claimed the presidency earlier this week, told a news conference: "Evo Morales does not qualify to run for a fourth term."

She also criticized Mexico for allowing the former president to rally support in exile.

"We have to let the Mexican government know that cannot be happening,'' said Anez, who says she wants to bring calm to Bolivia but has been accused of unfairly seizing power by Morales supporters.

Anez is striving to restore stability to a deeply-divided nation that has been rocked by protests since an election in October, which was won by Morales but tainted by allegations of fraud.
2019-11-15 09:23:37
Israel-Gaza truce breaks down

A fragile cease-fire between Israel and militants in Gaza broke down early Friday less than 24 hours after a truce was declared to end one of the biggest flare ups in violence in years.

The Israeli Defense Forces said Friday they had struck Islamic Jihad targets in the costal enclave in response to cross-border rocket fire.

Islamic Jihad fired five rockets from Gaza into Israel several hours after the early Thursday morning truce went into effect.
2019-11-17 00:00:03
Iran petrol price hike: Protests erupt over surprise rationing


Protests have erupted across Iran after the government unexpectedly announced it was rationing petrol and increasing its price. At least two people have been killed.

Prices rose by at least 50% on Friday as subsidies on petrol were reduced.

The authorities say they want to free up money to help the poor.

Iran is already suffering economically due to stiff sanctions imposed by the US after Washington decided to pull out of the 2015 nuclear deal.

One person was killed during protests in the central city of Sirjan. State news agency Irna said there were clashes with police when protesters attacked a fuel storage warehouse and tried to set fire to it.

Several more people were injured.

A protester also died in the city of Behbahan.

Other cities were also affected including the capital, Tehran, Kermanshah, Isfahan, Tabriz, Karadj, Shiraz, Yazd, Boushehr and Sari.
2019-11-17 14:12:50
In Louisiana, a Narrow Win for John Bel Edwards and a Hard Loss for Trump

BATON ROUGE, La. — Gov. John Bel Edwards of Louisiana, the only Democratic governor in the Deep South, narrowly won re-election Saturday, overcoming the intervention of President Trump, who visited the state multiple times in an effort to help Mr. Edward’s Republican challenger and demonstrate his own clout.

It was the second blow at the ballot box for Mr. Trump this month in a Republican-leaning state, following the Democratic victory in the Kentucky governor’s race, where the president also campaigned for the G.O.P. candidate.

In Louisiana, Mr. Trump had wagered significant political capital to try to lift Eddie Rispone, a businessman who ran against Mr. Edwards in large part by embracing the president and his agenda. Mr. Trump campaigned for Mr. Rispone twice in the final two weeks of the race, warning Louisiana voters that a loss would reflect poorly on his presidency — the same appeal he made in Kentucky earlier this month to try to help Gov. Matt Bevin, who ultimately lost.
2019-11-19 09:54:01
2019-11-19 15:40:41
2019-11-19 21:51:55
US and Australian hostages freed in Taliban prisoner swap


The Afghan Taliban have freed two Western academics held hostage since 2016 in exchange for three imprisoned senior militants.

American Kevin King and Australian Timothy Weeks were released three years after being kidnapped outside the American University of Afghanistan in Kabul where they worked as professors.

The three militants arrived in Qatar from Afghanistan as part of the swap.

Afghan officials say the deal is aimed at restarting talks with the Taliban.

President Ashraf Ghani said last week the decision was "a tough, but important" one and a "humanitarian gesture".

The swap includes Anas Haqqani, a leading figure and fund-raiser in the Haqqani militant group, and two other senior commanders, who had been held in prison by Afghan authorities.

Anas Haqqani's older brother, Sirajuddin, leads the Haqqani network of fighters and is a deputy leader of the Taliban, which has a political office in Qatar.

The Taliban also announced they had released 10 captured Afghan National Security Force members, saying the prisoner exchange had been "successfully executed".

"These actions are a step forward in good-will and confidence building measures that can aid the peace process," the group said in a statement.
2019-11-19 21:53:03
In Shift, U.S. Says Israeli Settlements in West Bank Do Not Violate International Law

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration declared on Monday that the United States does not consider Israeli settlements in the West Bank a violation of international law, reversing four decades of American policy and removing what has been an important barrier to annexation of Palestinian territory.

The announcement by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was the latest political gift from the Trump administration to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has vowed in two elections this year to push for the annexation of the West Bank. His chief opponent, Benny Gantz, has until Wednesday night to gather a majority in Israel’s Parliament or he will relinquish his chance to form a new government, raising the prospect of a third round of elections.

The United States has in the past described the settlements as illegitimate, and Palestinians have demanded the land for a future state, a goal that has been backed by the United Nations, European governments and American allies across the Middle East.
2019-11-19 21:53:32
Julian Assange: Sweden drops rape investigation


Prosecutors in Sweden have dropped an investigation into a rape allegation made against Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange in 2010.

Assange, who denies the accusation, has avoided extradition to Sweden for seven years after seeking refuge at the Ecuadorean embassy in London in 2012.

The 48-year-old Australian was evicted in April and sentenced to 50 weeks in jail for breaching his bail conditions.

He is currently being held at Belmarsh prison in London.
2019-11-19 21:58:08

Financial Times, international edition, Tuesday 19 November
2019-11-19 22:01:08
2019-11-21 10:06:34
我估計Trump 唔會簽但都唔會veto, 等10日後自動成為法案,咁就可以同xi 講唔關佢事
2019-11-22 21:15:48
Benny Gantz unable to form Israel coalition government


The leader of Israel's Blue and White party, Benny Gantz, has said he cannot form a coalition government, making a third election in a year more likely.

Mr Gantz was given a mandate by the president last month after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also failed to secure a majority in parliament.

Lawmakers now have 21 days to nominate a candidate with majority support.

Blue and White and Mr Netanyahu's Likud party emerged from September's election with almost the same number of seats.

President Reuven Rivlin called on the two leaders to form a national unity government, but they could not agree a power-sharing deal.

Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel PM defiant in face of 'coup'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has defiantly vowed to hold on to power after being charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust in connection with three separate cases.

He condemned the charges as a "coup" attempt against him.

"I will not let the lie triumph," he said during a defiant speech.

Mr Netanyahu is alleged to have accepted gifts from wealthy businessmen and dispensed favours to try to get more positive press coverage.

"I will continue to lead the country, according to the letter of the law," he added.

During a 15-minute tirade, Mr Netanyahu accused the judiciary, police and others of plotting against him with "politically motivated" allegations.

"In this tainted process the investigators weren't after the truth, they were after me," he said, accusing investigators of extorting witnesses to lie.
2019-11-22 21:19:20
Colombia protests: Clashes as more than 200,000 demonstrate nationwide

Clashes broke out in Colombia on Thursday as hundreds of thousands of people protested against the right-wing government of President Iván Duque.

Police fired tear gas in several cities including the capital, Bogotá. At least 42 civilians and 37 police were wounded, officials said.

Unions and student groups called a general strike to show discontent over possible austerity measures.

There has been a surge in anti-government protests in Latin America.

Colombian protesters were concerned about possible changes to the minimum wage, pension and tax reforms, and the privatisation of state companies. The government insists there are no planned pension or labour reforms and that any changes would take place in consultation with labour groups.

Protesters are also angry about alleged corruption and what some see as the government's failure to honour a 2016 peace deal with left-wing Farc rebels amid a rise in violence.

More than 200,000 people took to the streets across the country, authorities said, in one of the largest mass protests in Colombia in years. The organisers of the protests, the National Strike Committee, said people had demonstrated in 500 towns and cities, and requested a meeting with President Duque.
2019-11-22 21:20:01
Bolivia crisis: New elections proposed as violence rages


Bolivia's interim president has asked Congress to approve new elections as violence rages following the resignation of Evo Morales.

However, Jeanine Áñez did not set a date for the poll.

Mr Morales resigned on 10 November and later sought asylum in Mexico after facing claims of electoral fraud.

The death toll since October's disputed general election has risen to 32 as clashes continue between supporters of Mr Morales and security forces.

Mr Morales accused security forces of committing "genocide" against his indigenous supporters, and requested assistance from the international community.

His supporters have been blocking main roads linking the capital La Paz and other major cities, causing widespread disruption across the country.
2019-11-23 10:05:28
Defecting Chinese spy offers information trove to Australian government

A Chinese spy has risked his life to defect to Australia and is now offering a trove of unprecedented inside intelligence on how China conducts its interference operations abroad.

Wang “William” Liqiang is the first Chinese operative to ever blow his cover. He has revealed the identities of China’s senior military intelligence officers in Hong Kong, as well as providing details of how they fund and conduct political interference operations in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Australia.

Mr Wang has taken his material to Australia's counter-espionage agency, ASIO, and is seeking political asylum – potentially opening another front in Australia’s challenging bilateral relationship with China.

A sworn statement Mr Wang provided ASIO in October states: “I have personally been involved and participated in a series of espionage activities”. He faces certain detention and possible execution if he returns to China.
2019-11-26 21:10:30
In Georgia, thousands call for government to step down


Riot police have used water cannons to scatter dozens of protesters gathered near Georgia's parliament early on Tuesday, as they tried to blockade parts of the building and prevent lawmakers from entering later in the day.

The demonstrators were among thousands who gathered in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, earlier in the evening, demanding electoral reforms.

Hours earlier, protesters were waving national and EU flags, chanting "Change!" and "Resign!"

But their demands were ignored. "If protesters violate the law, the state will act adequately," Mamuka Mdinaradze, a lawmaker from the ruling party, told the Reuters news agency.

Giorgi Vashadze, one of the opposition leaders, told reporters that several people, including one opposition politician, had been detained by police.
2019-11-26 21:11:00
Colombia protests: First protester dies as marches press on


Widespread anti-government protests in Colombia continued for the fifth day on Monday, while the movement registered its first death.

An 18-year-old high school student, who became a symbol of the movement, died from injuries he sustained from being hit by a teargas canister.

Dilan Cruz was hit in the head during a protest on Saturday and his death could fuel criticism of the police response to the movement. Protesters had earlier marched by the hospital in which he was being cared for, chanting "Be strong Dilan" and building makeshift monuments for him.

President Ivan Duque met with unions and business leaders on Monday, and said he deeply regretted Cruz's death, sending his condolences to the family.

Protests began last week when 250,000 people hit the streets to rally against economic reforms, police violence and corruption. The economic reforms that have inspired such fury reportedly include cutting the minimum wage for young people.

Soon after his death, protesters began gathering on the Bogota street where he was wounded, banging pots and pans and chanting "The state killed him!''
2019-11-26 21:11:48
Trump impeachment: White House aides can be made to testify


A federal judge has ruled that White House staff can be made to testify before Congress, rejecting the Trump administration's claims of immunity.

The ruling specifically compels former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify to an inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 US election.

But it also has major implications for the Democrat-led impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.

The justice department says it will appeal against the ruling.

The impeachment inquiry is trying to establish whether Mr Trump pressured Ukraine's president to investigate his political rival Joe Biden. The Trump administration has refused to co-operate with the impeachment inquiry and other Democrat-led investigations, directing current and former White House officials to defy subpoenas for testimony and documents.

Mr McGahn, who left his post in October 2018, was called to appear before the House Judiciary Committee in May to answer questions about the president's alleged attempts to impede the now-concluded Mueller investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

But in her ruling, US District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson said that "no one is above the law".

"Executive branch officials are not absolutely immune from compulsory congressional process - no matter how many times the executive branch has asserted as much over the years - even if the president expressly directs such officials' noncompliance," she wrote.
2019-11-26 21:12:16
Malta PM's chief of staff quits as Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry continues

The Maltese prime minister’s chief of staff has resigned in an escalation of the political turmoil surrounding the investigation into the murder of the prominent anti-corruption journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in 2017.

“Yesterday evening, my chief of staff informed me that from today he would be relinquishing his post,” the prime minister, Joseph Muscat, confirmed at a brief press conference on the steps of his office on Tuesday morning.

Keith Schembri is understood to have been taken to police headquarters for questioning in relation to the Caruana Galizia case. Schembri himself made no immediate comment.

The chief of staff and Muscat’s serving tourism minister had been accused of corruption by Caruana Galizia. He has previously denied any wrongdoing.

His resignation followed reports on Monday night that a businessman arrested last week in connection with the murder was preparing to make allegations against him.

Opposition politicians have been calling for Schembri’s resignation since Caruana Galizia reported that he and Malta’s current tourism minister, Konrad Mizzi, had taken control of secretive Panama shell companies soon after entering office, but Muscat has stood by his chief lieutenant.
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