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2020-03-27 19:26:38
2020-03-27 19:27:24
UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson tests positive for Covid-19


Over the last 24 hours I have developed mild symptoms and tested positive for coronavirus. I am now self-isolating, but I will continue to lead the government’s response via video-conference as we fight this virus. Together we will beat this. #StayHomeSaveLives
2020-03-30 17:47:59
Dominic Cummings self-isolating with symptoms
Dominic Cummings, the prime minister’s chief adviser, is self-isolating after developing symptoms in line with those of Covid-19 over the weekend, a Downing Street source has confirmed to the PA news agency.

They added that Cummings would remain in contact with his colleagues at No 10 during his quarantine period.

On Friday, Cummings was seen running out of Downing Street shortly after Boris Johnson announced he had tested positive for the virus.


2020-03-30 21:22:35
inside election sub 一年要249usd
2020-04-01 18:51:53
Disinformation and misinformation around COVID-19 continue to proliferate around the world, with potentially harmful consequences for public health and effective crisis communication. In the EU and elsewhere, coordinated disinformation messaging seeks to frame vulnerable minorities as the cause of the pandemic and to fuel distrust in the ability of democratic institutions to deliver effective responses. Some state and state-backed actors seek to exploit the public health crisis to advance geopolitical interests, often by directly challenging the credibility of the European Union and its partners.

Global: Claims that the EU is disintegrating in the face of COVID-19 are trending on social media in all analyzed regions. Among COVID-19-related content published by RT and Sputnik, articles covering conspiracy narratives such as that “the virus was man-made” or intentionally spread, typically received more social engagement than other stories.

EU: Disinformation and false health advice on COVID-19 continues to circulate on social media, in contradiction to the WHO’s official guidance and the internal policies of online platforms. For instance, Sputnik Deutschland promotes the claim on Facebook and Twitter that “washing hands does not help”. Evidence shows that online platforms continue to monetize COVID-related disinformation and conspiracy theories.

Africa: Hate campaigns against social and ethnic groups are going viral in some countries. China’s proactive communication around support delivery creates reputational challenges for other donors.

China: state media and government officials promote not proven theories about the origin of COVID-19. Chinese coverage highlights displays of gratitude by some European leaders in response to Chinese aid.

MENA: Daesh encourages militants to exploit chaos and confusion around COVID-19, while framing the pandemic as a “painful torment” against “crusader nations”. The Syrian regime is using COVID-19 to attack EU sanctions. EU Member States are portrayed as unable to help each other or stealing resources meant for local use.

Russia: More than 150 cases of pro-Kremlin disinformation on COVID-19 have been recorded in the EUvsDisinfo database (since January 22). Russian state-controlled media outlets have shifted their focus to highlight Russia’s preparedness to tackle the outbreak. Russian aid to Italy was extensively covered.

Turkey: False and distorted health information continues to circulate widely in the social media, while COVID-19 is nurturing anti-EU discourses and criticism towards the EU, also more publicly.

Western Balkans: conspiracy theories suggesting the virus is a US bioweapon or pretext for a foreign invasion continue trending. The COVID crisis is linked to the existing narrative that the EU is “turning its back” on the Western Balkans.
2020-04-01 19:09:40
【武漢肺炎】歐盟對外事務部:中國及俄羅斯散播大量有利自己嘅fake news
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
2020-04-02 09:50:36
Hungary passes law that will let Orbán rule by decree


Hungary’s parliament has passed a new set of coronavirus measures that includes jail terms for spreading misinformation and gives no clear time limit to a state of emergency that allows the nationalist prime minister, Viktor Orbán, to rule by decree.

Parliament voted by 137 to 53 to pass the measures on Monday afternoon, with the two-thirds majority enjoyed by Orbán’s Fidesz party enough to push them through in spite of opposition from other parties, which had demanded a time limit or sunset clause on the legislation.

The bill introduces jail terms of up to five years for intentionally spreading misinformation that hinders the government response to the pandemic, leading to fears that it could be used to censor or self-censor criticism of the government response.

Viktor Orbán ditches mayor plan amid claims of coronavirus power grab
2020-04-02 09:51:01
Afghanistan and Taliban begin direct talks with aim of prisoner swap


Afghanistan has begun its first face-to-face talks with the Taliban on exchanging thousands of prisoners.

Details of the initial meeting in Kabul emerged on Wednesday, ahead of a planned second day of talks, as Afghans observed tight restrictions on movement because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Under a US-Taliban deal, the government will free 5,000 Taliban prisoners, while the militants will release 1,000.

The talks took place against a backdrop of continuing violence in the country.

Authorities blamed the Taliban for an explosion in the southern province of Helmand on Wednesday that killed eight civilians, including several children.
2020-04-02 21:42:41
US unemployment claims hit record high

A record 6.6 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week, official figures show.

It surpasses the previous week's record high of nearly 3.3 million.

For context, the previous record of 695,000 was set in 1982.

It comes as officials in states across the country have closed restaurants, bars, cinemas, hotels and gyms in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.
2020-04-02 22:08:45
Leaders urge Europe’s center-right alliance to expel Orbán


Prominent national leaders in the European People's Party (EPP), including Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and his Norwegian counterpart Erna Solberg, called Thursday for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's Fidesz party to be expelled from the Continent's center-right political grouping.

The leaders made their call in a letter, after the Hungarian parliament this week approved a measure to let Orbán's government rule by decree without any specified end date, due to the coronavirus crisis.

Their move triggers a formal process that could result in Orbán's party being kicked out of the EPP, the EU's predominant political force.

In their letter to former European Council president Donald Tusk, the leaders of 13 national member parties including Mitsotakis, Solberg, Petteri Orpo from Finland's National Coalition Party and Rutger Ploum from the Dutch Christian Democratic Appeal, said the Hungarian move is "a clear violation of the founding principles of liberal democracy and European values."

"We wish to express our full support to President Donald Tusk and the entire EPP leadership in upholding the integrity of our political family," the letter said. "We call on the expulsion of Fidesz from the EPP in accordance with article 9 of the EPP statutes."

"We fear that Prime Minister Orbán will use his newly achieved powers to further extend the government's grip on civil society," it added.

The letter, initiated by Sweden's Moderate Party, was not signed by leaders of some of the EPP's biggest national parties, such as Germany's ruling Christian Democrats (CDU), France's Les Républicains or Spain's Popular Party. But it contains enough signatures to bring the issue to a vote at the EPP's next political assembly.

The next meeting of the assembly is scheduled for June but EPP officials said the letter may bring matters to a head more quickly.

Under EPP rules, the EPP presidency "or seven Ordinary or Associated Member Parties from five different countries" can submit a proposal for the suspension or exclusion of a member party.

The EPP suspended Fidesz last March over concerns about the rule of law in Hungary and anti-Brussels rhetoric. But the national parties that make up the alliance have since been unable to agree on whether to let Fidesz back into the fold or push it out completely. Meanwhile, Fidesz MEPs have remained members of the EPP group in the European Parliament.

Swedish MEP Tomas Tobé, who was commissioned by his Moderate Party to write the letter, said it was now up to Tusk to "see which actions to take." Though German and French EPP parties are not signatories, Tobé noted several members of the CDU "have been critical" of Orbán lately.

"Let's see how the others react to the letter," Tobé said.

Lili Bayer contributed reporting.
2020-04-03 21:42:54
Queen to make rare TV address to the nation


The Queen will address the nation in a televised broadcast on Sunday, Buckingham Palace has announced.

The broadcast will be aired at 20:00 BST (19:00 GMT).

The Queen has suspended her royal duties and is currently at Windsor Castle in Berkshire with the Duke of Edinburgh.

Last month she issued a message on the outbreak, saying the UK is “entering a period of great concern and uncertainty”.

Sunday's address will be only the fourth of her 68-year reign beyond her traditional message on Christmas Day.

The other three previous speeches to be aired came after the Queen Mother's death in 2002, ahead of Diana, Princess of Wales's funeral in 1997 and about the First Gulf War in 1991.
2020-04-04 18:28:48
Sir Keir Starmer elected leader of the Labour Party

城市左翼 > 鄉下牛屎佬
2020-04-05 09:46:18
2020-04-05 10:01:09
2020-04-08 08:38:34
Voting in Wisconsin During a Pandemic: Lines, Masks and Plenty of Fear

MILWAUKEE — Even before voting began, there were lines outside polling locations that stretched for several blocks. Some poll workers wore hazmat suits. Nearly every voter wore a face mask, removing it only to make small talk that reflected a combination of determination and grim humor about the extraordinary experience of voting amid a deadly pandemic.

For thousands of people across Wisconsin on Tuesday, fears of the coronavirus outbreak did not stop them from participating in the state’s elections, where critical races such as the Democratic presidential primary and a key state Supreme Court seat were being decided.
2020-04-08 08:40:02
Coronavirus warship row: Acting US Navy secretary resigns


The acting secretary of the US Navy has resigned amid uproar over his handling of a coronavirus outbreak on an aircraft carrier.

Thomas Modly fired the USS Theodore Roosevelt's captain after he pleaded for help in a letter leaked to media.

Mr Modly apologised on Monday after it emerged he had called Captain Brett Crozier's actions "naive" and "stupid".

The secretary's exit comes a day after US President Donald Trump signalled he might get involved in the dispute.

Defence secretary Mark Esper said Mr Modly had "resigned of his own accord".

The Pentagon chief said the crew's health and safety were a priority for the department.

Army Undersecretary James McPherson is expected to replace Mr Modly.

Capt Crozier was fired last week, and footage of his crew sending him off the warship with applause went viral.
2020-04-08 22:02:15
Eurozone fails to agree deal on €540bn coronavirus rescue plan


Talks on a coronavirus economic rescue plan for the eurozone worth up to €540bn (£476bn) have broken up without a deal amid north-south divisions over the strings to attach to financial aid for the most-stricken countries.

Negotiations were suspended after a marathon all-night video conference call between the 19 finance ministers of the eurozone ended early on Wednesday morning.

Mário Centeno, the Portuguese finance minister, who serves as the Eurogroup president, said ministers “came close to a deal” after 16 hours of talks and would continue discussions on Thursday. “My goal remains: a strong EU safety net against fallout of #covid19 (to shield workers, firms &countries)& commit to a sizeable recovery plan,” he wrote on Twitter.

The coronavirus pandemic is testing EU unity, especially the inner circle of 19 countries that use the single currency, where there are stark differences over the question of shared debt. A dispute between the Netherlands and Italy, the two countries at opposite poles of the EU’s debt divide, thwarted an agreement on a package of loans that could be worth up to €540bn.
2020-04-08 23:32:27
Bernie Sanders suspends 2020 presidential campaign – live updates


Bernie Sanders’ decision to suspend his presidential campaign comes after a series of losses to Joe Biden in recent primaries.

The Vermont senator was briefly viewed as the frontrunner in the race afrer winning the New Hampshire primary and the Nevada caucuses in February.

However, Biden quickly rebounded with a win in the South Carolina primary and a series of victotries on Super Tuesday. The winning streak gave Biden a delegate lead over Sanders that many deemed insurmountable.
2020-04-10 23:03:37
Coronavirus pandemic: EU agrees €500bn rescue package

EU finance ministers have agreed a €500bn (£430bn;$540bn) rescue package for European countries hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

The chairman of the Eurogroup, Mário Centeno, announced the deal, reached after marathon discussions in Brussels.

It comes as Spain's prime minister said the country was close to passing the worst of its coronavirus outbreak.

Spain has Europe's highest number of confirmed cases, with 152,446. More than 15,000 people have died.

The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned the world is facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Kristalina Georgieva said the coronavirus pandemic would turn economic growth "sharply negative" this year.
2020-04-14 09:18:29
A liberal judge prevails in Wisconsin

Jill Karofsky, a liberal judge in Wisconsin, won a stunning victory Monday over Daniel Kelly, a conservative justice who had been endorsed by Donald Trump, the Guardian’s Sam Levine reports.

Karofsky, a circuit court judge in liberal Dane County, won even after Wisconsin Republicans refused a last-minute request to delay the election forced Wisconsin voters to go to the polls in the middle of a pandemic. Many saw the decision as a blatant effort to try and keep turnout low, which would have benefitted Kelly. Karofsky’s victory narrows the conservative majority on the Wisconsin supreme court to 4-3. The body is expected to take up a number of high profile cases in the near future, such as a dispute over whether more than 200,000 voters should be removed from the rolls and partisan gerrymandering.
2020-04-14 13:59:49
ca-or-wa 簽訂美國版"東南互保"
2020-04-14 14:26:40
仲有東岸Penn. NJ, Mass., NYS., RI
2020-04-15 08:15:35
Coronavirus: South Korea holds elections in masks and clinics


South Korea is holding an election unlike any other.

Voters must come wearing masks and stand at least 1m apart. They will have their temperature taken, disinfect their hands and wear plastic gloves.

Only then will they be given their voting slip and be allowed to head into the booth to cast their ballot.

These are just some of the measures being taken to allow the scheduled National Assembly election to take place during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Three hundred seats at the National Assembly being contested. Thirty-five parties have registered candidates, but the race will be between the ruling Minjoo (Democratic) Party and the main opposition, the conservative United Future Party.

The government's handling of the coronavirus outbreak has dominated all discussions during this election. It has eclipsed fears of a struggling economy and a number of corruption scandals involving presidential aides.

The National Assembly elections are seen as a bit of springboard to test candidates and party popularity ahead of the presidential elections in 2022
2020-04-15 17:40:42


2020-04-16 09:16:55

Anti-Corbyn Labour officials worked to lose general election to oust leader, leaked dossier finds

// Labour party officials opposed to Jeremy Corbyn worked to lose the 2017 general election in the hope that a bad result would trigger a leadership contest to oust him, a dossier drawn up by the party suggests.

A huge cache of leaked WhatsApp messages and emails show senior officials from the party’s right wing, who worked at its HQ, became despondent as Labour climbed in the polls during the election campaign despite their efforts.

The unreleased report, which The Independent has seen in full, was drawn up in the last days of Mr Corbyn’s leadership and concerns the conduct of certain officials, including some who were investigating cases of antisemitism in the party. Labour has confirmed the document is a genuine draft, though it is not clear who it was commissioned or written by.

The 860-page document claims that “an abnormal intensity of factional opposition to the party leader” had “inhibited the proper functioning of the Labour Party bureaucracy” and contributed to “a litany of mistakes” in dealing with antisemitism, which it admits was a serious problem in the party.

But the Campaign Against Antisemitism said the document was a “desperate last-ditch attempt to deflect and discredit allegations” and amounted to “an attempt to imagine a vast anti-Corbyn conspiracy”.//
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