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2019-10-07 22:16:04
Portugal election: Socialists retain power with increased share of the vote

Portuguese prime minister António Costa’s Socialist party has won the country’s general election but has fallen short of an outright majority, according to exit polls.

The Socialists (PS) took 36.65% of the vote, followed by the centre-right Social Democrats (PSD) with 27.9%, according to near total results released by the interior ministry early on Monday.

The Socialists’ share of the vote was more than in the previous election in 2015 and followed recent electoral successes for the centre-left in Denmark, Spain, Finland and Sweden, bucking a more general European trend of declining centre-left fortunes.

The results mean that the PS, which has governed for the past four years with the support of two smaller hard-left parties, will have 106 seats in the 230-seat parliament, up from 86 and just 10 seats short of an outright majority. Four seats are yet to be attributed according to the results of votes cast abroad.
2019-10-07 22:16:25
Leftist-nationalists edge ahead after Kosovo vote


Vetevendosje (Self-Determination) snatched 26% of the vote at the Sunday's parliamentary election, in Kosovo, barely edging out another opposition party, the LDK, which claimed around 25%.

The results are based on 96% of ballots cast.

The two opposition parties are followed by the PDK (Democratic Party of Kosovo) which is part of the ruling coalition and associated with President Hashim Thaci. The PDK won some 21% of the votes.

The alliance coalition led by former Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj (AAK-PSD) placed fourth with around 12% of support.

Only the top-ranking party can be entrusted with forming the government, according to a decision by the country's Constitutional Court. Therefore, the minimum difference between the center-left Vetevendosje and center-right LDK is crucial for the future cabinet.
2019-10-08 09:19:49
US blacklists China organisations over Xinjiang 'Uighur abuse'


The US has blacklisted 28 Chinese organisations for their alleged involvement in abuses against ethnic Uighurs in China's Xinjiang province.

All 28 organisations are now on the so-called Entity List, which bars them from buying products from US companies without approval from Washington.

Those targeted include one of the world's largest makers of surveillance equipment.

China has not yet commented on the US decision.

A Commerce Department filing said the organisations are "implicated in human rights violations and abuses".

Rights groups say Beijing is severely persecuting the mostly Muslim Uighurs in detention camps.

China calls these "vocational training centres" to combat extremism.
2019-10-09 09:40:59
US imposes China visa restrictions over Uighur issue


The US has said it will impose visa restrictions on Chinese officials accused of involvement in repression of Muslim populations.

It follows the decision on Monday to blacklist 28 Chinese organisations linked by the US to allegations of abuse in the Xinjiang region.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the Chinese government had instituted "a highly repressive campaign".

China has dismissed the allegations as groundless.

In a statement, Mr Pompeo accused the Chinese government of a string of abuses against Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, Kyrgyz Muslims and other minority Muslim groups.

These included "mass detentions in internment camps; pervasive, high-tech surveillance; draconian controls on expressions of cultural and religious identities; and coercion of individuals to return from abroad to an often perilous fate in China".
2019-10-09 21:31:11
Turkish troops launch offensive into northern Syria, says Erdogan


The move was announced by Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Turkey wants to create a "safe zone" cleared of a Kurdish militia that will also house some of Turkey's 3.6 million Syrian refugees.

Donald Trump controversially withdrew US troops ahead of the action but says Turkey may face economic consequences.

The Kurds were key US allies in defeating the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) in Syria.

Mr Trump's withdrawal of the few dozen US troops in the border area was seen as a "stab in the back" by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and drew condemnation even from the president's Republican allies.
2019-10-10 09:10:44
Quito in crisis as Ecuador protests continue

Thousands of protesters in Ecuador have clashed with security forces in the capital, Quito.

The protests are led by indigenous groups demanding the end of austerity and the return of fuel subsidies.

Demonstrators have been throwing homemade firebombs at riot police, who have responded with tear gas.

They are demanding the resignation of President Lenín Moreno, who has moved his government to the coastal city of Guayaquil.

Those taking part in the protests stormed parliament on Wednesday, waving flags and chanting slogans before being forced out by tear gas.

Mr Moreno declared a state of emergency last week. He said he would resign "under no circumstance", but was open to mediation through the United Nations or the Roman Catholic Church.

Two people have lost their lives in the disturbances and dozens more have been injured.
2019-10-10 09:11:18
US did not approve Turkey's Syria offensive, says Mike Pompeo


The US did not give Turkey a "green light" for its offensive in northern Syria, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said.

Mr Pompeo defended President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw US troops from the border area, which has sparked an outcry at home and abroad.

Turkey has now launched an assault on territory held by Kurdish-led forces.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the aim was to "prevent the creation of a terror corridor" on the border.

Turkish forces plan to make a "safe zone" cleared of Kurdish militias which will also house Syrian refugees.

Kurdish-led forces vowed to resist the offensive and have already clashed with Turkish troops.
2019-10-10 09:12:02
Brexit: Deal essentially impossible, No 10 source says after PM-Merkel call

A No 10 source has said a Brexit deal is "essentially impossible" after a call between the PM and Angela Merkel.

Boris Johnson and the German chancellor spoke earlier about the proposals he had put forward to the EU - but the source said she made clear a deal based on them was "overwhelmingly unlikely".

Mrs Merkel's office said it would not comment on "private" conversations.

But the BBC's Adam Fleming said there was "scepticism" within the EU that Mrs Merkel would have used such language.

And the EU's top official warned the UK against a "stupid blame game".
2019-10-11 23:45:29
Nobel Peace Prize: Ethiopia PM Abiy Ahmed wins


The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who made peace last year with bitter foe Eritrea.

He was awarded the prize for his efforts to "achieve peace and international cooperation".

Mr Abiy's peace deal with Eritrea ended a 20-year military stalemate following their 1998-2000 border war.

He was named as the winner of the 100th Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, where he will receive the award in December.

It is worth some nine million Swedish crowns (about £730,000; $900,000).

Following the announcement, Mr Abiy said he was "humbled and thrilled".

"Thank you very much. It is a prize given to Africa, given to Ethiopia and I can imagine how the rest of Africa's leaders will take it positively to work on [the] peace-building process on our continent," he added in a phone call with the secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
2019-10-11 23:46:27
Turkey Syria offensive: Dozens killed as assault continues


Casualties are increasing as Turkey presses on with its cross-border offensive on Kurdish-held areas of northern Syria.

At least 11 civilians have died and dozens of fighters from the Kurdish-led SDF and pro-Turkish factions have been killed, reports say.

The first death of a Turkish soldier was confirmed by Turkey's military.

Tens of thousands of people have fled their homes, amid growing international criticism of the offensive.

Turkey moved into northern Syria on Wednesday after US President Donald Trump pulled American troops out of the area.

Analysts say the US withdrawal in effect gave Turkey the green light to begin its cross-border assault.
2019-10-11 23:46:47
Iran oil tanker attacked off Saudi coast, foreign ministry says


An Iranian-owned oil tanker has been attacked in the Red Sea off the coast of Saudi Arabia, Iran's foreign ministry says.

The ministry said the tanker Sabiti had been hit twice, causing some damage.

Earlier Iran's national oil company (NIOC) said two explosions on the vessel had been caused "likely by missiles".

But it dismissed earlier reports quoting it as saying the missiles were likely to have come from Saudi Arabia.

In recent months "other sabotage acts" had been carried out against Iranian tankers in the Red Sea and these were being investigated, foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said.

The incident took place at 04:50 (01:50 GMT) about 95km (60 miles) from the Saudi city of Jeddah, Iran's Mehr news agency said.

Two of the vessel's tanks were struck, it added, causing damage measuring between 0.5m and 1.5m. There were no reports of injuries.

The Sabiti is now sailing towards the Gulf, Mehr said.
2019-10-11 23:47:07
Trump loses appeal to withhold financial records from Democrats


President Donald Trump lost a key court decision in his bid to block a subpoena from House Democrats pressing to see his financial records.

The 2-1 ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit stems from a case where Trump sued to block Democrats from seeing a vast trove of materials as Congress probes Trump over potential conflicts of interest and payments from foreign governments.
2019-10-12 01:55:12
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2019-10-12 14:12:06
US postpones next tariff hike after China trade talks


The US has agreed to suspend its next tariff hike on Chinese imports after two days of trade talks in Washington.

US President Donald Trump said negotiators had reached a "phase one deal" that would include increased agricultural purchases and address financial services and technology theft.

China's top negotiator Liu He also said he was "happy" with progress.

The US was due to raise tariffs on some Chinese goods to 30% next week.

US share markets, which had risen on reports of a deal, closed higher, but shed some gains in the final minutes of trade as it became clear any agreement was relatively limited.

"We've come to a deal, pretty much, subject to getting it written," Mr Trump said, adding that negotiators would begin discussing additional phases as soon as this set of agreements is put to paper.

Mr Trump said he might sign the deal alongside Chinese President Xi Jinping at a United Nations summit in Chile in December.

The US has claimed progress in the past on similar issues, such as increased agricultural purchases and foreign exchange and currency, without the dispute being resolved.
2019-10-12 14:12:47
Kevin McAleenan: US Homeland Security chief steps down


The acting head of US Homeland Security, Kevin McAleenan, has resigned after six months in the post.

In a tweet, President Donald Trump said Mr McAleenan wanted to spend more time with his family. He said his replacement would be named next week.

Mr McAleenan, 48, is the fourth person to serve as the head of Homeland Security during Mr Trump's tenure.

He has overseen the president's tough policies aimed at curbing immigration across the Mexican border.

However, analysts have described a turbulent relationship between the two and Mr McAleenan has criticised the tone of the immigration debate.

Recently he was shouted off stage by student protesters at a university in Washington DC.

Announcing his resignation, Mr Trump said Mr McAleenan had done "an outstanding job".

"We have worked well together with border crossings being way down," he said.

"Kevin now, after many years in government, wants to spend more time with his family and go to the private sector."
2019-10-12 14:13:37
Johnson's major U-turn sets up 48 hours to clinch Brexit deal


Boris Johnson has signalled that he will make a last-ditch U-turn on his plans for the Irish border, setting up 48 hours of intense negotiations that will make or break a Brexit deal.

On a day of rapid movement in talks, EU sources said the prime minister had conceded that there could not be a customs border on the island of Ireland – a critical step away from his previous position.

That came after European ambassadors prompted tentative hope of a deal by giving the green light for what some diplomats described as a “tunnel” discussion in which a small team of negotiators meet for intensive talks to find a break-through moment. The Democratic Unionist party and European Research Group (ERG), a group of rightwing Conservatives, later issued statements promising flexibility, keeping hope alive that Johnson could find support for a new offer in the House of Commons.

But amid ongoing scepticism that a deal could be forced through in the short time left and with Angela Merkel due to hold talks with Emmanuel Macron on Sunday night, the prime minister faces a frantic race to push through his fresh proposals with Brussels or at home.

“The UK has accepted that there is not a deal that involves a border on the island of Ireland – that is a big break from what they were saying,” one EU source said. “Now the key is for them to lay out how their new position over the weekend.”

On Friday, Johnson twice refused to deny that Northern Ireland could still stay in the EU’s customs territory after Brexit when asked by reporters on Friday.
2019-10-12 15:27:32
2019-10-14 16:48:34
2019-10-14 19:23:32
Ecuador violence: Protesters agree to talks with government


The UN says representatives of Ecuador's government and the country's indigenous groups will hold their first direct talks later on Sunday in a bid to end days of violent protests.

Protesters are demanding the return of fuel subsidies which the government scrapped as part of austerity measures.

Reports say President Lenín Moreno has agreed to reassess the subsidies, but not necessarily repeal them.

Nearly two weeks of unrest have left much of the capital, Quito, in chaos.

On Saturday, President Moreno announced a curfew would be imposed in Quito and surrounding areas, enforced by the military.

"I've ordered the joint command of the armed forces to immediately take steps necessary to re-establish order in all of Ecuador," he said in a televised address.

The armed forces said movement would be restricted across the country for 24 hours. Ecuador is already subject to a two-month national emergency.

Mr Moreno also revealed that protesters had agreed to direct talks for the first time.

In a statement later on Twitter, the UN said talks between the two sides would take place in Quito at 15:00 (20:00 GMT).
2019-10-14 19:23:59
Tunisia election: Kais Saied to become president, exit polls suggest

Retired academic Kais Saied is set to become president of Tunisia, exit polls suggest.

The poll said the law professor, 61, had secured 76% of votes. No official results have yet been published.

He was up against media mogul Nabil Karoui, 56, who campaigned from prison after being arrested on charges of money laundering and tax fraud.

He denies the charges and officials have warned he may appeal, arguing he has not been allowed a fair campaign.

After the exit polls were released, Mr Saied appeared in front of jubilant supporters in Tunis and thanked "young people for turning a new page" in Tunisia's history.

"We will try to build a new Tunisia. Young people led this campaign, and I am responsible for them," he said, flanked by his family.

Mr Karoui, who was freed by a court order just four days ago, came second in the first round of voting, with 15.6% of the vote to Mr Saied's 18.4%.
2019-10-14 19:24:48
Poland election: Governing party claims victory after exit poll


Poland's governing Law and Justice party (PiS) has claimed victory in Sunday's general election.

An exit poll gave the conservative nationalist party 43.6% of the vote, enough to take a majority in the lower house of parliament.

Its main rival, the centrist Civic Coalition (KO), had 27.4%.

If the exit poll proves accurate, calculations by private broadcaster TVN suggest PiS could have 239 MPs in the 460-seat lower house.

By the same calculations, KO would take 130 seats and the left-wing coalition Lewica, in third place, 43 seats. Turnout was more than 60%, the exit poll suggested.
2019-10-14 19:25:26
Turkey-Syria offensive: Kurds reach deal with Syrian army


The Kurds in Syria say the Syrian government has agreed to send its army to the northern border to try to halt Turkey's offensive against them.

Syrian state media earlier reported that government forces had been deployed to the north.

It follows the US decision to pull all its remaining troops from the area over the "untenable" situation there.

The Turkish assault, launched last week, is aimed at forcing Kurdish forces from along the border area.

Areas under control of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the main US ally in the area, have come under heavy bombardment over the weekend, with Turkey making gains in two key border towns.

Dozens of civilians and fighters have been killed on both sides.

In a separate development on Sunday, Kurdish officials said nearly 800 relatives of foreign Islamic State (IS) members had escaped from Ain Issa, a camp in the north, as clashes raged nearby.
2019-10-14 19:26:57
Catalonia leaders jailed for sedition by Spanish court


Spain's Supreme Court has sentenced nine Catalan separatist leaders to between nine and 13 years in prison for sedition over their role in an independence referendum in 2017.

Three other defendants were found guilty of disobedience and fined, but will not serve prison sentences.

The 12 politicians and activists had all denied the charges.

In response to the verdicts, Catalan independence supporters marched in Barcelona before blocking some streets.

Some of those sentenced had held prominent positions in Catalonia's government and parliament, while others were influential activists and cultural advocates.

The prosecution had sought up to 25 years in prison for Oriol Junqueras, the former vice-president of Catalonia and the highest-ranking pro-independence leader on trial.

Junqueras was handed the longest sentence of 13 years for sedition and misuse of public funds.

Others to receive prison sentences for sedition were:

Dolors Bassa, ex-labour minister (12 years)
Jordi Turull, former Catalan government spokesman (12 years)
Raül Romeva, former external relations minister (12 years)
Carme Forcadell, ex-speaker of the Catalan parliament (11.5 years)
Joaquim Forn, former Catalan interior minister (10.5 years)
Josep Rull, former territorial minister (10.5 years)
Jordi Sànchez, activist and ex-president of the Catalan National Assembly (9 years)
Jordi Cuixart, president of Catalan language and culture organisation Òmnium Cultural (9 years)
2019-10-16 21:29:11
共諜 Andrew Yang 呢
2019-10-17 09:01:14
Turkey-Syria offensive: Not our border, says Donald Trump


President Donald Trump has said Turkey's incursion into Syria is "not our border", and called the former US allies the Kurds "no angels".

The US is facing intense criticism for withdrawing its forces from Syria, which some say gave Turkey the green light to launch a cross-border offensive against Kurdish-led forces.

Mr Trump told reporters at the White House the US is "not a policing agent".

"It is time for us to go home," he said.

The US House of Representatives voted overwhelming to condemn the president's withdrawal of US forces from Syria, with both Democrats and Mr Trump's fellow Republicans approving the measure.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi later told reporters Mr Trump had had a "meltdown" during a meeting with congressional leaders about Syria, which Democratic politicians eventually left after the president allegedly called her a "third-rate politician," according to Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer.

For his part, Mr Trump aimed the same accusation at Ms Pelosi.

Republican leaders however said Ms Pelosi's behaviour was "unbecoming", and criticised her for "storming out".

Turkey-Syria offensive: US sanctions Turkish ministries
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