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2019-09-23 09:14:26
Iran accuses foreign forces of raising Gulf 'insecurity'

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that his country should lead regional security in the strategic Persian Gulf and denounced the presence of foreign troops there. "Foreign forces can cause problems and insecurity for our people and for our region," he said in a televised speech at an annual military parade.

His statement comes after the United States ordered the deployment of additional troops to the Middle East amid rising tensions following a series of attacks on the oil-rich region's energy infrastructure.

Saudi Arabia and the United States have accused Iran of carrying out the attacks on Saudi oil facilities on September 14, in what was the largest-ever assault on oil facilities of the world's top oil exporter. Iran has denied involvement in the attack, which was claimed by Yemen's Houthi movement, a group aligned with Iran and currently fighting a Saudi-led alliance in Yemen's civil war.

Saudi Arabia has called the strikes on Abqaiq and Khurais facilities a test of global will to preserve international order, and will look to form a united front at the United Nations General Assembly.
2019-09-23 21:57:27
Iran says UK-flagged tanker seized in July is free to leave


The British-flagged tanker seized by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards more than two months ago has been released, according to Iranian officials.

“The legal process has finished and based on that the conditions for letting the oil tanker go free have been fulfilled and the oil tanker can move,” Ali Rabiei, Iran’s government spokesman, said on Monday, according to the official IRNA news agency.

The Stena Impero’s Swedish owners are yet to confirm the vessel has been freed from the port city of Bandar Abbas, but had said on Sunday its release was imminent.

The decision to release the vessel comes a day before a meeting between Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, and the British prime minister, Boris Johnson, on the sidelines of the UN general assembly in New York.

Analysts said the timing of the announcement could be aimed at generating some goodwill ahead of the international meeting in which the Islamic Republic is expected to face pressure over allegations it carried out or supported last week’s missile and drone attacks on Saudi Arabian oil infrastructure.
2019-09-23 21:58:04
Trump confirms he raised Bidens in Ukraine call


President Trump has confirmed that he raised the subject of former Vice-President Joe Biden and his son in a July phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.

Mr Trump is facing allegations that he pressured Ukraine to investigate his potential 2020 rival, which he denies.

But his admission about the phone call fuelled calls for Democrats to launch impeachment proceedings in Congress.

Adam Schiff, a senior Democrat, said such a move "may be the only remedy".

Mr Schiff, the influential head of the House Intelligence Committee, had previously opposed impeachment.

The controversy over whether Mr Trump pushed his Ukrainian counterpart to launch corruption investigations against the Bidens has dominated Washington in recent days.

It was sparked after revelations in US media that an intelligence whistleblower had filed a complaint over Mr Trump's communications with a foreign leader and a "promise" that was allegedly made.
2019-09-24 09:07:51
Jarrett William Smith: US soldier 'discussed bombing news network'

The FBI has arrested a US Army soldier on suspicion of sharing instructions via social media on how to make bombs.

Jarrett William Smith allegedly suggested using a vehicle bomb to attack a major US news network.

The 24-year-old wrote online about wanting to fight for a far-right group in Ukraine, say prosecutors.

The private first class also suggested killing members of far-left group Antifa, says the FBI.

The infantry soldier, who was based at Fort Riley, Kansas, was arrested on Saturday and charged with distributing information relating to weapons of mass destruction.

According to charging documents, Mr Smith had been in contact since 2016 with another American, Craig Lang, who had travelled to Ukraine to fight for a paramilitary nationalist group, the Right Sector.

Mr Smith allegedly discussed with Mr Lang on Facebook how to build bombs.

"Oh yeah, I got knowledge of IEDs [improvised explosive devices] for days," said Mr Smith on 8 December 2018, according to the documents.

"We can make cell phone IEDs in the style of the Afghans. I can teach you that."
2019-09-24 09:09:22
Boris Johnson refuses to rule out suspending parliament again

Boris Johnson has refused to rule out suspending parliament again if the supreme court rules on Tuesday that he abused his powers as prime minister in doing so earlier this month.

The British prime minister, who is in New York for a UN summit, also indicated he would not feel obliged to resign if the justices rule he misled the Queen in his reasons for suspending parliament.

Asked if he felt a verdict going against him would make his position untenable, Johnson said: “No. I think the reasons for wanting a Queen’s speech are extremely good.”

Speaking to reporters, Johnson also categorically ruled out any sort of deal with Nigel Farage’s Brexit party in the likely imminent election, saying the Conservatives would contest every seat.
2019-09-24 09:11:02
Israeli elections: Netanyahu and Gantz take 'significant step' towards deal

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his main opponent, Benny Gantz, have taken "a significant step" towards forming a unity government, Israel's president has said.

Reuven Rivlin was speaking after hosting a meeting for the two rivals.

No details of the talks have been made public. But a joint statement said chief negotiators for the two main parties would meet on Tuesday.

Last week's general election - the second this year - ended in deadlock.

In a bid to broker a solution, President Rivlin has recommended the new government includes both Mr Gantz's Blue and White Alliance, which won 33 seats, and Mr Netanyahu's Likud party, which won 31.
2019-09-24 17:19:16
BBC Live: Supreme Court decision due

The UK's highest court will rule on whether Boris Johnson's decision to suspend Parliament for five weeks was lawful.

The announcement is expected at about 10:30 BST

2019-09-24 17:51:06
Supreme Court裁定unlawful,會有乜野影響
2019-09-24 17:55:21
一見到,水都噴埋出黎,其他嘢再update大家,只少Bercow 講會開會
2019-09-24 18:14:11
Delivering the unanimous verdict of the 11 Supreme Court justices, Lady Hale, the president of the court, said: "This court has already concluded that the prime minister's advice to Her Majesty was unlawful, void and of no effect.

"This means that the Order in Council to which it led was also unlawful, void and of no effect and should be quashed.

"This means that when the Royal Commissioners walked into the House of Lords it was as if they walked in with a blank sheet of paper.

"The prorogation was also void and of no effect. Parliament has not been prorogued.

"This is the unanimous judgement of all 11 justices."

2019-09-24 18:15:11



2019-09-25 08:53:06
Trump impeachment: Pelosi launches formal inquiry into Ukraine claims

US Democrats have opened a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump over allegations he sought help from a foreign power to damage a political rival.

Top Democrat Nancy Pelosi said the president "must be held accountable".

Mr Trump has denied impropriety and called the efforts "garbage".

While there is strong support from Democrats on impeachment, if the inquiry moves forward it is unlikely to pass the Republican-controlled Senate.

The row was sparked by reports an intelligence whistleblower lodged a formal complaint about a phone call President Trump made with Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky.

What exactly was said remains unclear but Democrats accuse Mr Trump of threatening to withhold military aid to force Ukraine to investigate corruption allegations against former Vice-President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Mr Trump has acknowledged discussing Joe Biden with Mr Zelensky but said he was only trying to get Europe to step up assistance by threatening to withhold military aid.

Explainer: Impeaching a U.S. president - how the process works
2019-09-25 08:55:01
Canada officials misled Huawei executive, lawyers argue

Lawyers for Meng Wanzhou – the Huawei executive at the centre of an extradition battle that has poisoned relations between Canada and China – have argued that officials misled her when she was detained at Vancouver airport.

Before Meng was formally arrested on 1 December, she was questioned for nearly three hours by Canadian border agents. She was also asked to surrender her electronic devices, which border agents searched.

By leading her to believe her detention and questioning were immigration-related – and not the result of a US arrest warrant – police in effect violated her rights under Canada’s charter, her legal team said in court filings.

“There [was] nothing routine about this,” Meng’s lawyer, Richard Peck, told the court, accusing the government of engaging in a “covert criminal investigation” under the pretext of immigration issues.

Canada’s attorney general has defended law enforcement’s handling of the case, telling the court that an arrest warrant can be executed after a person has passed through customs – as was the case with Meng. The government also argued that the sharing of information between border security agents and the FBI, while Meng was still being questioned, was lawful.

“There is no evidence that the conduct of officials, either Canadian or foreign, has compromised the fairness of the extradition proceedings,” said the government in a court filing.
2019-09-25 08:56:20
Indonesia protests over sex before marriage bill

Police have fired tear gas and water cannons at protesters demonstrating outside the Indonesian parliament over a proposed new criminal code that would ban sex before marriage.

Protests against the bill also took place in other cities in the country.

The bill would outlaw most abortions and make insulting the president illegal.

The bill has been delayed, but protesters are concerned it could still eventually pass through parliament.

The proposed new criminal code includes the following:

- Sex before marriage would be criminalised and could result in a one-year prison term

- Living together outside marriage could lead to a six-month prison sentence

- Insulting the president, vice president, religion, state institutions and symbols such as the flag and national anthem would be illegal

- Abortion would carry a maximum four-year prison term if there were no circumstances of a medical emergency or rape

The bill was initially scheduled for a vote on Tuesday - however, President Joko Widodo postponed the vote on Friday, stating that that new laws needed more consideration.
2019-09-25 08:59:58
Supreme Court: Suspending Parliament was unlawful, judges rule


Boris Johnson's decision to suspend Parliament for five weeks was unlawful, the Supreme Court has ruled.

Judges said it was wrong to stop MPs carrying out duties in the run-up to the Brexit deadline on 31 October.

The PM, who has faced calls to resign, said he "profoundly disagreed" with the ruling but would "respect" it.

The Labour conference finished early following the ruling and MPs are returning to Westminster ready for Parliament to reconvene on Wednesday.

A senior government official said the prime minister spoke to the Queen after the Supreme Court ruling, but would not reveal the details of the conversation.

It comes after the court ruled it was impossible to conclude there had been any reason "let alone a good reason - to advise Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament for five weeks".

Mr Johnson, who returns to London from New York on Wednesday, also chaired a 30-minute phone call with his cabinet.

A source told the BBC that the Leader of the Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg said to other cabinet ministers on the call that the action by the court had amounted to a "constitutional coup".

Brexit: What happens now?
2019-09-25 09:01:42
Chinese hackers who pursued Uighurs also targeted Tibetans: researchers

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Sophisticated Chinese hackers who used a previously unknown iPhone security flaw to target ethnic minority Uighurs also went after Tibetans in exile, according to a report published on Tuesday.

It was the first detected use of malicious software against exiled Tibetans that required only a single click on a mobile device to work, said Citizen Lab, a Canada-based academic research group.

Citing the technical similarities in the attacks and ones uncovered by U.S. tech firms against Uighurs, the report suggested that forces likely working with the Chinese government may be upgrading their surveillance efforts against key minorities more broadly. The Tibetans are protesting Chinese rule of the mountainous region inside China.

China’s foreign ministry and the Cyberspace Administration of China did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Using well-crafted cover stories, the attackers tried to entice the targets to click on links to websites that would have installed spyware on Apple or Android devices, the report said.

Eight of the 15 Tibetans known to have received the tainted links recalled clicking on them to open them, the researchers said. All their devices were protected by patches that had been issued for the security flaws, but the researchers followed the links themselves to determine what would have happened.
2019-09-25 15:16:54

2019-09-25 16:39:53
daily mail
2019-09-26 09:19:22
Boris Johnson says Supreme Court 'wrong' to rule on Parliament suspension

Boris Johnson has told MPs the Supreme Court was "wrong to pronounce on a political question at a time of great national controversy".

And he urged smaller parties to table a vote of no confidence in his government to trigger a general election.

In extraordinary scenes, Tory MPs applauded as he goaded Jeremy Corbyn over his refusal to back an election.

Mr Corbyn told the PM he was "not fit for office" and should have resigned after the Supreme Court's verdict.

Other MPs also rounded on Mr Johnson for his lack of contrition following the unanimous defeat for the government in the court.

Labour's Rachel Reeves said Wednesday's events in Parliament had been "an horrendous spectacle". Her colleague, Jess Phillips, said the PM's response to the court judgement looked "horrendous" to the public and he should apologise.
2019-09-26 09:20:36
Israeli elections: Netanyahu asked to form next government

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been asked to form the country's next government by President Reuven Rivlin.

It comes after Mr Netanyahu and his main opponent in the recent general election, Benny Gantz, failed to agree a deal on a unity government.

Last week's general election - the second this year - ended in deadlock.

Mr Gantz's Blue and White Alliance won 33 seats while Mr Netanyahu's Likud party won 32 in the 120-seat Knesset.

Mr Netanyahu now has up to six weeks to try and put together a government.

Mr Rivlin has said he will do everything he can to avoid a third general election this year.

"Netanyahu has more of a chance to form a government," the president said in a speech while standing alongside alongside Mr Netanyahu.
2019-09-26 09:21:40
Trump impeachment: Memo confirms president urged Biden inquiry

The Trump administration has released details of a phone conversation in July that has triggered a US impeachment inquiry against the president.

According to the notes, Donald Trump asked the Ukrainian leader to look into corruption claims involving the son of Joe Biden, Mr Trump's possible rival in next year's presidential election.

Concerns about the call were initially raised by a whistleblower.

The Democrats accused Mr Trump of seeking foreign help to smear a rival.

Under the US constitution, a president can be impeached for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanours" - a procedure that can lead to removal from office.

In July, Mr Trump froze military aid to Ukraine but he has insisted that this was not used to put pressure on the new government in Kiev.

Mr Trump discusses with his newly elected Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, the 2016 removal of a prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, according to notes of their 25 July telephone conversation released by the White House.

The US president is quoted as saying in the half-hour call: "I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair.

"A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved." He continues: "The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution [of Mr Biden's son] and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the [US] Attorney General would be great.
2019-09-26 09:22:07
U.S., Japan sign limited trade deal, leaving autos for future talks

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe signed a limited trade deal on Wednesday that cuts tariffs on U.S. farm goods, Japanese machine tools and other products while further staving off the threat of higher U.S. car duties.

Trump said the first-phase deal would open up Japanese markets to some $7 billion worth of U.S. products annually, cutting Japanese tariffs on American beef, pork wheat and cheese.
2019-09-27 23:50:15
White House Weighs Limits on U.S. Portfolio Flows Into China


Trump administration officials are discussing ways to limit U.S. investors’ portfolio flows into China in a move that would have repercussions for billions of dollars in investment pegged to major indexes, according to people familiar with the internal deliberations, Bloomberg News reports.
2019-09-30 08:50:45
No reason to probe Bidens: former Ukraine prosecutor

A Ukrainian ex-prosecutor general has told the BBC there is no reason for his country to investigate President Donald Trump's political rival Joe Biden.

Yuriy Lutsenko said any investigation into Mr Biden and his son would have to start in the US.

"I don't know any reason to investigate Joe Biden or Hunter Biden according to Ukrainian law," he said.

Mr Trump's efforts to have Ukraine investigate the pair prompted an impeachment inquiry by the Democrats.

A transcript of a call Mr Trump made to Ukraine's new President Volodymyr Zelensky on 25 July shows he urged him to investigate discredited corruption allegations against Mr Biden and his son.
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