Democratic primary results: Biden wins Mississippi and Missouri
Joe Biden has won Mississippi and Missouri, per AP. Voters are still casting ballots in Idaho, North Dakota and Washington — and Michigan is expected to take longer than tonight to count its absentee ballots.
The big picture: Democratic voters in six states are choosing between Bernie Sanders’ revolution or Joe Biden’s so-called Return to Normal campaign, as the candidates compete for the party's presidential nomination and the chance to take on President Trump.
What to watch: Polls close at 10 p.m. ET in Idaho and North Dakota and at 11 p.m. ET in Washington state, which votes by mail. Hispanic voters in Washington could improve Sanders’ chances there. Young and Hispanic supporters are credited with Sanders's California win on Super Tuesday and his Nevada victory.
By the numbers: Biden leads Sanders by 96 delegates going into tonight. The states will proportion their delegates based on Tuesday's results.
Michigan has 125 delegates.
Mississippi has 36 delegates.
Missouri has 68 delegates.
Idaho has 20 delegates.
North Dakota has 14 delegates.
Washington has 89 delegates.
Of note: Following his Super Tuesday delegate haul and South Carolina victory, Biden’s campaign has outspent Sanders on TV ads in Mississippi, Michigan, and Missouri, Politico reports, citing data from Advertising Analytics.
But, Sanders “remains the only spender” in North Dakota, Idaho and Washington state, per Politico.
What they're saying:
Biden, after protestors with two banners, one which read "NAFTA killed jobs," interrupted his event in Detroit on Monday:
"I'm not worried about it. It's just a reflection of what's wrong with American politics today. ... This is one of the things that Donald Trump has generated. This is not who were are. This is not who we are as a party, this is not who we are as a people. "
Sanders, making one of his last pitches in St. Louis on Monday:
"Think about the insanity of a system, where today somebody wakes up and maybe they think they have the symptoms of coronavirus. Yet they cannot afford to go to a doctor ... so they're going to go to work and make a serious epidemic even worse."