自膠, 未打完字SEND 左
再講你講專唔專業化 根本好多個朝代都係國家供養去練兵 點會唔專業化呢=> 有冇GOOGLE 過? "According to Rafe de Crespigny, the total number of professional soldiers in the Eastern Han, including all the smaller groups, amounted to some 20,000 soldiers."
再望望rome : By the end of Augustus' reign, the imperial army numbered some 250,000 men, equally split between 25 legions and 250 units of auxiliaries. The numbers grew to a peak of about 450,000 by 211, in 33 legions and about 400 auxiliary units. By then, auxiliaries outnumbered legionaries substantially.
差十倍以上呀大佬. 果小小"精兵" 其實其他都係民兵.
同埋你知唔知羅馬軍隊既武裝係點黎=>講起武器我就嬲啦, 大家都用IRON, 但係中國既因為永遠都判俾同一班人做, 搞到品質好差.
最後attila 唔係因為佢係東唔東方人, 一向都有主力騎馬既人同佢地打, 只係去到果陣, 成個國家已經好唔掂, 成日殺左有用既將軍, 又成日俾人玩kingmaker 先搞到咁差. 相反, 東ROME 其實仲好好打, 都打左唔小勝仗/