同埋你哋點真係好容易犯駁, 用sarissa之前無步兵?? 你係咪傻咗。。。
你真係覺得歷史上真係無人識同時用兩種兵種??? 即係我求其一個指揮官叫弓箭手同矛兵同時攻擊已經係 combined arm tactics (as reference to your quote)
"Combined arms hits the enemy with two or more arms simultaneously in such a manner that the actions he must take to defend himself from one make him more vulnerable to another. In contrast, supporting arms is hitting the enemy with two or more arms in sequence, or if simultaneously, then in such combination that the actions the enemy must take to defend himself from one also defends himself from the other(s)."
Alexander 係將combined arms tactics 發揮得非常好,並唔係前無古人.
其實你講嘅嘢好多點可以反駁,但你條情緒病粉皮太戇尻, 唔想晒精神同你講.