[HKUSPACE] 召集所有太空人的面孔(4) sem2/4加油

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2017-02-28 01:18:37
有冇巴打知earth sci / env sci / geology 可以講下有咩分別 邊個theme好d
2017-02-28 01:34:29
有冇巴打知earth sci / env sci / geology 可以講下有咩分別 邊個theme好d

我揀左environmental science,純粹感覺好讀啲
2017-02-28 01:45:55
想問下year1 gpa3.2X 係咪收得皮

same here 但應該唔使收皮住 仲有得追
2017-02-28 02:02:31
有冇巴打知earth sci / env sci / geology 可以講下有咩分別 邊個theme好d

我揀左environmental science,純粹感覺好讀啲

2017-02-28 02:14:02
想問下year1 gpa3.2X 係咪收得皮

sem1 all a- 但sem2 一開波已經fail左份assignment同無番3堂eapp 係咪收得皮
2017-02-28 02:18:08
Poor attendance = failing EAPP1
by Sikkema Alex William - Monday, 27 February 2017, 2:56 PM

Several students in this class are already at risk of failing this course through poor attendance.

The attendance policy for this course is the same as that of others: if you are absent for more 7 lessons, you will be disqualified from the final exam, effectively failing the course.

Absence will only be excused if you produce valid documentation, such as a sick note, authorized by student admin.

- Alex

好不安 見到佢sd比我
2017-02-28 02:22:00
想問下year1 gpa3.2X 係咪收得皮

sem1 all a- 但sem2 一開波已經fail左份assignment同無番3堂eapp 係咪收得皮

我都好似無返三堂eapp 仲要好似上堂派essay topic 但我都無返
2017-02-28 02:24:42
Poor attendance = failing EAPP1
by Sikkema Alex William - Monday, 27 February 2017, 2:56 PM

Several students in this class are already at risk of failing this course through poor attendance.

The attendance policy for this course is the same as that of others: if you are absent for more 7 lessons, you will be disqualified from the final exam, effectively failing the course.

Absence will only be excused if you produce valid documentation, such as a sick note, authorized by student admin.

- Alex

好不安 見到佢sd比我

2017-02-28 02:45:19
想問下year1 gpa3.2X 係咪收得皮

same here 但應該唔使收皮住 仲有得追

三個sem可以改變好多嘢 唔好睇少
2017-02-28 02:46:52
Poor attendance = failing EAPP1
by Sikkema Alex William - Monday, 27 February 2017, 2:56 PM

Several students in this class are already at risk of failing this course through poor attendance.

The attendance policy for this course is the same as that of others: if you are absent for more 7 lessons, you will be disqualified from the final exam, effectively failing the course.

Absence will only be excused if you produce valid documentation, such as a sick note, authorized by student admin.

- Alex

好不安 見到佢sd比我


鬼佬係好著重punctuality同respect呢兩樣嘢 不嬲捉好緊
有啲真係你遲到半個鐘都唔理 最多講笑話你一兩句
2017-02-28 08:59:27
Poor attendance = failing EAPP1
by Sikkema Alex William - Monday, 27 February 2017, 2:56 PM

Several students in this class are already at risk of failing this course through poor attendance.

The attendance policy for this course is the same as that of others: if you are absent for more 7 lessons, you will be disqualified from the final exam, effectively failing the course.

Absence will only be excused if you produce valid documentation, such as a sick note, authorized by student admin.

- Alex

好不安 見到佢sd比我

2017-02-28 09:41:42
Poor attendance = failing EAPP1
by Sikkema Alex William - Monday, 27 February 2017, 2:56 PM

Several students in this class are already at risk of failing this course through poor attendance.

The attendance policy for this course is the same as that of others: if you are absent for more 7 lessons, you will be disqualified from the final exam, effectively failing the course.

Absence will only be excused if you produce valid documentation, such as a sick note, authorized by student admin.

- Alex

好不安 見到佢sd比我


2017-02-28 10:37:08
Poor attendance = failing EAPP1
by Sikkema Alex William - Monday, 27 February 2017, 2:56 PM

Several students in this class are already at risk of failing this course through poor attendance.

The attendance policy for this course is the same as that of others: if you are absent for more 7 lessons, you will be disqualified from the final exam, effectively failing the course.

Absence will only be excused if you produce valid documentation, such as a sick note, authorized by student admin.

- Alex

好不安 見到佢sd比我


鬼佬係好著重punctuality同respect呢兩樣嘢 不嬲捉好緊
有啲真係你遲到半個鐘都唔理 最多講笑話你一兩句

2017-02-28 11:23:22
Poor attendance = failing EAPP1
by Sikkema Alex William - Monday, 27 February 2017, 2:56 PM

Several students in this class are already at risk of failing this course through poor attendance.

The attendance policy for this course is the same as that of others: if you are absent for more 7 lessons, you will be disqualified from the final exam, effectively failing the course.

Absence will only be excused if you produce valid documentation, such as a sick note, authorized by student admin.

- Alex

好不安 見到佢sd比我


不過今年就無 淨係叫人收電話
2017-02-28 11:43:42
Poor attendance = failing EAPP1
by Sikkema Alex William - Monday, 27 February 2017, 2:56 PM

Several students in this class are already at risk of failing this course through poor attendance.

The attendance policy for this course is the same as that of others: if you are absent for more 7 lessons, you will be disqualified from the final exam, effectively failing the course.

Absence will only be excused if you produce valid documentation, such as a sick note, authorized by student admin.

- Alex

好不安 見到佢sd比我


不過今年就無 淨係叫人收電話

2017-02-28 11:53:24
[突發] 已經有yr2 chem theme朋友收到電話幾interview
2017-02-28 12:03:18
[突發] 已經有yr2 chem theme朋友收到電話interview
2017-02-28 12:03:40
[突發] 已經有yr2 chem theme朋友收到6901電話interview
2017-02-28 12:31:11
Poor attendance = failing EAPP1
by Sikkema Alex William - Monday, 27 February 2017, 2:56 PM

Several students in this class are already at risk of failing this course through poor attendance.

The attendance policy for this course is the same as that of others: if you are absent for more 7 lessons, you will be disqualified from the final exam, effectively failing the course.

Absence will only be excused if you produce valid documentation, such as a sick note, authorized by student admin.

- Alex

好不安 見到佢sd比我


不過今年就無 淨係叫人收電話


2017-02-28 12:39:56
Poor attendance = failing EAPP1
by Sikkema Alex William - Monday, 27 February 2017, 2:56 PM

Several students in this class are already at risk of failing this course through poor attendance.

The attendance policy for this course is the same as that of others: if you are absent for more 7 lessons, you will be disqualified from the final exam, effectively failing the course.

Absence will only be excused if you produce valid documentation, such as a sick note, authorized by student admin.

- Alex

好不安 見到佢sd比我


不過今年就無 淨係叫人收電話



2017-02-28 13:22:52
入面有英文書同eapp1 頭八課既notes
2017-02-28 13:34:58
2017-02-28 13:46:44

2017-02-28 14:01:10

跟佢嘅話 絲打平時著得少布d 多d同佢互動就包妳assignment A range 巴打就溫好書準備final就得
2017-02-28 14:07:23
Eapp1走左幾堂 有d淆
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞