Introduction to Stochastic Calculus & Application in Finance

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2018-10-27 22:56:50
2018-10-27 23:01:53
2018-10-27 23:04:15
2018-10-27 23:05:26
2018-10-27 23:18:04
2018-10-27 23:33:49
下個sem讀stochastic process
2018-10-27 23:45:57
Stochastic process同stochastic calculus係唔同
我呢個post其實冇點分析過stochastic process本身嘅property
而stochastic process本身已經有幾種
一開始你應該會學discrete time & discrete state space 嘅 discrete stoc. process
然後再generalize上去就係continuous time but discrete state space 嘅 continuous-time stoc. process
最後就係continuous time & continuous state space 嘅 continuous stoc. process

而我呢篇文其實只係用緊其中一個continuous stoc. process 亦都係當中最簡單嗰個
就係wiener process 佢嘅property我都只係喺一開頭略略提過
2018-10-28 00:10:48
2018-10-28 00:45:43
2018-10-28 01:14:26
2018-10-28 01:37:41
2018-10-28 02:03:30
It is very important NOT to confuse the proof for Feynman Kac formula in QFT as the “real” proof. As the two integrals in QFT and Stochastic Calculus are defined differently.
2018-10-28 02:07:20
如果夠位嘅話我section 3最尾會做一次martingale嗰個proof
不過應該會簡化少少嘢 唔會寫得太formal
(其實上面嗰堆嘢我好多都寫得唔formal )
2018-10-28 02:09:11
2018-10-28 02:24:24
No worries, many physicists and engineers make this mistake as well by treating the Wiener path integrals as stochastic integrals. I recently just saw a few engineers making this mistake in their paper when I was a referee for a journal.

Although numerically they are often the same, conceptually they are very different as stochastic integral is defined in a L2 sense. It is not possible to define it path by path as a Lebesgue Stieljes integral since the Brownian motion paths are of infinite variation almost surely.

Were you guys taught how to define stochastic integrals in your course?
2018-10-28 02:46:44
Yes but in a later stage. There is a separate course that really teaches us stochastic calculus formally, the 1st half of it is pretty much like a real analysis course, but for now we are only up to conditional expectation.
(Btw now you've mentioned Lebesgue Stieljes integral, I seem to understand why they are different )

The content I'm using here actually came from another course, the nature of that course is kind of like "Application of stochastic calculus in Finance", so that's why it's a bit informal.
But I think it's already good enough to serve as the backbone of this post.
2018-10-28 13:34:29
2018-10-28 14:53:49
淨係random variable 個definition
對於non math major 既人真係幾難明
無學過d notation
2018-10-28 14:59:37
Linear Algebra有咩好書介紹
2018-10-28 15:00:17
2018-10-28 17:33:12
No problem. It’s indeed very nice that you are giving a concise introduction to the applications of stochastic calculus in finance. I find them very helpful.

I am also trying to learn some mathematical finance as I will be looking for job very soon and don’t have any background in finance. I was reading a book called “The Concepts and Practice of Mathematical Finance” by Mark Joshi. I have also heard the book by Wilmott is good.

And sorry I can’t tell you guys more about the Feynman path integrals as I’m not an expert in QFT. My knowledge of physics is rather limited, my undergrad major was pure maths and I did some physics only up to 3rd year undergrad. My current research focuses on stochastic differential equations that’s why I’m also thinking about working as a quant.
2018-10-28 17:35:16
What course are you doing and where are you doing it?
2018-10-28 18:32:41
2018-10-28 21:59:52
以呢個唔太重視基本 mathematical analysis 既 undergrad program 黎講,樓主已經寫得好唔錯啦
2018-10-28 23:33:31

簡單講下sell side quant既分類,概括都可分為front/middle/back office

fo quant主要都係幫trading desk開發model或者分析exotic deriv risk
middle to back就會做xva/valuation/model validation

fo quant香港機會始終唔太多,主要係鬼佬玩晒(唔少係法國人)。model validation既機會就好少少,銀行或者consultant都會請。但始終都係fo quant搵得多啲

你有冇phd,好多fo quant都係拎住個phd

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