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Toll Booths
Yes, they are finally here, they are free and they are here to stay! Toll Booths are separate buildings that you can connect to your road network and all traffic driving through the toll must stop at the booths and pay a small fee to pass the toll. You can connect your Toll Booths to any road, though to avoid traffic congestion it helps if Toll Booths are connected to roads that have roughly the same amount of lanes. So connecting Toll Booths to your highways makes sense, right? To build your first Toll Booth you must first reach Milestone 4 Boom Town with your City. You can find new Toll Booths under Roads construction menu in their own tab and don't forget to check out the updated Advisor text for Roads as well! At Milestone 4 you unlock two Toll Booths with 4 lanes - one for one-way traffic and one with a lane going to each direction. At Milestone 6 you unlock even larger Toll Booths with 8 lanes. Once we've set up our first Toll Booth we can select it to open up the building info panel. There you can adjust the ticket price with a slider and see how many cars passed through the toll booth last week. Large vehicles automatically pay more toll fees than small vehicles. And don't worry - your city service vehicles and public transportation vehicles will automatically pass toll booths without stopping or paying. So your fire trucks can still reach their destination without any hindrances.
Toll Booths are fairly automated system which is why we're releasing a free content policy Automated Toll to go with Toll Booths. With Automated Toll policy vehicles no longer need to stop at the Toll Booth which makes passing through the booths a lot faster. Vehicles are still required to slow down while driving through and as a downside Toll Booths income is reduced by 30%. In general Toll Booths are great for controlling your traffic and adding extra payment for entering and exiting certain areas such as busy harbors or non-renewable resource areas where you want to have some control over the amount of vehicles. Toll Booths not only give your City some extra income but they also affect the pathfinding of vehicles - Toll Booths will make roads less desirable the higher the price.
Toll Booth collects a small fee from vehicles entering Birdsong Drilling Area. "Collected funds are used to improve our workers' well-being" the Mayor claims.