[歐美H game]推介(10)

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2024-08-17 03:59:55
2024-08-17 08:19:17
emma世一 但係過咗emma篇就差唔多冇晒戲份
2024-08-17 22:03:26
2024-08-18 19:40:22
Chasing Sunsets完結
2024-08-18 22:47:00
到my real desire比patreon搞
2024-08-18 23:50:05
2024-08-18 23:51:39
又開始大清洗 好耐之前洗過一次太平地 依家連有patch or有得俾玩家自己改setting嗰啲都要搞 Patreon真係仆街嚟
2024-08-18 23:57:42
總知依家就係元氣彈 有少少疑似幼幼 疑似亂 都要死 同埋就算係第三方patch都好 patreon 都on9到要啲作者出示證據證明啲亂patch唔係佢哋自己整
2024-08-19 00:00:00
睇F95話好似有yui個sleep sex 所以當左rape而ban
2024-08-19 00:00:33
作者話係f95 ‘rape’ tags出事
2024-08-19 00:01:42
2024-08-19 00:03:26
2024-08-19 02:11:37
twisted memories
Development update

Let me tell you, doing the audio for the lewd scenes is quite something. I basically have a folder of ~300 files per character in where I skim through all of them to find the best fitting moaning, slurping and sucking noises for any specific render or animation and after a few hours of getting blasted by those on repeat you definitely end up just a tiny bit less sane than before. Its definitely one of the best parts of development.

In regards to the actual progress now: I did get done implementing all the music into the script although that's kind of the smallest part of the whole audio thing. Actually finding good music that both fits the scene and is copyright free is probably the hardest thing about it. For the sound effects I didn't manage to get through all the scenes, but I was kind of already suspecting that I won't. There are only three scenes left but those have quite a bit of lewdness which means that there are still a lot of lines of code ahead of me. I'm also doing the ambient and the lewd sfx in one go this time around as I mixed up some of the audio channels last time by doing it separately, which caused a few sounds to loop indefinitely.

Anyway, I will be able to finish all the audio stuff sometime within the next week. After that the last step will be proofreading and bug testing. One thing I still haven't done yet but which I intended to do is to rework the gallery and to implement a walkthrough mode. The walkthrough mode definitely won't happen for the initial release of v0.9 but the gallery rework I'm not quite ready to give up yet. For now I'll leave it to see how long proofreading and bug-testing will take.
2024-08-19 11:55:45
2024-08-19 12:30:52
琴晚睇完個post都O嘴,仲有bug test未做,又想fix gallery,月底都唔知玩唔玩到。
2024-08-19 12:50:13
2024-08-19 14:47:17
2024-08-19 14:49:55
話說TM SS tier four有4個人啦,佢都算收得平,我其他sub個D 高tier閒閒地都過60usd。
2024-08-19 15:08:03
2024-08-19 20:46:04
pale carnation
Dev Diary 80

Hello all, TD here with dev diary eight zero. This one will be short.

The current overall tally for Ch4Up5 stands at 1,865 static images, 51 animations, and 34,279 words.

That means we've added 270 statics images, 0 animations, and 2,908 words to the project over the last two weeks.

I'm happy to report all is going well with Friday of the update. A few miscellaneous scenes are down and we are now underway with the Kathleen scene that will pay off for those who visited our love-to-hate-her hag post exhibition 2. We'll likely be on that for a few weeks, and then it's the final (long) stretch to wrap up Ch4Up5 with a likely too complicated group event. Keeping all the variables for each heroine straight and making sense of how they might intersect with each other is going to be a test of my abilities, but I'm looking forward to the challenge.

With nothing else to report, as ever, thank you all for the support. Have a good whatever is remaining of your weekend!
2024-08-19 20:49:49
Radiant Chapter 7: Progress Report #3
Hello again everyone. Wanted to make a public progress report this time, since the last one had some risqué previews and needed to be paywalled.

As you can see, we are indeed running slightly behind on our initially announced deadline (the end of August). We’re currently about 70% finished, as will be reflected in the progress tracker a bit later in the day when it's updated (after current scenes get wrapped up). The good news is that the last 30% or so of the chapter shouldn’t take too long: there will not be any huge/unreasonably long delays like there has been in the past... that is something I promised to everyone way back when we started working on Chapter 6 and I will honor that promise. That being said, I know it’s still disappointing to have to wait a little longer than was initially announced, even if it's just a couple of weeks, and for that I apologize. I just wanted to be transparent and let you all know ahead of time so there’s no surprises come the end of August. I’ll do my best to make it up to you guys and get things done quickly, and I'll be very communicative in the process so that you know what to expect.

Chapter 7 is roughly the same size as Chapter 6, a bit larger even. It is the most explicit update we’ve made so far with lots of animations and spicy content, various scenes with multiple girls. There's also an immense amount of choices, branching, and payoff from recently established relationships! Additionally, as I mentioned in the previous report, you'll also get a much anticipated visit from a certain redhead from our past... and there’s a pretty big scene that I think quite a few of you have been waiting for (not quite like the one in Chapter 6, but still much anticipated, winkwink).

Love you guys, and I’ll post one of these again in about two weeks so I can keep everyone posted. This will also be public, and I'll include some (new) SFW previews! Thanks for bearing with us and for the support.
2024-08-19 20:57:09
summer heat

Hello, everyone!

This week we have some good news and some bad news.

Let's start with the good news. This cycle we've had to learn how to work around some annoying issues. Next cycle, we'll have our new creation rig up and running to feed the rendering beast. This means both rigs will be running the same version of Daz3D, which should ideally eliminate all the consistency issues we've been experiencing and save Npx some crying. Key word "should."

The bad news is that this update will have a couple less renders of Helen and Mike. Some tree renders were also sacrificed. We don't like cutting content, but sometimes it happens.

We are still doing final touches on the last scene which we struggled with before. However, the release dates announced in our previous status update are still holding up! Here they are again for those who missed it:

Enthusiast+ tiers: Thursday, August 22nd
Player tier: Saturday, August 24th

We've also added a new entry tier to our Patreon page, the Fan tier. This has been requested a couple of times, so why not?

Other news

Many of you have probably heard about the Apple and Patreon situation this past week. It's not good and you can read more about it here. But life goes on. We recommend using a browser or Android instead of the app store for all your future Patreon needs.

Since the last status update we posted the July special render, featuring Mia!

Cheers and have a nice weekend,

Robison & Npx
2024-08-19 21:00:18
race of life
Development Update - 06.08.2024
The poll for the preview was won by Jasmine! She will be featured extensively in the upcoming update (don't worry other girls have plenty of screetime as well!), and interestingly, she will appear in different versions and various outfits 😉 I hope you're excited!

I am very pleased with my progress regarding the images and the amount of content I have managed to process. I have surpassed 1200 renders, and for now, I haven't made more animations, so we are still at 20 animations. I am nearing the end of the conference scenes and I aim to finish them by the end of August. After that, there will be a couple of lewd scenes ahead of me which will be the highlight of the update. I hope things continue to go as well as they did this month. If so, I should be able to meet all the deadlines I have set in my mind.

The translations are going well but we're still looking for more people to help us! If you know any of the languages listed below and would like to help us by translating or proofreading the text, contact me here on Patreon or DM me on Discord. If you don't wish to translate and still would like to help - we're looking for people to read through the done translations and check if it's alright.

Languages we're aiming for:

Spanish and others...

Few words from Joshua 😊

Another couple of weeks, another jump closer to release.

I'm just finishing up the lewd scenes at the moment—I know, I know, I've said this before—but the lewd portions are ones that I'm really trying to get right. I've been taking notes on reading erotica and romance novels to make the sex scenes work a little better with the story. I know there are people who just play for the lewd content, but from the feedback we've gotten, a majority want the lewd content to also integrate into the story, which is absolutely fine. I get it, it'd pull me out of the zone if the scenes suddenly jumped out of nowhere without making much sense (and a few of you have felt that way about Maggie's content, but don't worry, there is context coming regarding the why and why now, plus where it goes from here).

I usually read a lot anyway, so adding a few more books to my "to be read" shelf isn't so bad. Plus, they do bulk buys of those sorts of novels. Much cheaper than the sci-fi and alternative fiction I usually read (Incidentally, I just finished World War 2.0 by John Birmingham. Great book if you're a fan of alternative history. Near-future war fleet gets warped back to WW2. Banger of a starting point. Unfortunately, now I have to get the whole series!).

So as for updates, I can say that this ep will have more lewd content than pretty much any other episode so far (which I'm pretty sure I've mentioned already), but also some variety in how those lewds play out based on your interactions between characters and the path you're on.

Apart from that, it's just business as usual. I'm pushing to finish the script asap so we can proof, polish and populate it into the files. Fuck it, I'll give myself a three week deadline. I work best under pressure anyway.

Stay tuned!
2024-08-19 21:07:11
Artemis DevLog CH6
Hey everyone!

Did more animation work as planned with just one minor hitch. One set of the animations kept CTD (close to desktop) every time I hit render. The annoying part there was no rhyme or reason to the crash. Like an old junker, I'd just keep restarting the software until the render fully initiated. Not much of a big deal, since I'd just monitor it on the second monitor. Still just one of those pain in the ass situations with development where something breaks for no reason.
This week I'm going to focus on story renders. I do have a sleep study to go to tomorrow night, where I hope I don't fall victim to an AVN trope while someone monitors me while I sleep. It's only for an evening, so I'll be back in the dev seat the next morning.
That wraps it up for this week. Be safe out there and be sure to schedule your routine checkup with your doctor!

2024-08-19 21:14:48
agent 17
Note Making : v0.24 Progress

Hi, HEXATAIL here.

I feel bad that the project hasn't been going as smoothly as I thought it would. I wanted to take a moment to apologize for the delay in our project update and let you know what's been going on.

First off, I recently moved to a new place, which ended up taking more time than I expected. Getting everything set up, including the internet, took longer than planned.

On top of that, I ran into a few unexpected issues with the current work that needed extra time to fix to make sure everything is up to par.

I’m aiming to have the update ready by the end of August.

Thanks for your patience and understanding. I'm committed to delivering a great update and looking into ways to speed up the process in the future.

Thank you.
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