[歐美H game]推介(10)

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2024-08-04 17:51:18
得紫毛岩丁 其他都麻麻地
2024-08-04 17:55:24
Agent 17 八月底
2024-08-04 20:13:28
2024-08-04 22:19:09
TM 翻譯完成,會有6個scenes,勁多淫穢對話
2024-08-04 22:21:37
twisted memories

Development update
Alright, there has been a power outage yesterday which made me lose a few hours of work but I still got done with all the translating and I can tell you, it was quite a lot.

All in all v0.9 will be the biggest update yet by far. With over 3k renders its going to be a good chunk bigger than even v0.7. The high render count might be somewhat attributed to the sometimes maybe a bit unnecessary dialog I mentioned in a dev update before but I actually don't think it turned out that bad and its not like there's a lack of lewd stuff happening either. In total there will be 6 lewd scenes (1 of which might or might not be considered a proper lewd scene, but I do consider it as such), with 4 of them having 2 completely separate variations each (making it a total of 10) with 5 different girls over the whole update. The seduction side of things will also catch back up with corruption in terms of scene count, with v0.9 having 2 seductions scenes that don't have a corruption equivalent.

Anyway, all of this said don't get too excited just yet as the update still isn't finished. I definitely made quite a mess with some of these scenes which kind of comes with these long development times as I do lose track of things I did earlier. In general the biggest chunks of work are done but there are still a few things left to do. I just thought I'll give you some numbers so that you at least know that something big waiting at the end of the tunnel. As always though, I'll keep you updated.
2024-08-04 22:25:54
2024-08-04 23:02:14
2024-08-05 11:08:28
好想探索Monster World,幾時先更新,依家感覺度日如年
2024-08-05 14:54:17
2024-08-05 15:09:02
2024-08-05 18:51:01
The Pilgrimage完結
鐘意Mass effect既 可以一戰

twisted memories我停左
開始埋手後劇情反而少Hea, 特別Cath線又臭又長
依家都係等完結左先一次過慢慢玩多 爛尾/拖住呃sub錢既太多
2024-08-05 19:07:32
2024-08-06 13:21:19
2024-08-06 19:45:08
2024-08-07 09:09:40
Ripples 今次update入面 young Scarlet真係正爆,啲animation 都好勁
2024-08-07 11:15:27
Deathable 手繪animation好撚淫,家姐阿媽都好吸引,可惜開發三年得個丁咁多內容,主線係0推進
2024-08-07 11:16:49
依家重玩Slutcraft同seed of chaos,有咩要注意。
2024-08-07 12:38:55
2024-08-07 12:39:56
2024-08-08 11:17:10
多謝樓主呢個po eternum 丁撚到出血
2024-08-08 12:24:21
2024-08-08 13:55:30
2024-08-08 13:56:03
多謝樓主呢個po eternum 丁撚到出血

2024-08-08 16:07:54
2024-08-08 16:09:09
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞