[歐美H game]推介(10)

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2024-07-09 00:42:32
being a dik
Status update Episode 11

This week, I've mainly been working on animations and lewd scenes. I started and completed a lewd scene from scratch and am currently working on the art for another one.

I'll also focus on this next week. I'm trying to increase the animation queue, so I don't have idle PCs while working on other scenes.

I've been adding more lewd scenes than I originally planned for this episode, which is awesome as it means that a wider variety of girls are getting some spotlight.

Counting the one I'm working on now, I have at least five more lewd scenes to create for this episode—four of which are for main girls and are important for the episode.

Next Friday, I'm taking the day off for a shorter adventure, but I'll prepare an update for next week's progress.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake​
2024-07-09 00:42:56
2024-07-09 00:56:46
dying dream
2024-07-09 01:00:18
Hardenville Episode 1 | Out Now
It's been a long wait for this release. I've redone renders countless times and should have prioritized and been much more efficient.

## Episode 1 Changes
The home alone party was originally planned to be in Episode 1, which was going to include some sex scenes. However, Episode 1 is ending after the preparty and right before the main party begins. This is to avoid rushing into scenes too early. Now, we have a calmer approach to Episode 2, which will be very lewd.

## Focus of Episode 2
Episode 2 will only focus on the party, which will take place at home in one location. This should make development much faster. The planned release for Episode 2 is Fall 2024.

## Music Library Overhaul
There are many new and changed things. Unfortunately, we needed to change the music library due to their recent policy change regarding media recommended for 18+ audiences. Luckily, we've found good alternatives, but they are much more expensive. The old music provider had a flat yearly subscription for roughly $400 for unlimited songs, whereas our new music provider costs $150-$200 per song. Additionally, thousands of dollars have been spent on new assets since The Prologue, while Steam sales from the last two months have been around $300 after taxes. I strongly believe this project won't become profitable for about a year, or maybe longer. So please keep in mind that while I will finish this project no matter what and will continue to invest in it, I ask for your patience.

## Upcoming Updates
In one or two weeks, we'll update Hardenville to include French, German, Portuguese, and proofreading of English, as well as some cool new stuff, including an official Android Port. I will likely update Hardenville with some small patches shortly to include more SFX and fix grammar mistakes.

### Here's what's new and improved in Hardenville Episode 1 (0.2.0)
- 13 new gallery images
- 8 new Steam Achievements
- 2 new mini-games: handball shoot-out and never have I ever
- Added the skip option back in the preferences
- Can now choose whether to call the landlord and landlady by their name or relation
- Changed music provider, all new songs, now with song name and artist displayed
- Continuation of the story
- Corrected some screens that were not being pointed back to the correct screen
- Emojis in text messages
- Fixed a few persistent values not being saved
- New animations
- New contacts
- New residents
- Some new sound effects, with more to be added soon
- Slightly faster UI
- Slightly new UI look
- Twice the content of the Prologue

2024-07-09 01:02:26
how to fix the future
Development update #132 + new preview
Hello, everyone.

This week was very productive. I finally finished replacing almost all the music tracks for the current build. I still have to add music for the new update and sort out some legal issues with some tracks. But the biggest part is finally finished. This was a tough and exhausting task. I really feel relieved. I have replaced 87 tracks! It took me about two months, maybe more. Meaning I had to listen to dozens of tracks from different sources to find just one, good enough to replace each of them. My brain was literally boiling (it's also very hot here ring now). Now I won't be listening to any music for at least a few months, lol.

As for the other side of things, I finished all art for another extra lewd scene, worked on code for a new function in the statistics screen and did postwork for a big junk of new static renders. I want to finish all renders that require manual work tomorrow. I do this separately from postwork coz I combine them and need to work with a brush on each of them. And then I'll finish all postwork that remains. I still have a few unfinished animations, but editing them won't take long. I also have two main scenes left to pose and render and maybe one extra animation. They aren't too big and shouldn't take long to pose and render. And after that, all the art will be finished. But I still have some work code-wise. I'll do my best to complete as many tasks as possible next week, but it's unlikely that I finish all of them in just one week.

This month will be the release month, that's for sure. I just need to push it a little more. Right now I'd say it's 85% done. One-two weeks and we start beta-testing. That's when I'll announce release dates. I don't expect any serious issues during beta-testing, but there is that one thing I pointed out in my previous dev updates about possible save issues that I couldn't fix. I'll talk more about this in the release post later.

If you are curious about the numbers, we are currently somewhere near 830 renders & 45 animations. That's a rough numbers and they can change both ways on a release coz some animations will be combined during editing, statics may be added\removed etc.

I'll wrap it up here, just want to say that I'm working hard as always. And thank you for being so patient and supportive. I had like 40 hours of power this week and it also affects my productivity even with extra power supplies I have. But we are getting there!

Have a nice week and take care.
2024-07-09 01:07:10

Sorry for late!

Here is the latest development progress:

Pictures: 750
Code: 4100 lines
Character Dialogue: 2000 lines
story: 85%
ui: 90%
Translation: 0%
Music: 75%
Animation: 7 segments

Because I spent too much time waiting for the custom model assets and added some new tasks to optimize the sound effects and animation transitions of version 0.1, the progress hasn't been very ideal. I'm really sorry about that.

A huge thank you to my subscribers and supporters!
2024-07-09 01:13:46
2024-07-09 01:27:01
Such a Sharp Pain [v0.10.0.38R]
2024-07-09 01:33:37
2024-07-09 02:04:20
twisted memories
Development update

Alright, I've been digging my way through the Viktoria scenes but there is still a decent bit left to do. The first few of her scenes aren't that big but only really when compared to some of the other scenes of this update, as even the “small” scenes are quite chunky.

I'm almost getting a bit concerned about this though, as I feel like I used to write the scenes a bit shorter and more on point. Now its not like I think that all dialog always has to be relevant to the story or character development and instead can be used to build some atmosphere or set up more important things, but right now, going through all the writing again, it definitely feels like I overdid it a little bit. Maybe that's just my usual worry on the last stretches of development but I may have to take a close look at that for the next update.

That said, it has been my intention for a while now anyway that from v0.10 onward the in-game days should be getting less dense in terms of content, as with v0.9 all the character dynamics of the main girls should be sufficiently set up to grand myself a bit more freedom in terms of scene transitions and leaving a bit more to narration.

But anyway, just a bit of rambling and sharing some thoughts on my part and you definitely don't have to worry, I won't redo anything for v0.9 anymore. As I said, there is still quite a bit of text to go through but I'm doing my best to keep to the deadline. Next week might be a tiny bit slower as there are a few things I'll have to do to but the progress this week was pretty good, so its shouldn't be much of a problem.
2024-07-09 02:18:41
2024-07-09 02:21:20
睇主角點投射自己啲mommy issue落rose到真係好過癮
2024-07-09 02:55:34
being a dik先岩
2024-07-09 13:06:34
玩完Cosy(submissive) Cafe,故仔ok接地,玩權鬥,班女女個性幾鮮明
2024-07-09 13:38:34
2024-07-09 13:40:39
2024-07-09 14:25:38
pale carnation

如果無hana同mina rose係最正果個
睇主角點投射自己啲mommy issue落rose到真係好過癮
2024-07-09 17:43:38
2024-07-09 17:46:11
You must be registered to see the links
2024-07-09 18:03:59
2024-07-09 18:04:33
2024-07-11 00:20:20
the inn更新
2024-07-11 12:21:50
2024-07-11 15:17:35
我係見到steam 壓倒性好評
就去左F95 做免費仔
steam 班友都要求多多成日負評
2024-07-11 20:26:53
ok geh,雖然我覺得比唔上winter/summer memories,不過唔同畫風
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞