[歐美H game]推介(10)

1001 回覆
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2024-08-01 18:58:36
2024-08-01 19:14:54
2024-08-01 19:26:06
2024-08-01 19:49:16
season1 season2 season3分開賣
2024-08-01 20:19:01
between humanity
Development 0.3 - #2

Hello Pandalorians!

Over the past two weeks, I've been able to make some good progress on the game. I’ve finished planning all the scenes for this release and have even started a little bit of the initial writing!

I accounted the first 20% in Plan & Write for the planning of the scenes whereas the remaining 80% will be dedicated to writing, so there’s still a lot of work ahead.

I also want to update you on some personal matters. As I mentioned two months ago (crazy, it's been two month already...), I'm dealing with some responsibilities related to the passing of a family member. This will likely keep me busy until early next year, so please be aware of potential delays. Despite this, I am committed to making steady progress on the game, as you’ll see in the upcoming status reports!

This is all for today, I wish you all a very nice new week! <3
2024-08-01 20:33:36
2024-08-02 07:34:51
How to Fix the Future更新
2024-08-02 11:36:54
有冇ching有玩desert stalker? (Pepper)好正,想知佢係咪仲未完結?仲會更新?
2024-08-02 11:43:46
未完 應該仲會更新
2024-08-02 12:10:43
咁就好… 目前pepper係咪只得handjob?
2024-08-02 12:38:55
2024-08-02 13:26:21
2024-08-02 15:06:09
Ripples, my best deal更新
2024-08-02 15:36:48
2024-08-02 16:49:30
2024-08-02 18:13:10
2024-08-02 18:37:59
2024-08-02 18:39:56
愈整愈悶棄左十世,呃下d只係用開steam玩h game 既人就得,玩開f95既根本就覺得佢內容空洞得個樣
2024-08-02 20:00:09
2024-08-02 21:56:58
2024-08-02 23:07:26
2024-08-02 23:47:33
2024-08-04 12:45:41
入門款ok geh,唔好唔更新就得
2024-08-04 12:46:34
等緊twist同summer memory ,仲有咩準備上
2024-08-04 13:22:52
玩住waifu academy,sinful summer,a mother's love,how to fix the future同my best deal先
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞