[歐美H game]推介(10)

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2024-07-31 09:08:58
2024-07-31 14:02:57
2024-07-31 14:27:25
2024-07-31 15:27:05
啱啱玩咗cross realms
2024-07-31 15:32:05
畫風姐係二次元畫風?好多用honey select整既都係呢種咁,建議試左once in a lifetime, eternum, pale carnation同twisted memories先
2024-07-31 15:45:25
應該係 呢種應該算係3D 二次元?
2024-07-31 17:49:48
通常就分兩種,好似真人果種就寫實畫風,二次元就二次元畫風,仲有第三種係直接用av畫面cap落去叫real porn不過比較少而且多數唔好玩
2024-08-01 00:17:17
waifu academy更新
2024-08-01 00:19:18
Today Update is a bit shorter than planned... Since it would have required me another month to add everything I have created and you guys waited enough already.
So post school events and Tomoe events are finished, but postponed to next ~month... The good news is you'll get a new update very quick!
However Today Update : No worries, the main event is still in there! With a lot slice of life, funny and sexy content... But seware Karma repercussions are growing for the MC harem which is starting to get out of control ^^

ShOrTeR~NeXt MoNtH~
2024-08-01 01:01:15
咁cross realms係咪算寫實風 我鍾意呢類型多啲
Acting lessons 嗰種劇情唔錯但真係麻麻地嗰種畫風
2024-08-01 01:53:08
倒轉,acting lesson果種先係寫實風,cross realms係二次元畫風,一個用daz3d一個用honey select整兩個唔同引擎
2024-08-01 01:56:25
2024-08-01 09:34:58
Summertime saga更新
2024-08-01 10:08:23
Tech update晒鳩氣 繼續呃住啲傻仔錢
2024-08-01 12:42:33
First time?
2024-08-01 13:22:01
2024-08-01 14:14:21
Milfy city, waifu academy,傳奇雙I兄弟
2024-08-01 14:21:35
嘩 咩日子 summertime saga+waifu academy一齊有更新
2024-08-01 14:22:19
但what a legend依然係無既
2024-08-01 15:21:17
2024-08-01 18:08:48
每個月最少袋30k美金 更新啲咁既內容
2024-08-01 18:23:25
2024-08-01 18:52:57
cross realm
Due to the slow progress, I will only update about the progress when I hit these milestones: 90%, 95%, and 100%. I will still upload weekly sneak peek.

This week's sneak peek: A new face
2024-08-01 18:53:13
2024-08-01 18:57:57
fate collide
Progress report 11
Hello hello, time for another round of reporting! This one will have slightly more IRL stuff, but only slightly, so lets dive into it.

It's been roughly a month since moving out, and for the most part, it's been well. In the last patreon only post I commented on all the furniture I need to get, and the list kinda expanded even more since then. Honestly, it's taking way more of my time than I thought to get it all done. I thought I'd just visit Ikea, swipe a card, and voila, done. Well, lo and behold, it doesn't really work as simple. They don't have an item so you gotta wait, then you find something is just terrible quality wise, then a size of something doesn't fit and so on. Overall, somewhat "fun" experience of researching, but much more timewise exhausting than I thought. So yeah, those items I still don't have, somewhere next month.
And the oven doesn't work properly, so... Yay!

Besides that, unfortunately, I did have a bad week (last ~7 days). I've said it on Discord already, but I was a bit down in the gutter. With the rework of episode 2 halfway done, I've started feeling the pressure of the "update when?" and some of my self doubting resurfaced, culminating in a burnout where in 2 working days I made a total of ~10 renders. The 2nd day being a single render. So I said enough, let's take a short break. And I did, I went to visit a friend!
... And I got Covid bcs he got sick and we hang out. Yay.

I am fine now, recovered today fully from it and I am also recovered mentally, but I won't sugarcoat, last 10 days or so was a crawl progress wise due to all of it. Meaning, I have ~250 new renders since last report, instead of my estimated 400 that I planned. Happens, sometimes we have good weeks, sometimes not so much. Now we are at 900+ renders in Episode 2 rework stage. I doubted there would be enough different scenes to showcase in a sneak peek post even if I didn't have any issues, so yeah, expect next sneak peeks next month for wine tier and above!

And lastly, I was extremely worried (didn't help with my mental state at that moment) about me doing a cross-promotions right now. I've had a few people already contact me before, but I usually declined because either our games aren't similar enough (and well, mine is a bit on the rarer side) and also because I didn't feel it was the right thing to do. I felt if I made something like that, it would paint me in a negative light. "OMG 6 months no update and now he promoting? LOLOL MILKER"

Well, I decided to bite the bullet and test the waters once. He is a nice dev before his Steam release so I said sure, just this once before my rework is close. Thankfully, my inside fears were for naught, as if anything, people reacted very nicely and the post got lots of likes. Thank you for that, and if anyone wondering, he will make his part once I am close to rework as I do feel a bit off promoting something that's getting a rework

Anyway, that's all from my rambling. As always, thanks for the patience, and can't wait to see you once it's done!

Love you all and stay healthy ()
Kat <3

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