[歐美H game]推介(10)

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2024-06-11 02:56:50
Radiant CH7: Progress Report #1
Hello again everyone, time for a public progress update!

Sorry for taking a little bit with this one. Last month was hectic as hell for me so my plans of posting were thwarted: I apologize for that, and for the delay of May's wallpapers.

The good news, however, is things are most definitely still on track for our scheduled release date! I've updated the Progress Tracker and it reflects that we're about 22% completed with the chapter, though we're realistically closer to about 27%, and I'll be updating it again once the referenced scene is finalized. I'm working in overdrive here to make up for lost time from last month, as I admittedly wanted to get more scenes finished, but got caught up due to real life. Still, it's nothing dire or that can't be rectified with a little overtime.

This chapter should be roughly 18 scenes in total (which was also updated to be reflected in the tracker) and about the same size as Chapter 6. While I don't want to post previews just yet due to spoilers early-on in Chapter 7... I'll be sure to post the next Progress Report in about 2 weeks along with quite a few preview renders... so look forward to that.

Love you guys!

2024-06-11 02:58:27
2024-06-11 03:01:50

2024-06-11 03:07:23
THE INN CH2 1.01.02 - DEVLOG 4!
What's up everyone?

So yeah... Devlog, not a release as was planned.

As I talked about in the last devlog I was struggling with a creativity block for a while.

God news is that I'm finally over it!

I was able to write a good chunk of dialogue for this update, I think I actually wrote way more than I needed.

I just started writting and couldn't stop, it was crazy!

But, bad news though, I got so caught up in writting that I barely did any scene work...

So, yeah, the update that was supposed to be released today will have to be delayed until next month.

Sorry about that.

I also had to redo a fair bit of code I had already finished for this update because, while writting the dialogue, I realized I had made a mistake and introduced inconsistencies to the plot. So I had to rewrite how some screens that were used in this update worked.

Nothing too difficult though, just annoying.

Anyway, there's not much to show for this devlog, as most of the time since the previous one was spent writting and doing bits of coding.

Don't forget to check the official sneak-peeks post for some of the scenes that'll be featured in this update!

Have fun!
2024-06-11 03:11:03
tune into the show
Weekly update #140
Hey everyone, it's time for another weekly update!

I've got some good news today - Episode 7 will be released either tomorrow (Monday) or the day after (Tuesday)!

The work on the in-game scene gallery is done and it seems to be working nicely. Sadly, a new playthrough might be required for the scene gallery to work correctly and show all of the scenes. The game should still work if you just load and continue your old playthrough, but a new save is recommended if you care about having all of the scenes show up in the gallery correctly.

Anyway, I just need to work on some finishing touches before release, so I'll see you all soon once that's done

Thank you so much for your support and reading, I hope you're all doing well,

2024-06-11 03:14:46
Unraveling August
Status Update 05/14/2024
Hi everyone!

Once again, I need to start with an apology for being slack on updating my subscribers. It’s something I’m continuously working on, and I hope to do better in future. Currently writing this as I’m coughing up both my lungs, so maybe the fever struck as inspiration?

Anyway, status update. It’s been around eight months since the last release, and three months since my last update – which, I know, is a crazy long time. I’ve had some medical troubles with getting medication sorted and whatnot, then I hit a massive wall when it came to writing the script. Every time I tried to come up with something, my perfectionism told me it wasn’t good enough, and as time went on, the expectation that I had to put out some huge and Earth-shatteringly cool update got bigger and bigger in my own mind to the point I got stuck. The old vicious cycle.

But here’s where we get to the silver lining!

I’ve managed to pick myself up out of my rut, dust off, and actually get through a chunk of content this past week or so. I don’t like putting numbers on things because it builds expectations, and I'll probably continue to not do so in the future, but I feel like people need something tangible after all this time. So I can reveal that the current state of the script (note, the script, not the episode overall) is around 80% done. If everything goes well, I’m hoping that I can have 0.4 out within the next 6-10 weeks (though obviously creating scenes and QCing everything takes time, so please don’t hold this as a hard-and-fast deadline!)

I understand that there are some who are concerned that maybe the game was canceled, so I hope that this helps with that.

I’m incredibly grateful for everyone who still continues to support me despite my lack of updates and releases, and I hope you’ll all continue to stick with me while I figure this whole dev thing out.

Hopefully, this adorable gallery of Sam in a micro-maid-kini-thing will help make up for my slowness, now featuring path-traced shadows and all kinds of other neat doodads.

2024-06-11 03:16:25
2024-06-11 10:54:43
2024-06-12 00:02:05
2024-06-12 00:33:18
2024-06-12 02:27:24
2024-06-12 10:08:52
2024-06-12 10:15:09
2024-06-12 10:19:35
好L多 ntr類game都有類似

記得我前排睇ex 果堆game cg先見到有exactly一模一樣既scene唔記得邊隻
2024-06-12 10:24:17
VN 寫實風
呢幕好似係chapter 尾
印象中一開樣就完chapter 1
2024-06-12 14:11:01
2024-06-12 14:32:40
如果無換電腦 可以試下去 %appdata%>RenPy 度睇下啲save file有冇隻game嘅save
2024-06-12 14:46:16
2024-06-12 14:46:42
VN 寫實風
呢幕好似係chapter 尾
印象中一開樣就完chapter 1
如果無換電腦 可以試下去 %appdata%>RenPy 度睇下啲save file有冇隻game嘅save
2024-06-12 19:02:53
2024-06-12 20:54:21
2024-06-13 01:29:09
by midsummer moonlight?
2024-06-13 01:40:22
2024-06-13 02:28:15
係 爛尾爛到我對佢好有印象
因為我幾like呢隻game 好可惜
2024-06-13 02:37:19
係啦 岩岩down返嚟睇 係呢隻
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞