[歐美H game]推介(10)

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2024-07-14 18:10:55
好 再研究下先
2024-07-15 19:06:38
twisted memories
Development update (?)

Yeah, this wasn't a great week. I did have a few things that I had to take care of outside of development anyway, so I knew that wouldn't be the most productive week, but I barely got to do those either as I caught some bug on Tuesday and been laying in bed since then. I did try to use the time to be productive but I would be lying if I said that I got much of anything done. I'm barely starting to feel human again and I don't even know yet whether I'll be able to go back to work tomorrow. I normally wouldn't mention it because I know that it always leaves a certain taste in the mouth coming from a dev, but I actually got nothing else this week, so it is what it is.

Anyway, sorry that I don't have an actual update on the development to give you. Here are a few very random renders that I've found laying around in my screenshot folder as an attempt to make up for it instead.

2024-07-16 08:48:38
2024-07-16 08:49:08
2024-07-16 09:01:19
2024-07-16 19:20:22

仲有可以試下唔同選項睇埋dead end,有時啲世界觀同正scene淨係會係dead end先見到

去到party嘅話呢到dead end 應該唔算劇透
2024-07-16 21:39:21
2024-07-16 21:47:04
I'm going on vacation next week, so I don't think I'll make any progress. However, the Weekly Sneak Peek will still be there. It's also getting busier for me these days, so everything will be slowing down a bit. But I am still aiming to release this in August, or at least finish the PC version by then. I know it's been a long wait, especially for those of you who have been here since the release of the Unreal Engine version (0.1.0). I'm sorry to keep you all waiting!
2024-07-17 23:01:23
2024-07-18 08:00:05
2024-07-19 18:48:54
2024-07-20 03:56:59
2024-07-20 04:01:16
2024-07-20 07:38:12
A mother’s love更新咗
2024-07-20 09:34:47
只係玩過Mythic manor
2024-07-20 11:47:43
A mother's love更新
2024-07-20 11:48:36
2024-07-20 12:22:34
2024-07-20 15:25:37
2024-07-21 15:39:30
F95zone's 8-Year Milestone
We launched F95zone on July 21, 2016. Thank you for being a part of our community!
2024-07-21 22:05:07
acting lesson畫質更新之後D女靚好多,起碼club果兩件學生妹改善到可以食得落唔似之前咁直接讓俾黑鬼FD算
2024-07-22 00:28:51
原來先得8年 好奇歐美h game有邊啲類似又耐歷史啲嘅forum
2024-07-22 00:31:11
twisted memories
Development update
The start of the week has been kind of rough but I'm doing a lot better now. I also got a decent bit of progress in having finished all of the Viktoria stuff plus a few of the family scenes to wrap the update up. That said, and I hope this isn't too surprising at this point, but I won't be able to get the update done this month after all. I'm not even done translating yet and there is still quite a bit to do after that.

I said it in one of the other dev updates before, I'm not going to push out releases anymore before they are actually done and even though I'm once again quite a bit behind schedule I still stand by that. It doesn't really make a difference in the long run anyway, as otherwise I'll just be working on v0.9 for a few more weeks after its technically been released which will only push v0.10 further back. The only difference is that this way v0.9 will actually be complete right from the get go.

Anyway, there will be another showcase next week, probably a rather short one as I'm running out of stuff to tease that doesn't spoil too much. Maybe I can think of something else to attach, but I'll have to think about it.
2024-07-22 00:31:56
暫時最大我估應該都係佢?(唔計sex mod既話)
2024-07-22 00:32:36
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞