[歐美H game]推介(10)

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2024-07-08 10:29:49
成晚一口氣由頭玩friends in need到最新 玩完覺得好唔舒服 自己太易代入
sex好噁心 男人好噁心 女人好麻煩 人類好醜陋

角色故事都寫得幾好 cg又靚 的確好值得推薦
男主好似直接用女model動作咁 每個姿勢都好gay
班女除咗帶嚟麻煩同頭痛都唔知講乜好 但又唔忍心唔幫佢地
2024-07-08 12:54:46
2024-07-08 13:50:25
Summer story起碼你肉眼睇到係有進展,講慢你唔好話hillside,整左4年得一個scene,,而且仲有d好似summer gone同where it all began咁整得慢得黎又無野睇仲要成日remake既
2024-07-08 14:08:33
2024-07-08 14:41:38
Brittini 梅艷芳同佢老母
黑妹 破碎家庭
Risa 吸毒有錢(老竇限定)女
Maddison 疑似色情live主
Max 自我認定性別男既homeless
Niki 呃錢臭西,俾玩家屌到作者覺得太煩整個mod俾你自己block鳩佢
2024-07-08 15:19:45

This Week's Sneak Peek: Need a hand?
2024-07-08 16:21:09
2024-07-08 16:54:53
2024-07-08 16:56:07
同埋唔明點解無mode,睇walkthrough 好煩
2024-07-08 18:12:01
我反而慣左walkthrough 多過mod,一個表睇哂清楚同快好多
2024-07-08 18:23:41
要轉嚟轉去,除非開2 device,但都小煩
2024-07-08 20:02:48
summer story
Weekly news

Have a nice Sunday, guys.

I am currently rendering the second day of the update, about 25 percent of the renders are ready.

New update status: [ââââââââââ]60%
2024-07-08 20:06:31
Status update Episode 11
This week, I've mainly been working on animations and lewd scenes. I started and completed a lewd scene from scratch and am currently working on the art for another one.

I'll also focus on this next week. I'm trying to increase the animation queue, so I don't have idle PCs while working on other scenes.

I've been adding more lewd scenes than I originally planned for this episode, which is awesome as it means that a wider variety of girls are getting some spotlight.

Counting the one I'm working on now, I have at least five more lewd scenes to create for this episode—four of which are for main girls and are important for the episode.

Next Friday, I'm taking the day off for a shorter adventure, but I'll prepare an update for next week's progress.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake​
2024-07-08 20:10:01
pale carnation

如果無hana同mina rose係最正果個
2024-07-08 20:11:01
Dev Diary 77

Hello all, TD here.

Progress update time!

So far the update stands at 1,241 statics images, 25 animations, and 23,038 words.

That means, as of writing this on June 29th, we have added 298 statics images, 4 animations, and 6,041 words to the project since the last dev diary.

We are still toiling away at Rosalind's big block of content for the update; which, all-in-all, has quite a few layers to account for when you factor in her various relationship statuses. If you offered to help her win the competition, if you've been taken full advantage of the deal, if you spanked her in the parking lot pre-exhibition 2... hell, even those who turned down her deal, or didn't even get offered it will have options. No matter where you stand with her, you can potentially form the basis of a relationship that can result in getting an ending with her.

I anticipate we'll be working on her scenes well into the next developer diary cycle, as we're just hitting the most significant branching point as of writing this. GIL and I are both having a lot of fun so far with it, and I’m particularly proud of how well the conversational mini-game component of her scenes has flowed up to this point. Expect a lot of menu options when you finally get your hands on it, as well as the animation count to jump by the next report, as we’ll be into the juicy bits by then.

As we're aiming for update 6 (exhibition 3) to mark the end of Chapter 4, we remain committed to update 5 covering two days of calendar time. The end of Rosalind's scenes will mark the end of day 1, and we anticipate day 2 (Friday) of the update to be more straightforward and less branch-heavy, but first, we have to get there.

Thank you for your patience and support.
2024-07-08 20:37:33

Hello, everyone!

This week we've been going through the update and working on scene transitions, SFX, coding and eliminating issues. We also made some little changes to the dialogue where necessary, and fixed poke-through in several renders.

We had a couple of bugs in one route where the dialogue would show when it wasn't supposed to. Easy fix, but there is still one more bug remaining that Rob didn't get to work the way we want it to yet.

Animation tests went well. Some work remains on the animations still, but it's mostly post-production editing and adding sound effects.

We're also closing in on a release date that we can set without worrying about nonsense happening to disrupt it. There will also be a short beta test phase before the release, after our polishing and editing is done.

Thanks for reading and have a nice weekend!


Robison & Npx

2024-07-08 20:38:22
summer heat

Hello, everyone!

This week we've been going through the update and working on scene transitions, SFX, coding and eliminating issues. We also made some little changes to the dialogue where necessary, and fixed poke-through in several renders.

We had a couple of bugs in one route where the dialogue would show when it wasn't supposed to. Easy fix, but there is still one more bug remaining that Rob didn't get to work the way we want it to yet.

Animation tests went well. Some work remains on the animations still, but it's mostly post-production editing and adding sound effects.

We're also closing in on a release date that we can set without worrying about nonsense happening to disrupt it. There will also be a short beta test phase before the release, after our polishing and editing is done.

Thanks for reading and have a nice weekend!


Robison & Npx

2024-07-08 20:48:06
2024-07-08 20:49:55
heart problems兩個月冇更新patreon9個月冇更新,爛尾可能性急升
2024-07-08 20:54:31
A Mother's Love
The update is set to be release on July twenty-six [26th], but my patron's will have access to the game on July nineteen [19th].
2024-07-08 20:57:06
2024-07-08 21:22:50

F95 有
2024-07-08 23:38:57
但係我幾中意nicki 佢唔係呃錢臭閪嚟㗎
係一開始麻煩同蠢到令人煩咗啲之外 又tomeboy又係好朋友又肯打工幫手報恩又有心湊細路 點計都係好人嚟 最多話少少似i can fix her嗰type女

隻game問題係好多女又個個都有人生難關咁 劇情分散晒有排先推進到 過一排先回頭講下另一條女咁
2024-07-08 23:47:00
2024-07-09 00:38:18
一開以為又係啲貪慕虛榮ig女 但係有夢想又幾善良 反差效果出到嚟幾好
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞