[歐美H game]推介(10)

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2024-05-12 04:45:45
We always try our best to ensure that files shared on F95 are safe. All attachments are scanned, uploaders scan each upload with at least 1 AV (usually 2) and we have multiple procedures in place to prevent malware being shared.

However, unfortunately over the past 2 days, we've discovered 4 games which have had malware downloaders: Pill King, My early life, Lust Academy, We Are Lost. This includes compressed versions.

If you've downloaded any of these on Windows in the past 2 days, please scan your system ASAP. The links within the affected threads have been updated and are now safe. To be clear, the developers of these games are entirely innocent, there is a bad actor infecting these and then sharing them.

The way the downloader functions makes it near impossible to automatically detect, we'll be examining our methods and trying to improve how we share files in future. If you haven't already, please ensure you are running an up to date Anti-Virus, and if possible, one that monitors file creation and execution, for example, AVG Free, and always report a thread if you think something isn't right.

The games are infected by a downloader. This uses Ren'Py and Python functions to download an executable and then executes it.

So, you won't find anything by scanning the infected game. It's only when the game runs (and it might be delayed or triggered at a later point within the game) that the downloader activates, downloads the executable, and then executes it.

This is why our existing procedures didn't pick this up.
2024-05-12 12:52:18
2024-05-12 12:52:46
多咗隻dying dream
2024-05-12 13:06:46
summer heat仲未出到
2024-05-12 13:17:09
2024-05-12 13:48:40
summer heat

0.6 Status Update #28

Hello, everyone!

This week we refit some clothes, restructured a lot of renders for better flow and edited a ton of dialogue. We took a deep dive into the one of the scenes that needed a proper rework and managed to get through it while keeping the renders too.

Now is also a good moment to mention how much we dislike reworking published content. Once it's out, it's out basically. There are a couple of scenes in the earlier updates that could use a loving touch, but we won't give them one. We prefer to keep moving forward. They'll be in the game forever to remind Npx of his failures as our artist, because despite the cringe and shame some renders bring him, they're a good motivator to continue learning and improving. It's okay to suck sometimes.

Anyway... we also designed some new outfits for the girls to wear in the future. We're planning to use them in the game's extra content for the girls, like photos, bonus renders, memories and so on. We might also poll some of them when the time comes so you can choose which combinations you like the most.

Next week we'll be focusing on animations, posing and the final stretch of scripting.

Other news

The poll for this month's special render is running and the leading girl is currently Eve, with Bree following behind by a few votes! We haven't decided on a theme yet either, so if you have any suggestions we're happy to hear them. What would you like to see the winning girl wearing or doing?

Cheers and have a great weekend,

Robison & Npx
2024-05-12 13:49:10
2024-05-12 15:11:38
2024-05-12 15:18:15
2024-05-12 15:49:10
2024-05-12 17:06:41
Twisted Memories差D走寶,玩左幾個鐘係唔錯 感謝推薦

喪屍未日Now & Then 評價幾高,仲要己完結
唔重視畫面Lab Rats 2 - Reformulate 可以一試,F95上玩過代入感同遊戲性配合得最好既驚
2024-05-12 23:35:58
2024-05-13 07:08:39
2024-05-13 16:44:12
2024-05-14 00:52:33
2024-05-14 00:56:52
2024-05-14 01:00:11
2024-05-14 01:45:26
2024-05-14 02:31:38
Lust Bound幾有潛力,比起lust theory故事吸引班女又正過哂LT果班
2024-05-14 02:44:03
twisted memories
Development update – Mother's Day
The additional ram actually does gods work. I haven't had any crashes since I put them in, even for the most demanding maps and with up to 5 characters present at the same time. Even more so, the rendering times also got lower. Now, I know that as a hs2 dev this might sound like complaining about nothing, but seeing how you can't queue up renders to do something else while your PC does the work the difference between a render taking 1 minute or half of a minute from pushing the button to finish is actually pretty relevant and be it only for quality of life.

In terms of progress I spend quite a bit of time recording the animations from last week and making even more animations this week. A few of those were actually a bit tricky, not because of any more complicated motions than usual but because of the nature of the scene. Doing animations for screens where dialog is happening always feels a bit weird to me but normally I just put moaning expressions on the girls faces and am done with it. This time there isn't any moaning though and still quite a lot of dialog. I think I manged somewhat but I'll probably have to see how the scene flows in renpy before I can properly judge it.

Now, telling you I completely caught up to where I should be in terms of progress probably wouldn't be quite honest, but I do think I got it somewhat back on track. The next few scenes are mostly for Viktoria with a bunch of still images, so I also should be able to get through these at a pretty good pace. Still, the update will have more animations than I had initially anticipated.

Anyway, its mothers day so here is a little render to accompany this dev update for a change. Remember not to love your mother too much though, that would be weird.
2024-05-14 07:48:45
2024-05-14 09:07:24
新post 留名
2024-05-14 09:49:23
lust theory我入門作 嗰陣覺得幾正又有配音
但係依家諗返個設定明明可以好多野講 但係出到嚟越後面越悶

好似唔多作品有twins 有得雙飛好似幾正
btw唔係重有S3咩 又有新作整唔整得嚟㗎
2024-05-14 11:58:02
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞