咁你真係落後喎, 嗱我用例子答你
呢條友喺1938年奧運拎完牌之後, 喺佢死咗之後嘅1980年俾人發現佢嘅細胞係少一條染色體
from quote:
Chromosome analysis revealed that most of her cells contained normal X and Y (male) chromosomes but some were X0 (containing only one X chromosome), resulting in XY gonadal dysgenesis. All of Walsh's life documents, including her birth record, state that she was female; the Cuyahoga County coroner,
Samuel Gerber, stated that Walasiewicz was "socially, culturally and legally" a woman.
40年前都開明過你, 咁我claim你落後有咩問題?
即係你今日仲用緊大哥大電話, 我唔通唔可以話你落後, 要讚你係00後?