[月經] iOS集中討論區 (215) 好似冇咗雙數iOS好啲呢支歌仔唱

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2022-10-05 00:55:13
2022-10-05 01:04:38
2022-10-05 01:06:41
iOS X 1x.xx
2022-10-05 01:14:49
16.1 Beta 4(20B5064c)已出

Beta 3(20B5056e)
2022-10-05 01:15:47
16.1 DB4
2022-10-05 01:16:30
你咁快收到beta? 我仲未有
2022-10-05 01:19:22
係,iPad Pro M1 iPadOS 15.7都會
2022-10-05 01:21:39
啱啱Developer upload咗IPSW,依家下載緊
2022-10-05 01:23:07
用得咁上下日子apple又真係冇乜需要多隻牛,加上而家好多插座/拖板都有usb 甚至usb c頭,apple原廠果隻頭冇快叉又得一個頭其實係好鬼雞肋....
2022-10-05 01:23:24
Oh developer beta? public beta冇
2022-10-05 01:25:41
2022-10-05 01:27:01
2022-10-05 01:28:45

上咗Beta 3,右上個電量終於靚仔哂,希望電量無16.0.2咁倒水
2022-10-05 01:31:32
2022-10-05 01:32:27
佢俾人屌係因為佢得兩個type c唔夠用
2022-10-05 01:35:50
2022-10-05 01:41:34
2022-10-05 01:42:17
iOS 16.1 Beta 4 Release Notes

Resolved Issues

Fixed: Uncertified accessory notifications might appear when pairing Matter accessories. (99502842)

Known issues
You might receive an alert to turn on Wi-Fi when pairing a Matter accessory. (98460235)

Workaround: Ensure your device is connected to your Wi-Fi network.

Adjusting the color or color temperature might result in an unexpected color set on a Matter accessory. (98578966)

Accessory details might not open if a Matter accessory is unreachable. (99232316)

The device that initiates the pairing needs to use the same iCloud account as the home hub. Only the owner of a home, not an invited user, can pair Matter accessories. (76012945)

Memory Allocation
Known Issues

The system memory allocator free operation zeroes out all deallocated blocks in iOS 16.1 beta or later. Invalid accesses to free memory might result in new crashes or corruption, including:

Read-after-free bugs that previously observed the old contents of a block may now observe zeroes instead

Write-after-free bugs may now cause subsequent calls to calloc to return non-zero memory

To debug these issues, use Address Sanitizer and Guard Malloc (see libgmalloc(3)). (97449075)
2022-10-05 01:47:17

i wan this
2022-10-05 01:49:52
2022-10-05 02:13:05
14 Pro Max Modem更新由1.13.00 > 1.13.01

2022-10-05 02:16:13
2022-10-05 03:09:45
Memory嗰個 咁即係up唔up好
2022-10-05 03:18:28

BTW 白色圈圈圍住動態島只會用Dark mode或全黑wallpaper先見到,咁啱我用緊全黑wallpaper但係light mode
2022-10-05 03:23:32
MagSafe Charger都有firmware更新

10M229 > 10M1821
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞