High Volatility對LETF回報嘅負面影響大家都知。以上依篇論文就探討可唔可以避開high volatility嘅時間,淨係揀low volatility嘅時間先投資LETF。
咁點樣知道將來嘅volatility係高定低呢?作者用VIX去預測。因為VIX反映投資者對S&P 500未來30天的預期年化波動率,所以策略就係「等VIX跌穿20先買LETF」,結果咁簡單嘅策略可以將年化回報率由8.73%提高到17.91%,Sharpe ratio都顯著提高咗。
For the overall time period, the cumulative annualized return is increased from 8.73% to as much as 17.91% for a 3.0× fund.This strategy outperforms the “buy and hold on for dear life” strategy for leveraged funds as well, although not as dramatically in terms of absolute returns only.
Over the past 20 years, moving out of index funds and into 2.0× or 3.0× levered funds based on this idea could have increased the cumulative annualized return from 8.73% to as much as 17.91% while substantially increasing the Sharpe ratio as well.