Disclaimer: This article is intended for information purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. This article provides general information as available on 23 September 2019, which may or may not be complete or current at the time of reading.
人在澳2021-11-06 06:42:43
Hk stream
拎左485 再係偏遠地區留3年拎左191 係唔係要再要留多3年先有pr? Total 6 年
感謝由巴。但想問如果讀 master , 有冇話邊間大學好啲?
我睇咗ANU, UTS, university of Adelaide, Monash , UNSW, university of Melbourne,UWA,deakin, university of Canberra, Newcastle , etc.
double master :university of Griffith 有: market & hostel management 或者university of Wollongong 的marketing +一個商科master.
1. 係係出名嘅大學會唔會好啲?eg. ANU
2. 想問讀完會唔會有好的connection, 係咪會易啲留係當地工作?eg. UWA 讀,留係Perth 工作易啲?
3. 去讀double master 會唔會更好?