有冇2月去VIC開學嘅巴絲,見到佢話要self-quarantine 72 hours,係咪自己book酒店或者bnb就得,唔需要指定酒店嗰啲?同埋去accommodation嘅過程自己call Uber/ public transport都可以?
PMarket2021-12-08 15:05:22
咁即係唔想考ielts, 正確既步驟應該係先去英國,住六年攞到BC , 之後去澳洲
呂爵安全套2021-12-08 15:25:52
Fatso2021-12-08 15:29:20
澳洲隔離之前係隔離酒店, 一落機就巴士車你去,無得揀
人怕出名豬怕肥2021-12-08 15:49:23
迪麗雞巴2021-12-08 16:10:31
無啦 拎左bc就唔再係bno/hk passport,仲點行Hong kong stream.
感_建_分2021-12-08 16:40:50
因為依家係home quarantine上網睇好多都係得14 days quarantine details
Tasman2021-12-08 17:48:25
呂爵安全套2021-12-08 17:59:39
You might need to prove your knowledge of the English language if you’re 18 or over and applying for citizenship or to settle in the UK (known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’).