BNO visa approved - 有問題,盡答,希望幫到人

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2021-02-16 21:56:43
呢個方法仲work? 聽人講宜家話番大陸既話唔會比你拎番mpf
2021-02-16 22:15:20
我在收到Home office email 之後幾個鐘,收到VFS email
2021-02-16 22:17:27
過兩天上去VFS ,取文件、護照
2021-02-16 22:19:22

我9號收到HM email,但仲未收到VFS通知,可能要再等下先。

祝你一切順利,有緣或者可以在英國相見 ^^
2021-02-16 22:30:22
Document checklist無話要交香港住址證明係咪唔洗交都得?好似見好多人都話要交哩樣咁
2021-02-16 22:32:14
Call Home office to check ? A bit odd as VFS should be just be informed to send you . Check in Junk mail box?
2021-02-16 22:33:28
I haven’t but the bank statement also have address.. if uncertain and the doc is ready , why not upload anyway
2021-02-16 22:33:45
2021-02-16 22:33:57
2021-02-16 22:35:49
2021-02-16 22:37:14
以你經驗 咁其實係咪upload左bank statement係financial evidence果欄就可以做埋住址證明?而唔洗專登係其他位再upload多次住址證明
2021-02-16 22:40:52
我交文件嗰陣已經俾咗出世紙佢,琴日英國send email 問我拎 Evidence of your relationship to the BN(O) holder, 我唯有send多次小朋友出世紙俾佢
2021-02-16 22:42:43
2021-02-16 22:46:26
I forgot if I have uploaded the statement twice VFS.., and some impression that the system rejected me for having uploaded the same document twice ., anyway, bank statement is the only document with address that I have uploaded
2021-02-16 22:49:03
我都係uploaded birth certificate only.... the relationships were inputted in the applications of the kids and also “people coming with you” sections of at least my wife and myself
2021-02-16 22:50:50
Thank you so much.
問多樣 我見其實document checklist同vfs system列既document有唔同 例如 vfs system仲有學歷證明等等 係咪可以skip左去?因為document checklist入面唔需要學歷證明
2021-02-16 22:50:59
During the application as financial support . Land 時,應該要準備 資產證明,clean capital , 出年及之後報稅用
2021-02-16 22:54:44
2021-02-16 22:55:22
2021-02-16 22:56:09
我冇upload 學歴(其實也不是條件之一),我太太一定冇,因為佢D Certs 根本不在手。 佢我有去NARIC 認證學歷,可能有用。
2021-02-16 22:57:38
2021-02-16 22:58:27
只要足夠半年/一年的生活費。 Proof for clean capital is for Reporting tax later, but need to prepare and properly arrange b4 landing
2021-02-16 23:00:11
填。 😅
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