連登仔又燈中, The Last of Us 2 獲媒體極高評價(2)

1001 回覆
72 Like 23 Dislike
2020-06-19 18:10:45
2020-06-19 18:11:12
2020-06-19 18:11:40
呢條友只係attention whore
係連登同人唱反調9up 為樂
2020-06-19 18:11:50
2020-06-19 18:12:40
數字人潛撚左 前樓主做左25狗 得番佢力戰群雄
2020-06-19 18:14:09
唔係喇 我睇緊橘子chatroom個個屌緊ND
2020-06-19 18:15:07
2020-06-19 18:15:19
2020-06-19 18:16:54

2020-06-19 18:17:08

玩過(5分鐘?)先講都算 有d睇片睇人玩就當玩左話人垃圾game
hk no IT 咪呢d人有份造成
2020-06-19 18:18:07
2020-06-19 18:18:43
睇到mind blown
2020-06-19 18:19:24
2020-06-19 18:19:28
之前個名 風向大王
2020-06-19 18:19:51
2020-06-19 18:30:16
2020-06-19 18:33:29
2020-06-19 18:36:56
2020-06-19 18:37:14
條友得閒到日日開十鳩幾個post 擺明放暑假冇嘢做上嚟做attention whore
2020-06-19 18:38:40
naughty dog喺香港都有請PR做打手既...
2020-06-19 18:40:55
Uncharted 5 confirmed
2020-06-19 18:42:10
2020-06-19 18:42:25
Jesus, where do I even begin. On a technical level, this is Naughty Dog's best game. The graphics are amazing and the gameplay is buttery smooth. I do wish the jump button was used in a more interesting way. The combat feels mostly the same with new additions like the silencer that I enjoyed the most. I feel that upgrades for guns and abilities have been done better in this game too. Environments feel more real and they were a blast to play through. Those were my only positives sadly. I played this game on hard and god damn is this AI bad, absolutely no strides forward since 2013 and I had to check a few times to see if the difficulty switched to easy or something. And the story, I hated every second of it. The reason that I fell in love with the first game was because of how real the characters were. I know it has been said a million times but I love the relationship between Joel and Ellie and I couldn't wait to see what they would do in this game. So why does Joel get merked in the first 2 hours? It pisses me off beyond belief. In my opinion, the characters seem way off and boring. I hated Jesse instantly and Dina is such a dry and uninteresting person. And Tommy seems so off and the way he acts was so strange to me. Ellie is no longer a witty and impulsive girl that made you laugh and happy. She is now a stone-cold killer with little to no emotion. The revenge plot is just so stupid and I never thought it would pay off. Which it didn't. I hated every second that I had to play as Abby, and since you play her for nearly half the game, I lost my mind. I have absolutely no sympathy for her and what her past was. She is uninteresting and her character depth is dog **** The game is so brutal and violent it made me sick. The way every person is treated and how they all suffer in some way just hurts me. Joel dies, Jesse dies, Tommy gets shot in the head and loses an eye, Dina abandons Ellie, and Ellie ends the game alone, fingerless, and sad. This brings me to the ending which I could barely get myself too. My mental state was that bad. So, why does Ellie spare Abby? You spend the entire game hunting her down and you kill hundreds of people to get to Abby. The moral of the story is that killing is bad and the cycle of revenge, so basically the game is telling me that killing Abby would get me nowhere. But this is stupid because the story tells me that you need to kill everyone in your path to get to Abby and when I get there, the game says no and insert cutscene. At least give the player a choice. I bet 95 percent of all players would absolutely destroy Abby in the worst way possible. Why am I told to kill for the first 25 hours but not the final resolution? It feels cheap and left such a bad taste in my mouth, I couldn't even break a smile. In fact, the only time I did smile was during the flashbacks with Joel and Ellie. It shows what the game could have been without all the hate and sadness. And the scenes like Owen and Abby in the aquarium I just thought about how this scene could have been good if replaced by Joel and Ellie. The game ending with Ellie unable to play guitar and all alone just crushes me. She didn't deserve any of this. This game is so depressing and intentionally filled with hate. By the end, the game gave me so many negative feelings I can't even explain them. Why would anyone want that in a video game? I cried because the game is so sad and feels like a slap in the face compared to the first game. The game did not need to be like this, I would have loved if it was just the Joel and Ellie flashbacks. I still can't believe this is the end result. I could go more in-depth but I don't want to. I can't express how much it hurts me. Just like Reggie said, "If it's not fun, why bother"? So don't. Don't bother.
2020-06-19 18:42:37
即係你只可以俾隻game 0分或者100分,否則佢地都唔滿意
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞