鬼佬 : Will be returning my Pro controller as both the analog sticks seem faulty. Like others have said here, when I tap a direction and let go of the anolog stick, it inputs the opposite direction very briefly, so I'd be running forward as Link, let go of the stick and he'd stop and face backwards. Sigh, probably not even worth bothering getting a new one as it seems to affect most controllers?
除左dpad 問題
其實我都再回彈嘅問題, 樓上做維修位巴打
想問下, 係咪用得多個彈弓會無咁勁會好啲?
堆pro 制係會彈過龍
你推一個方向放手, 會向反方向input
你用個stick 快速揀menu果時好易會反方向走
睇個post 黎講100% pro 制都有呢個問題