收到以下喱個電郵回覆, 係咪應該將我老婆既父母資料都比埋佢, 問埋係咪included child好d?

Good Morning
General Data Protection: Subject Access Request (SAR)
Thank you for your enquiry of the 11th October requesting information from Her Majesty’s Passport Office regarding a BNO passport. Before I can consider your request further I would be grateful if you could provide the following as required under the General Data Protection Regulations 2018:
· An email address to which our reply may be sent.
· Evidence of your identity, such as a photocopy of the personal details page of your passport or a photocopy of your identity card.
· Any other information that you can supply which might help us to locate the details which you are seeking. This should include details of any name changes and the dates they occurred.
Please be aware that, under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018, HM Passport Office has up to one calendar month to process the request after all of the above have been received.
Please reply to the address below quoting our reference: XXXXXX
Disclosure of Information
Alternatively, the requested document can be sent to us as a PDF document in reply to this email.