
過左個零兩個禮拜application history轉左Documents received後
轉左We’ve sent you a letter.
Thank you for your application for a passport.
After 1/1/1983, British Subjects of the United Kingdom and Colonies (BSUKCs) who also had Right of Abode (ROA) in the UK became British Citizens. BSUKCs who did not also have ROA but who had a connection with Hong Kong became British Dependent Territories Citizens.
On 1 July 1997 British Dependent Territories Citizens who derived their status through a connection to Hong Kong lost that status when Hong Kong ceased being a dependent territory. However they have been able to retain British nationality from that date provided they hold or are included on a passport which confirms their status is described as a British National Overseas.
Acquisition of that status is by registration and the register is held by the Hong Kong General's Consulate Office.
As it would appear that you have never registered as either a British National Overseas Citizen nor as a British Citizen. It would appear that you lost any claim to British nationality as of 1/7/97.
係一開始填錯野定佢誤會左我想申請british citizen