你要搞清楚 其實iCloud喺中國唔代表中國有data嘅access
Apple一直都有搵其他cloud service providers(AWS、Google GCP)簽約搵佢地做storage, Apple會將加密咗嘅用戶資料放喺嗰啲3rd party嘅cloud storage到 我睇唔出雲上貴州會有任何分別 而Apple亦有聲明講咗 儲存喺雲上貴州嘅資料照舊都係加密咗 而得Apple自己有加密嘅key
Quote返Apple嘅security white paper: ”The keys and the file’s metadata are stored by Apple in the user’s iCloud account. The encrypted chunks of the file are stored, without any user- identifying information or the keys, using both Apple and third-party storage services.”