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Filibuster_HK 2019-02-13 16:43:06
右派唔會肯用DACA換牆啦,上年年頭一聽到就屌到侵侵轉軑,今次提過extend三年又屌,根本對佢地嚟講extend DACA同叫佢地去死冇分別

今次唔知freedom caucus會唔會又去一轉白宮呢
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-13 16:48:59
Venezuela crisis: Juan Guaidó vows to bring in aid

Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó has vowed at a rally in the capital Caracas to ensure humanitarian aid blocked by President Nicolás Maduro is brought in to the country.

Mr Guaidó said new collection points and routes into the country would allow volunteers to bring the aid in.

Mr Maduro told the BBC he would not allow aid in, claiming it was a means for the US to intervene in Venezuela.

Venezuelans are facing drastic food shortages amid an economic crisis.

"We have almost 300,000 Venezuelans who will die if the aid doesn't enter. There are almost two million at health risk," said Mr Guaidó at the rally on Tuesday.

Mr Guaidó, who has been recognised by the US and most Western governments as interim president of Venezuela, told his supporters in the capital that humanitarian aid would be brought into Venezuela on 23 February.

Envoys for Mr Guaidó met with Brazilian officials this week and announced plans to create a second aid storage hub in the state of Roraima, on Venezuela's southeastern border.

Mr Guaidó appeared to be relying on volunteers - he called on 250,000 people who signed up online to organise themselves over the weekend, "because we're going to have to go in caravans".
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-13 16:51:00
A potential early election could likely take place on April 14 or 28, government sources said. Sanchez is said to be keen no holding an election as soon as possible, in order to mobilize left-leaning voters against the threat of the right returning to power.


Filibuster_HK 2019-02-13 19:52:05
Via Euronews: Spain’s parliament rejects government‘s 2019 budget proposal


Filibuster_HK 2019-02-14 09:10:50
Ex-US Air Force officer Monica Witt charged with spying for Iran

US prosecutors have accused a former US Air Force officer of spying for Iran in an elaborate operation that targeted her fellow intelligence officers.

Monica Witt, who allegedly defected to Iran in 2013, had previously worked as a US counterintelligence officer.

Four Iranian citizens have also been charged with attempting to install spy software on computers belonging to Ms Witt's colleagues.

According to the FBI, Ms Witt was last seen in southwest Asia in July 2013.

Prosecutors say Ms Witt had been granted the highest level of US security clearance and worked in the US Air Force from 1997 to 2008.

The US Department of Treasury has also sanctioned two Iranian companies - New Horizon Organization and Net Peygard Samavat Company - for their role in the plot.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-14 09:15:13
Congress rushes to avert shutdown amid hopeful signs from Trump

Congress is racing to finalize and pass a massive funding bill designed to end a months-long standoff over President Donald Trump’s border wall and avert another government shutdown.

The legislation was still being finished Wednesday evening, with House leaders aiming to hold a vote on the package Thursday night and the Senate likely to follow quickly suit before the Friday deadline.

Trump has yet to publicly say whether he'd sign the bill, but hinted Wednesday that he is leaning in that direction, while also praising Republicans for their border security efforts.

"I don’t want to see a shutdown. A shutdown would be a terrible thing," Trump told reporters. "I think a lot of good points were made [in the last shutdown], but I don’t want to see another one — there’s no reason for it."

House Democratic and GOP leaders on Wednesday each briefed their rank-and-file members on the contours of the package, which appears to have broad support despite some grumbling on the left and right.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-14 09:17:21
U.S. judge rules ex-Trump campaign chief breached plea deal

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort breached his plea agreement with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office by lying to prosecutors about matters which are material to its Russia probe, a federal judge ruled on Wednesday.

The ruling concludes weeks of wrangling between Manafort’s lawyers and the special counsel over whether he had intentionally lied to prosecutors, impeding their investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who is overseeing the Manafort case in a Washington court, found there was a “preponderance” of evidence that Manafort lied on three different topics, including his communications with his former business partner Konstantin Kilimnik, whom prosecutors say has ties to Russian intelligence. Kilimnik has denied such ties.

Jackson cleared Manafort of allegations that he intentionally lied on two other subjects - Kilimnik’s role in an obstruction of justice charge and statements Manafort made about his contacts with members of the Trump administration.

Nevertheless, the ruling will almost certainly deal a blow to any hopes Manafort had of avoiding an extended term of incarceration. Mueller’s prosecutors are now released from their obligation to support a lighter sentence.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-15 07:11:14
Trump to sign border security bill and declare emergency over wall


He is to sign a border security bill to avert a government shutdown - but also act to bypass Congress and use military funds for the wall, a statement said.

Senior Democrats have responded by accusing him of committing a ”gross abuse of power“ and a ”lawless act“.

Congress must first pass the bill before it is signed by the president.

”The president is once again delivering on his promise to build the wall, protect the border, and secure our great country,“ White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement on Thursday.

She added he would ”take other executive action - including a national emergency - to ensure we stop the national security and humanitarian crisis at the border“.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has already suggested a legal challenge from Democrats should the president make an emergency declaration.

She and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer also issued a strongly worded joint statement condemning the move.
土木膠程師 2019-02-15 07:55:12
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-15 08:53:08
Brexit: Theresa May suffers fresh Commons defeat


Prime Minister Theresa May has suffered another Commons defeat after MPs voted down her approach to Brexit talks.

MPs voted by 303 to 258 - a majority of 45 - against a motion endorsing the government's negotiating strategy.

The defeat has no legal force and Downing Street said it would not change the PM's approach to talks with the EU.

But Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn urged Mrs May to "admit her Brexit strategy has failed" and to come forward with a plan Parliament would support.

The defeat came after the pro-Brexit European Research Group (ERG) of Conservative MPs announced it had taken a "collective decision" to abstain, because backing the motion would have amounted to an endorsement of efforts to rule out a no-deal Brexit.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-15 08:56:20
Sweden investigates its Beijing ambassador over 'strange' meetings

Sweden is investigating its ambassador to China after she was accused of orchestrating a bizarre series of meetings between the daughter of a Swedish bookseller jailed in China and businessmen who said they could help secure his release.

The story is detailed in a blogpost by Angela Gui, the daughter of Gui Minhai, a Chinese-born Swedish bookseller who has disappeared twice and is currently held in Chinese custody.

In the Medium post, Gui details the “very strange experience”, alleging that she was contacted by Anna Lindstedt, Sweden’s ambassador to China, in mid-January and invited to Stockholm to hear about a “new approach” to her father’s case.

Lindstedt returned to Stockholm on Wednesday to meet officials from the foreign affairs ministry, the Swedish embassy in Beijing told Associated Press by phone. Lindstedt is not under criminal investigation.

The embassy declined to give further details, but a foreign ministry spokesman in Sweden confirmed that Lindstedt’s departure was related to meetings she arranged between Gui and the Chinese businessmen.

“She didn’t explain very much, but said that there were some businessmen she thought could help, and that they wanted to meet me in Stockholm. She’d join too, and these were people she trusted, she reassured me,” wrote Gui.
書桓 2019-02-15 09:24:51
兩年時間就足已令GOP 由pro little government/ state rights/ check and balance 嘅Reaganian 變成 pro big government/ executive 嘅new deal democrats

過多兩年可能好似Venezuela 咁另立National Assembly 取代congress
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-15 17:37:57
Spain PM Sánchez sets snap election for April


Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has called a snap general election for April 28, after Catalan nationalist MPs withdrew support for the Socialist government’s budget.
伏羽忍冬 2019-02-15 21:22:32


2016年6月, Trump Jr.已知俄羅斯有興趣幫Trump贏大選, share埋畀Manafort同Ksuhner知


Manafort助手Rick Gates係16大選前, 就清楚知道Kilimnik係俄佬特工, 可以合理判斷佢老細Manafort都知

美國情報機關2017寫嘅報告, CIA, FBI同NSA總結認為俄佬有干預2016大選, 幫助Trump勝選(報告只係針對俄羅斯, 唔涉及探討Trump Campaign係咪同謀)

而家下法庭判定, SCO用黎指控Manafort 9up同Kilimnik接觸嘅料成立,

整理時序嘅話, 即係係6月, Manafort已知俄羅斯有興趣幫Trump贏大選, 而Special Counsel Office(SCO)話Manafort 9up同Kilimnik接觸嘅主題, 係佢兩個8月嘅會面, 即係競選主席Manafort係知道俄佬有興趣幫Trump贏大勝後, 同俄佬特工Kilimnik會面, 而且交左內部民調資料畀俄佬特工Kilimnik, 而CIA, FBI同NSA都判斷俄佬有干預16年大選

我得出一個結論: 留名睇Trump話係競選主席Manafort私下同俄佬特工Kilimnik串謀, 佢自己乜柒都唔知
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-16 07:03:12
Trump declares emergency for border wall, House panel launches probe


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency in a bid to fund his promised wall at the U.S.-Mexico border without congressional approval, an action Democrats vowed to challenge as a violation of the U.S. Constitution.

The Republican president’s move to circumvent Congress represented an escalation in his efforts to make good on a 2016 presidential campaign pledge to build a wall to halt the flow into the country of illegal immigrants, who Trump says bring crime and drugs.

Hours after Trump’s announcement, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee said it had launched an investigation into the emergency declaration.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-16 20:37:03
Nigeria postpones election just hours before polls due to open

Nigeria’s electoral commission has delayed the presidential election until 23 February, making the announcement just five hours before polls were set to open on Saturday.

It cited unspecified “challenges” amid reports that voting materials had not been delivered to all parts of the country.

“This was a difficult decision to take but necessary for successful delivery of the elections and the consolidation of our democracy,” commission chairman Mahmood Yakubu told reporters in the capital, Abuja, late on Friday night. He said more details would be released on Saturday afternoon.

President Muhammadu Buhari faces a tight election contest in Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy, top oil producer and most populous nation, against the main opposition candidate, businessman and former vice president Atiku Abubakar.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-16 20:38:37
Paul Manafort should be sentenced to up to 24 years in prison, Mueller says


Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, should be sentenced to up to 24 years in prison, the special counsel Robert Mueller said on Friday.

Mueller’s team said in a court filing that Manafort should face a prison term of 235 to 292 months, or between 19 and a half and 24 and a half years, for “serious, longstanding, and bold” financial crimes.

Manafort, 69, could also receive financial penalties totaling more than $50m, according to the filing by Mueller’s prosecutors. His sentence will be decided by federal judge TS Ellis.

The new court filing dealt with Manafort’s convictions in Virginia last year for fraud and other crimes that the veteran political consultant began committing before he joined Trump’s campaign in 2016.

“Manafort acted for more than a decade as if he were above the law, and deprived the federal government and various financial institutions of millions of dollars,” Mueller’s team said. “The sentence here should reflect the seriousness of these crimes, and serve to both deter Manafort and others from engaging in such conduct.”

Following his convictions, Manafort admitted other crimes in a plea deal to avoid a second trial on other charges in Washington DC. But the deal was scrapped by Mueller after Manafort continued to lie to investigators.

Friday’s court filing said Manafort’s “concerted criminality”, even while out on bail and under indictment last year, should be a factor in his Virginia sentence. He also faces sentencing next month in Washington for crimes he admitted in that case.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-18 08:55:46
Trump tells European countries to take back IS fighters

President Donald Trump has told the UK and other European allies to take back and put on trial more than 800 Islamic State (IS) fighters captured in the final battle against the group.

His tweet comes as US-backed Kurdish forces continue an assault on the last pocket of IS territory on the Syrian side of the Iraqi border, at Baghuz.

The captured IS fighters are being held by the Kurdish-led forces.

Mr Trump has said for several days that the IS caliphate is "ready to fall".

Trump administration officials have also told the Sunday Telegraph newspaper that they fear some of the detained fighters would put European countries at risk unless they are brought to justice.

Mr Trump's remarks echo those made by the UK's foreign intelligence chief on Friday, who warned that the Islamic State group was reorganising for more attacks despite its military defeat in Syria.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-18 08:56:39
Yemen and Houthi rebels agree to withdrawal deal

Yemen’s government and Houthi rebels have agreed on the first phase of a withdrawal from the key city of Hodeidah, in a deal the UN described as important progress.

The redeployment from Hodeidah is a critical part of a ceasefire agreed in Sweden in December that calls on the government and Houthis to move forces away from ports.

The fragile truce deal marks the first step toward ending a devastating war that has pushed Yemen to the brink of famine.

After two days of talks in Hodeidah, the government and Houthis finalised a deal on the first phase of the pullback and also agreed in principle on the second phase, a UN statement said.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-18 08:58:34
Key senator vows to probe discussions about removing Trump

The chairman of the US Senate Judiciary Committee has vowed to get to the bottom of allegations that discussions were held in 2017 on removing President Donald Trump from office.

Senator Lindsey Graham pledged to issue subpoenas "if that's what it takes".

Ex-acting FBI chief Andrew McCabe has said deputy US attorney general Rod Rosenstein discussed the numbers needed to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Mr Rosenstein has in the past denied discussing invoking the clause.

The amendment provides for the removal of a president if deemed unfit.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-18 09:00:06
Exclusive: U.S. blocks North Korean air traffic revival ahead of Trump-Kim summit - sources


MONTREAL/SEOUL (Reuters) - The United States has blocked efforts by a U.N. agency to improve civil aviation in North Korea at a time when Pyongyang is trying to reopen part of its airspace to foreign flights, three sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.

The U.S. move is part of a negotiating tactic to maintain sanctions pressure on North Korea, one of the sources said, ahead of a second summit between President Donald Trump and leader Kim Jong Un in Vietnam in late February.

Washington is seeking concrete commitments from Pyongyang at the summit to abandon its nuclear and missile programs.

But the United States discouraged the U.N. agency from helping North Korea with its air program as Washington wanted to “pool all the leverages and incentives” until Pyongyang makes substantial progress on denuclearization, a third source said.

“They would keep tight hold of all available leverage to make sure there is no loophole until the North Koreans take action that deserves a reward,” the source said.

All sources spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter.
y4t7sds12 2019-02-18 17:11:23
A small group of MPs look set to announce their resignations from Labour, senior party sources have said.

At least four backbenchers who disagree with the Labour leadership over its handling of Brexit and anti-Semitism are thought likely to break away.

They are expected to announce their departure at an event later on Monday morning.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-18 18:21:51
Seven MPs leave Labour Party


UK MPs Chuka Umunna, Luciana Berger, Chris Leslie, Angela Smith, Mike Gapes, Gavin Shuker and Ann Coffey quit Labour
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-18 21:11:55
Pulwama attack: Four Indian soldiers killed in Kashmir gun battle


Four soldiers have been killed in Indian-administered Kashmir in a gun battle with militants, police say.

The clash occurred in Pulwama district, where more than 40 Indian paramilitary police were killed in a suicide attack on Thursday, raising tensions between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan.

A civilian and two alleged militants were also killed as Indian troops searched for suspects.

Meanwhile Pakistan recalled its ambassador for consultations.

India had already recalled its top diplomat from Pakistan in the wake of Thursday's attack - in which it said the Pakistani state was complicit.

Pakistan denies any role in the bombing, which was claimed by a group based on its soil - Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM)
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-18 21:13:53
Japan almost cancelled Brexit talks due to 'high-handed' letter – report


Japanese officials have reportedly accused Jeremy Hunt and Liam Fox of taking a “high-handed” approach towards a post-Brexit free trade deal, and briefly considered cancelling bilateral talks due to take place this week.

The Financial Times cited unnamed officials in Tokyo who reacted with dismay to a letter sent on 8 February in which Hunt, the foreign secretary, and Fox, the international trade secretary, insisted that “time is of the essence” in securing a trade deal with Japan, the world’s third-biggest economy.

Hunt and Fox also called for flexibility on both sides – an approach the paper said had been interpreted as criticism that Japan did not share their desire to quickly conclude a free trade agreement after Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union on 29 March.

The letter, which British officials said had employed standard diplomatic language, had briefly prompted Japanese officials to consider cancelling trade talks in Tokyo this week, the paper reported.
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