Organization 1 = WikiLeaks
Head of Organization 1 = Julian Assange
Person 1 = Jerome Corsi, 專欄作家, Stone同Assange嘅中間人
Person 2 = Randy Credico, 電台主持, Stone同Assange嘅中間人
Mueller指控Stone妨礙眾院, 參院同FBI調查, 主要係:
1) 就WikiLeaks嘅關係, 向眾院HPSCI鳩up, aka false statements, 虛假陳述
2) 嘗試說服某證人作偽證同唔交出有關資料, aka witness tampering, 恐嚇證人
第二點係花生笑料多過實際線索, 從略
係第一點上, Mueller詳細提供左係DNC同Hilliary e-mail被hack一事上, Stone同Trump Campaign嘅接觸, 以及點樣指示Person 1同Person 2做中間, 去接觸Assange拎料, 再update畀Trump Campaign聽. 之後再詳細提供Stone係以上背景下, 對眾院作虛假陳述嘅例子
主要爆料係Stone作為中間人, 聯繫Trump Campaign同WikiLeaks嘅描述
By in or around June and July 2016, STONE informed senior Trump Campaign officials that he had information indicating Organization 1 had documents whose release would be damaging to the Clinton Campaign. The head of Organization 1 was located at all relevant times at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, United Kingdom.
After the July 22, 2016 release of stolen DNC emails by Organization 1,
a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE about any additional releases and what other damaging information Organization 1 had regarding the Clinton Campaign. STONE thereafter told the Trump Campaign about potential future releases of damaging material by Organization 1.
Stone先接觸Trump Campaign, 話WikiLeaks有料爆, 然後有Trump Campaign高級成員奉令接觸Stone拎料, 咁邊個係呢位高級成員, 又係邊個落order呢
Bloomberg話個高級成員係Bannon, Bloomberg都敢報應該無死錯人
不過order得Bannon嘅人, 我睇怕唔係參選人Trump就係競選主席Manafort(佢16年8月先辭職)
起訴書提到Trump Campaign同Stone接洽, 查探WikiLeaks幾時有更多Hilliary email出街嘅日子, 係22/7/2016
而Trump公開係講台上, 講呢句嘢"Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,"嘅日子, 係27/7/2016
而起訴書第17段提到, 7/10/2016(就到投票日

) WikiLeaks先爆左第一批料出街, Trump Campaign反應:
"Shortly after Organization 1’s release,
an associate of the high-ranking Trump Campaign official sent a text message to STONE that read “well done.” "
換言之, Trump Campaign事前已經知會有Hilliary email出街呢壇嘢
btw, 一般high-ranking係低過senior, 連high-ranking成員助手都知Stone嘅角色
而根據以下Mueller起訴12名俄佬軍方hackers, Guccifer 2.0, 嘅訴書:
22. The Conspirators spearphished individuals affiliated with the Clinton Campaign throughout the summer of 2016.
For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a thirdparty provider and used by Clinton’s personal office. At or around the same time, they also targeted seventy-six email addresses at the domain for the Clinton Campaign.
上面訴書入面嘅Organization 1都係WikiLeaks, 有興趣睇俄佬點用WikiLeaks者, 可以睇"Use of Organization 1"一節.
Trump Campaign <->Stone<->Wikileaks<->俄佬軍方hackers
Trump Campaign某高高高層<->高級成員Bannon<->Stone<->Person 1&2<->WikiLeaks<->俄佬軍方hackers
下一步應該要研究Trump Campaign知唔知啲料係來自俄佬, 如果佢地事前就知而Mueller prove到, 咁就好大劑
雖然我一向認為Trump公開叫俄佬hack, 俄佬又照hack, 再爆料整死Hillary已經死撚得