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Filibuster_HK 2019-01-24 09:23:44

Mexico, Bolivia 同Cuba都支持Maduro先係
伏羽忍冬 2019-01-24 09:28:49
當鄰居美洲三大經濟體首腦美加巴都開聲都支持Guaidó, 我諗剩低嘅只係睇Venezuela軍隊咩立場
伊勢新九郎盛時 2019-01-24 09:31:53
土木膠程師 2019-01-24 09:44:57
書桓 2019-01-24 09:58:43
Khamenei, Assad 同金仔都仲生勾勾啦
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-24 18:34:35
Venezuela crisis: Maduro cuts ties with US after it recognises opposition leader


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has broken off relations with the US after it recognised opposition leader Juan Guaidó as interim leader.

Mr Maduro gave US diplomats 72 hours to leave the country but the US said the "former president" no longer had the authority to order them out.

On Wednesday, Mr Guaidó had declared himself president during mass protests.

The US has urged the military to back Mr Guaidó, but so far it has remained loyal to Mr Maduro.

Venezuela: who is Juan Guaidó, the man who declared himself president?
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-24 20:40:13
Donald Trump delays State of the Union until shutdown ends


US President Donald Trump said late Wednesday he would wait until the partial government shutdown has ended before delivering his State of the Union address following a standoff with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Traditionally, the president's annual speech is made before a joint session of Congress in the ornate chamber of the House of Representatives. But Pelosi told Trump the Democrat-controlled House would not authorize the address in the chamber until the government had reopened.

The shutdown, which began over a month ago, has affected around 800,000 federal workers and brought many government services to a halt.

Pelosi had earlier appealed to Trump to hold off on giving the speech, citing shutdown-related security concerns. When the White House insisted the president would stick to the January 29 date, Pelosi informed him the move would not be approved.

"Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened," Pelosi said to Trump in a letter.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-24 20:41:00
Kim Jong-un applauds Trump for second summit plans


North Korea's leader has expressed "great satisfaction" after receiving a letter from US President Donald Trump, the North's state media said.

The letter was passed to Kim Jong-un by one of his top aides, who went to Washington last week.

The two men are planning to meet for a second time by the end of February, according to the White House.

They first met last June in Singapore to discuss the possible denuclearisation of North Korea.

Little progress has been made on the issue since then, but there has been a flurry of diplomatic activity towards a second summit this month.

No venue has been announced for the new talks but observers say Vietnam could be a potential location.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-24 20:42:57
Brexit: MPs drops plan to put second referendum to Commons vote


Members of the the cross-party People's Vote campaign have admitted they don't yet have enough support from MPs to get another EU referendum.

The MPs have dropped plans to table an amendment to next week's Commons vote on Theresa May's Brexit deal.

Instead, they will throw their weight behind a series of other delaying moves, to prevent a no-deal Brexit.

They conceded they had little chance of getting a referendum without Jeremy Corbyn telling Labour MPs to back it.

Sources at the People's Vote campaign said its official position was to get behind amendments calling for a delay to Brexit and for MPs to take control of the process.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-25 08:51:29
US shutdown: Senate rejects bills to reopen government

The US Senate has rejected two bills to end the government shutdown, leaving no end in sight to the record-breaking closure of federal agencies.

The Republican legislation failed by 50-47 and the Democratic bill followed suit by 52-44. Both measures were long shots, needing 60 votes to pass.

Meanwhile, 800,000 federal workers who are struggling to cover their bills will miss another payday on Friday.

At 34 days with no end in sight, this is the longest shutdown in US history.

Six Republican defectors - including former White House candidate and Utah Senator Mitt Romney - voted for the Democratic bill. It would have reopened the government until 8 February.

One conservative Democrat backed the Republican measure, which would have provided the $5.7bn (£4.4bn) that President Donald Trump wants to build a southern border wall. It would also have temporarily shielded from deportation some US residents who entered the country without documentation as children.

Afterwards, Mr Trump told reporters at the White House that he would only sign a bill if it included a "down payment" on a border barrier.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-25 08:53:11
Venezuela crisis: US vows to 'disconnect' Maduro's funding

The Trump administration is trying to cut Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro's revenue streams, US National Security Adviser John Bolton says.

The comments come one day after Mr Maduro cut diplomatic ties with the US.

He was angry after they recognised an opposition figure, Juan Guaidó, as interim president on Wednesday.

Mr Bolton told reporters outside the White House the issue was "complicated" but they were working on a plan to funnel funds to Mr Guaidó instead.

Figures from the Trump administration are continuing to try and compound pressure on Mr Maduro as the international community remains divided in its support of him.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-25 08:58:15
U.S. orders some diplomats to leave Venezuela

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department on Thursday ordered some U.S. government workers to leave Venezuela and said U.S. citizens should consider leaving the country, a day after Washington recognized an opposition politician as Venezuela’s president.

“We are taking this action based on our current assessment of the security situation in Venezuela. We have no plans to close the embassy,” a State Department spokesperson said in a statement.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-25 17:35:43
Queen makes plea for Britons to find 'common ground'


The Queen has urged people to find "common ground" and to respect "different points of view".

Commentators say the remarks will be seen as referring to the Brexit debate, with MPs due to vote on the PM's deal for leaving the EU again next week.

MPs rejected the deal last week but the UK will leave on 29 March with no deal unless they can agree on a way forward.

The Queen, as head of state, remains neutral on political matters and does not usually express her views on contentious issues.

However, speaking at an event to mark the 100 years of Sandringham Women's Institute in Norfolk, the Queen said: "The continued emphasis on patience, friendship, a strong community focus, and considering the needs of others, are as important today as they were when the group was founded all those years ago.

"Of course, every generation faces fresh challenges and opportunities.

"As we look for new answers in the modern age, I for one prefer the tried and tested recipes, like speaking well of each other and respecting different points of view; coming together to seek out the common ground; and never losing sight of the bigger picture."

She said these approaches were "timeless, and I commend them to everyone".
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-25 21:37:38
Greece vote settles 27-year Macedonia row


Greek MPs have voted narrowly to back a historic agreement with Macedonia, bringing to an end a 27-year dispute over its northern neighbour's name.

The parliament in Athens agreed by 153 votes to 146 to approve the name Republic of North Macedonia, despite widespread opposition from the public.

Thousands demonstrated outside parliament on Thursday night.

Greeks have rejected Macedonia's name since its independence in 1991, as they have a region of the same name.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-25 21:42:40
Roger Stone arrested following Mueller indictment


Roger Stone, a longtime aide and confidant of President Donald Trump, was arrested Friday by the FBI after being indicted for allegations he lied to and obstructed the House Intelligence Committee's investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

The seven-count indictment suggests Stone misled lawmakers on the committee about his efforts to communicate with Wikileaks and his contacts with the Trump campaign. It also alleges he attempted to intimidate another witness: radio host Randy Credico, who was in contact with Wikileaks head Julian Assange in 2016.

Special counsel Robert Mueller's office said Stone was arrested Friday morning and will make an appearance at 11 a.m. at the federal courthouse in Fort Lauderdale. A Washington D.C. grand jury approved the indictment Thursday.

The Stone indictment marks Mueller’s biggest move yet against a Trump associate on grounds that the person allegedly worked with Russian operatives to sabotage Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2016.

Attorneys for Stone did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-25 21:49:05
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-26 06:44:13
Trump announces deal to reopen government - without his wall


President Donald Trump on Friday announced a deal to temporarily reopen the federal government, moving to end the longest shutdown in U.S. history without securing any money for his proposed border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Senate quickly passed legislation by voice voice to fund the government until Feb. 15 so negotiators can try to work out a larger immigration and border security compromise. The measure now goes to the House for approval, which is likely to happen later Friday and then be signed by Trump.

The move marks a major reversal for the president, who had insisted for weeks that he wouldn’t reopen the government until lawmakers agreed to fork over more than $5 billion for the border wall.
書桓 2019-01-26 11:59:49
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-26 12:12:32
Ann Coulter✔

Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States.

伏羽忍冬 2019-01-26 14:36:27
係Dem控制眾院前自己發起shut down, 打算屈佢地硬食
自己放火再自己救火, 燒傷自己之後乜柒都拎唔到
而且McConnell肯撚定死都唔自己孭飛,Trump說佢唔掂, 先要自己縮, 自己硬食
The art of the deal
伏羽忍冬 2019-01-26 17:03:47
Organization 1 = WikiLeaks
Head of Organization 1 = Julian Assange
Person 1 = Jerome Corsi, 專欄作家, Stone同Assange嘅中間人
Person 2 = Randy Credico, 電台主持, Stone同Assange嘅中間人

Mueller指控Stone妨礙眾院, 參院同FBI調查, 主要係:
1) 就WikiLeaks嘅關係, 向眾院HPSCI鳩up, aka false statements, 虛假陳述
2) 嘗試說服某證人作偽證同唔交出有關資料, aka witness tampering, 恐嚇證人

第二點係花生笑料多過實際線索, 從略

係第一點上, Mueller詳細提供左係DNC同Hilliary e-mail被hack一事上, Stone同Trump Campaign嘅接觸, 以及點樣指示Person 1同Person 2做中間, 去接觸Assange拎料, 再update畀Trump Campaign聽. 之後再詳細提供Stone係以上背景下, 對眾院作虛假陳述嘅例子

主要爆料係Stone作為中間人, 聯繫Trump Campaign同WikiLeaks嘅描述


"11. By in or around June and July 2016, STONE informed senior Trump Campaign officials that he had information indicating Organization 1 had documents whose release would be damaging to the Clinton Campaign. The head of Organization 1 was located at all relevant times at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, United Kingdom.

12. After the July 22, 2016 release of stolen DNC emails by Organization 1, a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE about any additional releases and what other damaging information Organization 1 had regarding the Clinton Campaign. STONE thereafter told the Trump Campaign about potential future releases of damaging material by Organization 1.
Stone先接觸Trump Campaign, 話WikiLeaks有料爆, 然後有Trump Campaign高級成員奉令接觸Stone拎料, 咁邊個係呢位高級成員, 又係邊個落order呢

Bloomberg話個高級成員係Bannon, Bloomberg都敢報應該無死錯人

不過order得Bannon嘅人, 我睇怕唔係參選人Trump就係競選主席Manafort(佢16年8月先辭職)

起訴書提到Trump Campaign同Stone接洽, 查探WikiLeaks幾時有更多Hilliary email出街嘅日子, 係22/7/2016

而Trump公開係講台上, 講呢句嘢"Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,"嘅日子, 係27/7/2016

而起訴書第17段提到, 7/10/2016(就到投票日 ) WikiLeaks先爆左第一批料出街, Trump Campaign反應:

"Shortly after Organization 1’s release, an associate of the high-ranking Trump Campaign official sent a text message to STONE that read “well done.” "

換言之, Trump Campaign事前已經知會有Hilliary email出街呢壇嘢

btw, 一般high-ranking係低過senior, 連high-ranking成員助手都知Stone嘅角色

而根據以下Mueller起訴12名俄佬軍方hackers, Guccifer 2.0, 嘅訴書:

22. The Conspirators spearphished individuals affiliated with the Clinton Campaign throughout the summer of 2016. For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a thirdparty provider and used by Clinton’s personal office. At or around the same time, they also targeted seventy-six email addresses at the domain for the Clinton Campaign.


上面訴書入面嘅Organization 1都係WikiLeaks, 有興趣睇俄佬點用WikiLeaks者, 可以睇"Use of Organization 1"一節.

Trump Campaign <->Stone<->Wikileaks<->俄佬軍方hackers
Trump Campaign某高高高層<->高級成員Bannon<->Stone<->Person 1&2<->WikiLeaks<->俄佬軍方hackers


下一步應該要研究Trump Campaign知唔知啲料係來自俄佬, 如果佢地事前就知而Mueller prove到, 咁就好大劑

雖然我一向認為Trump公開叫俄佬hack, 俄佬又照hack, 再爆料整死Hillary已經死撚得
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-27 17:06:37
Venezuela crisis: Maduro given ultimatum by European leaders


European powers have warned Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro that he must call elections or they will officially recognise the opposition's claim of leadership.

Mr Maduro is under pressure after his rival Juan Guaidó declared himself "acting president" on Wednesday.

Several countries, including the US, already back Mr Guaidó as president.

Venezuela later rejected the ultimatum at a UN meeting, where divisions between world powers were laid bare.

Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza told members of the UN Security Council in New York that Mr Maduro's presidency was legitimate, and the country would not be pressured into calling elections.

"Nobody is going to give us deadlines or tell us if there are elections or not," he said.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-27 17:07:29
Trudeau fires Canada's ambassador to China amid Huawei controversy


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has fired Canada's ambassador to China, John McCallum.

It follows controversial comments Mr McCallum made about an extradition case involving a senior executive from the Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.

In a statement Mr Trudeau said: "Last night I asked for and accepted John McCallum's resignation as Canada's ambassador to China."

He said the veteran diplomat had served Canadians honourably and with distinction with many positions in cabinet, and thanked him and his family for their service.

Mr McCallum caused controversy on Tuesday when he publicly argued that the US extradition request for Ms Meng was seriously flawed.

The next day he issued a statement saying that he "misspoke" and regretted that his comments had created "confusion".
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-27 17:08:24
Taliban talks: US envoy says significant progress made in Qatar


The US and the Afghan Taliban have made "significant progress" in talks aimed at ending the 17-year-old conflict in Afghanistan, the US envoy has said.

In a series of tweets, Zalmay Khalilzad did not give details but said the unprecedented six days of talks in Qatar were "more productive than they have been in the past".

He said he was on his way to Kabul to consult Afghan government officials.

The Taliban also said progress had been made in the negotiations.

However, a spokesman added that talks about "unsolved matters" would continue.

Mr Khalilzad also emphasised that talks with the Taliban would continue and that nothing had been finalised.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-28 09:09:39
Philippines vows to crush 'terrorists' after church bombs kill 20


MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines vowed to destroy those behind twin bombings that killed 20 people during a Sunday church service in the country’s restive south, six days after a referendum on autonomy for the mainly Muslim region returned an overwhelming “yes” vote.

The attack wounded more than 100 people and was one of the deadliest in recent years in a region long plagued by instability. It came amid hope and excitement about the ratification of a devolution plan that aims to bring development, jobs and peace to one of Asia’s poorest and most volatile places.

Islamic State claims responsibility for Philippines church bombing

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility for twin bombings that killed at least 20 people during a Catholic Church service in the Philippines, the militant group’s news agency Amaq said on Sunday.
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