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2019-05-23 06:38:13

Government House Leader 辭職
2019-05-23 08:41:22
European elections 2019: Polls to take place across the UK

Polling stations in the UK are open from 07:00 until 22:00 BST. (1400 - 0500 [24/05/2019])

2019-05-23 08:43:32
屌好驚East England比Brexit party拎到3-4席
諗住投lib dem
2019-05-23 08:44:10
2019-05-23 08:55:34
Austria's Kurz appoints technocrats after FPÖ leaves cabinet


Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has replaced far-right ministers with technocrats after his coalition government collapsed amid a political scandal caused by a secret video.

The far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) quit the coalition after President Alexander Van der Bellen fired FPÖ Interior Minister Herbert Kickl.

Mr Kurz, 32, is facing a no-confidence vote in parliament on Monday.

If he survives he will try to stay on until elections, probably in September.

However, his ruling centre-right People's Party (ÖVP) has only 62 seats in the 183-seat parliament.

To survive a no-confidence vote Mr Kurz will need the support of the FPÖ or the opposition Social Democratic Party (SPÖ).

The SPÖ said it was not consulted over Mr Kurz's choice of technocrats in the new cabinet and that it would decide on Monday how to vote.

"The chancellor has to know that if he demands confidence he first has to create it. He has to talk to all the parties and parliament as well as answer to the public. As yet he has not done that," said SPÖ deputy parliament speaker Doris Bures.
2019-05-23 08:56:46
'Cover-up' talk enrages Trump, who threatens to end work with Dems


President Trump on Wednesday threatened to halt work with Democrats on legislation unless they stop investigating his administration, underscoring his barely concealed rage over efforts by his political opponents to dig into special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

Trump abruptly cut short a meeting with congressional leaders who were at the White House to discuss infrastructure, then walked out to the Rose Garden to air his grievances with them to reporters and television cameras.

He vehemently rejected Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) claim that he is “engaged in a cover-up” and demanded that Democrats “get these phony investigations over with” because he said they cannot make laws and investigate him at the same time.

“Let them play their games,” Trump said. “We're going to go down one track at a time.”

Trump’s stance might not just hurt infrastructure talks, which had already hit snags, but could also affect ongoing spending and debt limit negotiations and a revived push for Congress to approve his revision of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

It dims any prospect of Trump adding a major legislative accomplishment to his record ahead of the 2020 elections.
2019-05-23 10:17:08
The End Is Upon Us

Theresa May is expected to announce her departure from No 10 tomorrow after a cabinet mutiny over her Brexit plan.

2019-05-23 10:31:13
Bet she will resign after the election. Resign during an election is quite
2019-05-23 11:24:16
2019-05-23 21:34:25
India election results 2019: Narendra Modi secures landslide win


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has secured another five-year term after winning a landslide general election victory.

Results so far show his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is set to win about 300 of the 543 seats in parliament.

The main opposition alliance, which is headed by Rahul Gandhi's Congress party, has admitted defeat.

The vote had been widely viewed as a referendum on the prime minister's Hindu nationalist politics.

Mr Modi has not just exceeded exit poll predictions but has also won a larger share of the vote than the 2014 elections, partial results show.

"Thank you India!" the prime minister tweeted. "The faith placed in our alliance is humbling and gives us strength to work even harder to fulfil people's aspirations."

Partial and declared results show Mr Modi's BJP is projected to win 300 seats, while the main opposition alliance headed by Rahul Gandhi's Congress party is expected to win fewer than 100.

A party or coalition needs at least 272 seats to secure a majority in the 543-member lower house of parliament, or Lok Sabha.
2019-05-23 21:39:39
Brexit: Theresa May's withdrawal bill delayed


Theresa May's Brexit withdrawal bill will not be published or debated until early June, the government says.

The prime minister is continuing to face pressure from her own MPs to resign following her pledge of a "new deal" on Brexit.

It comes after Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom stepped down on Wednesday night over the PM's Brexit policy.

Downing Street has announced she will be replaced by Treasury minister Mel Stride.

Several cabinet ministers have told the BBC that Mrs May cannot stay in her post.

Theresa May had told the Commons that the legislation would be published on Friday.

But, standing in for Mrs Leadsom on Thursday, Mark Spencer told the Commons: "We will update the House on the publication and introduction of the Withdrawal Agreement Bill on our return from the Whitsun recess."

He added that the government planned to publish the bill in the first week of June.

"We had hoped to hold second reading on Friday 7 June," he added.

"At the moment, we have not secured agreement to this in the usual channels. Of course we will update the House when we return from recess."
2019-05-23 22:59:31
巴打支持revoke art 50?
我就強烈反對,但Lib Dem又係最幫香港人,所以好難揀
2019-05-24 00:26:59
望住labour、tories同Brexit party,你投得落手咩
2019-05-24 09:18:51
Julian Assange, Wikileaks co-founder, faces 17 new charges in US


The US justice department has filed 17 new charges against Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange, who is facing extradition from the UK.

The latest charges accuse him of receiving and unlawfully publishing the names of classified sources.

He was previously charged last month with one count of conspiring with ex-intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to gain access to the Pentagon network.

Assange is serving a jail sentence in the UK for jumping bail.

It was while he was on bail facing sexual assault allegations in Sweden that he sought asylum in the Ecuadorean embassy in London in 2012. He has always denied the accusations.

The new indictment accuses Assange of violating the US espionage act by publishing classified military and diplomatic documents in 2010.

It said Assange had "repeatedly encouraged sources with access to classified information to steal and provide it to Wikileaks to disclose".
2019-05-24 09:19:43
Ministers expect Theresa May to reveal No 10 departure date on Friday


Theresa May is expected to announce the date of her departure from Downing Street on Friday morning, senior cabinet ministers have told the BBC.

Sources say they expect the PM to give a timetable for her successor to be chosen, with 10 June likely to be the start of the official leadership race.

Mrs May is also due to meet the chairman of Tory backbenchers.

She has been under pressure to resign, after a backlash by her own MPs against her latest Brexit plan.

Since January, Parliament has rejected the withdrawal agreement Mrs May negotiated with the EU three times - and recent attempts to find a formal compromise with Labour also failed.

2019-05-24 10:46:14
Netherlands poll surprise: Anti-EU parties fall short


Dutch pro-EU parties were on track for a surprise win in the European Parliament election, according to an exit poll Thursday that suggested that populist Euroskeptics had failed to make previously forecasted gains.

The Labor party of European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans looked set to win five out of the 26 seats allocated for the Netherlands, according to the Ipsos poll for the Dutch public broadcaster NOS.

"There is a clear majority of people in the Netherlands, if you count them altogether, who want the European Union to continue playing a role in tackling problems that need to be solved," said Timmermans, who is the lead candidate for the European Parliament's social democratic grouping.
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte's Liberal party was set to win four seats, as was its coalition party, the Christian-conservative Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA).

Euroskeptic parties were predicted to fall well short of expectations. Official Dutch results were, however, not due to be released until after Europe's polling as a whole wraps up on Sunday.

In the Dutch projections, Thierry Baudet's right-wing populist Forum for Democracy (FvD), standing for the first time, looked set to win three seats. However, these appeared to be at the expense of the anti-Islam Party for Freedom (PVV), led by populist lawmaker Geert Wilders, which lost three of seats.
2019-05-24 17:40:27

May姐落台事件live update

2019-05-24 18:35:25
Boris is popular among CON members
2019-05-24 21:39:55


A crowdfunded legal case against Boris Johnson for allegedly abusing public trust during the EU referendum campaign is to receive a hearing in court later this month.

Private prosecutor Marcus Ball alleges that the former foreign secretary committed three offences of misconduct in public office by endorsing and making statements which he knew to be false at a time when he was mayor of London and an MP.

9up到畀人告緊, 14/5提左第一次堂

2019-05-25 06:18:06
Theresa May quits: UK set for new PM by end of July


Theresa May has said she will quit as Conservative leader on 7 June, paving the way for a contest to decide a new prime minister.

In an emotional statement, she said she had done her best to deliver Brexit and it was a matter of "deep regret" that she had been unable to do so.

Mrs May said she would continue to serve as PM while a Conservative leadership contest takes place.

The party said it hoped a new leader could be in place by the end of July.

It means Mrs May will still be prime minister when US President Donald Trump makes his state visit to the UK at the start of June.

Asked about the prime minister's announcement, Mr Trump said: "I feel badly for Theresa. I like her very much. She's a good woman. She worked very hard. She's very strong."

The Theresa May story: The Tory leader brought down by Brexit
2019-05-25 06:18:52
Malawi presidential election too close to call: electoral body


Malawi’s electoral commission (MEC) chief, Dr. Jane Ansah has called upon stakeholders including political parties to refrain from announcing premature results, pledging that the commission will start official declaration of results as soon as 20% of votes cast have been tallied.

Citizens went to the polls on Tuesday, casting their votes to elect a president, members of parliament and local government councillors.

President Peter Mutharika is seeking a second term, and is being challenged by his deputy, Saulos Chilima, and the leader of the country’s biggest opposition party, Lazarus Chakwera.
2019-05-26 16:38:19
Tory leadership: Gove will be eighth candidate to enter race


2019-05-26 21:40:06
2019-05-26 23:16:27
Divorce referendum: Ireland votes to liberalise laws


People in the Republic of Ireland have voted overwhelmingly in favour of liberalising divorce laws, in a referendum held on Friday.

The proposal passed with 82.1% of voters backing a change to the law.

The constitution currently states that spouses must be separated for four of the previous five years to divorce.

But that clause will now be removed, allowing the Oireachtas (Irish parliament) to decide a new separation period before divorce is allowed.

Divorce was legalised in Ireland in 1995, after a referendum that approved the measure by 50.28% to 49.72%.

Any change to the Irish constitution must be supported by a majority of voters in a referendum.

Prior to the vote on divorce laws on Friday, the government indicated that it believed a two-year separation was long enough.
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