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凍水涼推廣員 2019-01-15 22:28:48
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-15 22:29:17
BBC: LIVE: MPs prepare to vote on EU withdrawal deal

The Guardian: Brexit vote: Gove tells Tories they can ‘improve’ outcome if May‘s deal passed - Politics live


UK Parliament: LIVE – final day of Commons debate on the Brexit deal ahead of the vote on the EU Withdrawal Bill

一直等TY 2019-01-15 23:09:26
Moyashi 2019-01-16 00:15:08
書桓 2019-01-16 01:45:44
y4t7sds12 2019-01-16 08:08:02
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday announced she was setting up an exploratory committee for the 2020 presidential race, becoming the latest Democrat to wade into what is expected to be a crowded primary to take on President Trump.

石田佐吉三成 2019-01-16 08:49:50
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-16 08:54:11


Brexit vote: What just happened and what comes next?

The leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, has tabled what's known as a vote of no confidence in the government.

This lets MPs decide on whether they want the government to continue.

It will be held on Wednesday evening and, if parliament decides that it does not want the government to carry on, then it could trigger a general election.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-16 17:52:26
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-16 18:52:06
Swedish Left Party clears way for Soc Dem's Lofven to be PM again


STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden’s Left Party said on Wednesday it would abstain if the speaker calls for a vote on Social Democrat leader Stefan Lofven as prime minister, giving the former welder the numbers he needs to be elected to a second term in a vote on Friday.

Lofven already has the backing of the Centre, Liberals and Greens, in practice ending four months deadlock after a tied election in September.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-17 09:03:22
Greek PM Tsipras wins vote of confidence


Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Wednesday won a parliamentary vote of confidence called following a dispute over changing the name of Macedonia.

Tsipras secured 151 votes in favor in the 300-seat chamber, in which his left-wing Syriza party has 145 seats, Reuters reported. The prime minister had called the vote after his government's junior coalition partner, the right-wing Independent Greeks (ANEL), quit in disagreement over a deal to end a name dispute with Macedonia.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-17 09:10:01
Pelosi asks Trump to reschedule SOTU because of shutdown


Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday asked President Donald Trump to reschedule his State of the Union address — or deliver it in writing — as long as the government remains shut down.

The president was set to give his annual speech to Congress on Jan. 29. But Pelosi said the partial shutdown has hamstrung both the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security, potentially harming the security planning that precedes the primetime address.

"Sadly, given the security concerns and unless government re-opens this week, I suggest that we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29th," Pelosi wrote in a letter to Trump. She had given the White House no notice of her plans.

She later told CNN that the address requires hundreds of people to help organize and ensure security, and many of those staffers are now furloughed. She added that Trump could give the State of the Union from the Oval Office.

A Department of Homeland Security official said that the security preparations for the speech haven't been affected by the shutdown because the "vast majority" of Secret Service agents are on the job, working without pay.

Hours after Pelosi sent her letter, the White House had still not issued a formal response to the request to postpone the speech as of Wednesday evening. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ office door was closed throughout much of the day and Trump did not make any public appearances. The president even signed a bill to guarantee backpay to furloughed federal workers in private away from cameras and reporters.

Full text: Pelosi letter to Trump asking to reschedule State of the Union

Filibuster_HK 2019-01-17 09:25:57
Rand Paul: Trump poised for draw down in Afghanistan, Syria pullout


Sen. Rand Paul strongly suggested that President Donald Trump is poised to begin scaling back the U.S. presence in Afghanistan and will follow through on his promise to pull out of Syria, the Kentucky Republican told reporters on Wednesday.

Paul met with Trump privately and in a larger meeting with other senators on the president’s plans to wind down the U.S. presence in Syria. While Paul would not talk specifics of Trump’s plans, he said that the president recognizes “we’ve been at war too long and in too many places.”

“Not only is he following through on his Syria policy, I really do think there will be changes in Afghanistan as well,” Paul said in a conference call with reporters. “In general the idea is that we’re going to do things differently. We’re not going to stay forever. The Afghans will have to step up.”

“It’s not that we’ll do nothing … we’ll probably still be there longer than I would like,” Paul said. “The president does acknowledge that America’s longest war does need to come to a close.”
伏羽忍冬 2019-01-18 00:26:53
早兩個月, Mueller帶領嘅Special Counsel Office(SCO)入紙指控前Trump競選主席Manafort違反認罪減刑協議, 撤銷認罪減刑協議


早兩日, SCO掟左份近190頁文件上庭, 詳細描述Manafort係簽左認罪減刑協議後, 點樣繼續係多方面9up(包括調查人員想知嘅錢銀來往, 同疑似俄佬特務Kilimnik嘅聯繫, 其他案件, 同Trump政府嘅聯繫) 同騷擾證人(仲要係繼續同上述疑似俄佬特務串謀)


頭30版度係文字敘述, 之後全部係證據, 證明佢點9up, 不過同以往一樣, 由於涉及其他調查, 大部分內容都唔出得街, 特別係後150頁, 對公眾黎講, 同無出街嘅最大分別係, 你page down左成個字, 睇完一堆"Redacted"之後, 知道SCO撻左成406個例子出黎, 完

1. SCO真係仔細到癡撚線
2. Manafort真係癡撚線, up完A版本, 調查人員話「同之前唔同喎ching」, 佢改口風, 跟手同調查人員講「我無改口風, 係你誤會左我意思」(p.8), 或者就一單嘢up左幾個版本(p.23)
3. 原來Manafort曾經借刀塞人入Trump政府
[M]anafort told Gates that he was using intermediaries, including ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉ to get people appointed in the Administration.


唔知大家仲記唔記得, 係Manafort推薦Pence做副總統參選人, 而Flynn係Pence推薦嘅國家安全顧問. 我諗Flynn應該係其中一個借刀塞嘅人, 到底仲塞左咩人入去呢

值得 一提嘅係, SCO日前仲入紕延遲Manafort助手Gates嘅判刑, 話佢仲合作緊(即係同Flynn嘅情況一樣)

伏羽忍冬 2019-01-18 01:07:47
講開Manafort, 佢近排仲有單好爆. Filibuster_HK巴打係上一個thread都有post, 我順便recap下, 話說一如上述文件, 當敘述涉及未完成調查/機密資料, 咁就是刪左佢嘅, 即係變▉▉▉▉▉▉▉, 但佢代表律師入紙辯護嗰時, 佢份pdg就勁喇, 啲▉▉▉▉▉▉▉係c&p完會出返字, 即係純粹將底色校做黑色


就因為咁, 又爆左新料出黎, 其中一句係「The same is true with regard to the Government’s allegation that Mr. Manafort lied about sharing polling data with Mr. Kilimnik related to the 2016 presidential campaign.

SCO指控Manafort涉嫌將總統大選嘅民調數據, 交畀疑似俄佬特務Kilimnik

呢度指嘅應該係Trump競選團隊嘅內部民調數據, 換言之, SCO指控前Trump競選主席將內部民調數據交畀疑似俄佬特務



The goal of advertising, like politics, is to persuade someone somewhere to buy something, whether it’s a product or a candidate.


Polling data is the same contextual business intelligence that big brands use in their marketing activities, including advertising. It’s the raw material we use in the battle to win hearts and minds, and to get people to choose one product or service over another — to vote with their wallets.


Cambridge Analytica manipulated the Facebook platform with a fake app that it used to harvest personal data from up to 87 million users . Each of these individuals became a data stream of actions they took on Facebook: what they liked, watched, shared and bought. In the political context, this created highly detailed profiles of voters with whom a campaign could speak in their language and according to their interests, their fears, their behaviors and their values.


Passing on this kind of information gives a partner the ability to reach audiences in a very personalized way. And if that partner is a foreign country intent on influencing voters, exploiting divisions and disrupting elections, the data is priceless. It gives them the tools to get pretty close to the holy grail of marketing: to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right message.

以呢單case黎講, 即係對方就可以用呢份數據, tailor made propaganda去干預選民

最盞鬼係, 「The same is true with regard to the Government’s allegation that Mr. Manafort lied about sharing polling data with Mr. Kilimnik related to the 2016 presidential campaign.」呢句入面「The same is true with regard」係refer緊前面, 嗰段基本上解釋緊, 點解Manafort唔記得同探員講某啲嘢係嘢, 換言之, 佢認左佢將民調數據交畀Kilimnik

咁你會問, Trump嗰邊到底仲可以點拗無collusion/conspiracy


Giuliani: I never said there was no collusion in the campaign

我google左陣, 發現已經有人整理左搬龍門紀錄


關事但"Collusion isn't a crime"(p.s. 因為正式名係conspiracy), 而且無collusion

Filibuster_HK 2019-01-18 09:10:49
May tells Corbyn it is 'impossible' to rule out no deal

Theresa May has told Jeremy Corbyn his demand that she rule out a no-deal scenario as a prerequisite for Brexit talks is “an impossible condition” and called on him to join cross-party discussions immediately.

In a letter to Corbyn on Thursday afternoon, written after the Labour leader dismissed her request for talks as a “stunt”, May said that she would be “happy to discuss” the Labour leader’s ideas. She urged him to “talk and see if we can begin to find a way forward for our country on Brexit”.

Referring to Corbyn’s instruction to Labour MPs not to meet with her, May asked: “Is it right to ask your MPs not to seek a solution with the government?”

The proposed talks have been stymied by Corbyn’s insistence that a no-deal must be ruled out as a precondition and May’s insistence that doing so would not be workable. In her letter she wrote: “It is not within the government’s power to rule out no deal.”
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-18 09:12:14
Corbyn could face string of resignations if he backs 'people's vote'

Jeremy Corbyn could face up to a dozen resignations from the Labour frontbench if the party backs a second referendum as a way out of the Brexit crisis.

A string of junior shadow ministers have told the Guardian they are strongly opposed to the idea of a second referendum, which they fear would expose Labour to a vicious backlash in leave-voting constituencies.

The development follows another tense day of brinkmanship in Westminster between Theresa May and the Labour leader as they seek a way out of the crisis that has engulfed both major parties.

Corbyn refused to enter talks with Theresa May on Thursday until she ruled out the idea of a no-deal departure, and demanded that his party’s MPs refuse similar invitations. Later May wrote to Corbyn telling him that ruling out no-deal was “an impossible condition” and calling on him to join cross-party discussions.

With no sign of the impasse being broken, pressure is growing on Labour to consider a so-called people’s vote as the UK prepares to leave the EU on 29 March.

With Corbyn’s hopes of a general election fading with the prime minister’s narrow victory in the no-confidence vote, some Labour supporters are raising pressure on Corbyn to support a second referendum.

A snap poll conducted after the crushing defeat of May’s Brexit plan has found a 12-point lead for remaining in the EU – the largest margin since the 2016 vote.

But the Guardian has contacted several senior shadow ministers from constituencies that voted to leave the EU who say they would consider their positions if Corbyn conceded to pressure to back a second referendum.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-18 09:13:49
Trump cancels Nancy Pelosi foreign trip citing shutdown

US President Donald Trump has postponed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's upcoming trip to Brussels and Afghanistan, asking her to stay to negotiate an end to the partial US government shutdown.

The president was able to halt the trip by denying the use of military aircraft to Mrs Pelosi and a delegation.

On Wednesday Mrs Pelosi had urged Mr Trump to postpone his State of the Union address, amid political deadlock.

Mr Trump's move came on the 27th day of the US's longest-ever federal shutdown.

The Republican president wants $5.7bn (£4.4bn) of congressional funding to build a wall on the US-Mexico border, but Democrats have refused.

Mr Trump's cancellation of the trip emerged less than an hour before the Democratic speaker of the House of Representatives was scheduled to leave on Thursday afternoon, US media say.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-18 09:28:20
Former Trump lawyer reconsidering plan to testify to Congress: adviser

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen is reconsidering his plan to testify publicly to the U.S. Congress next month because of intimidation by the president, an adviser to Cohen said on Thursday.

Lanny Davis, an attorney who has been advising Cohen on his media strategy, said in an interview with MSNBC that some remarks made by the Republican president about Cohen amounted to witness tampering and deserved to be criminally investigated.

“There is genuine fear and it has caused Michael Cohen to consider whether he should go forward or not, and he has not made a final decision,” Davis said.

Last week Cohen agreed to appear before a congressional panel on Feb. 7, as U.S. House of Representatives Democrats began kicking off numerous investigations of Trump, his business interests and his administration.

Giuliani tries to clean up Russia collusion comments

Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump's personal attorney, attempted on Thursday to clean up comments he made the night before stating that Trump did not collude with Russian officials but suggesting that other campaign officials may have.

"I represent only President Trump not the Trump campaign. There was no collusion by President Trump in any way, shape or form," Giuliani said in a statement, adding, "Likewise, I have no knowledge of any collusion by any of the thousands of people who worked on the campaign.The only knowledge I have in this regard is the collusion of the Clinton campaign with Russia which has so far been ignored."

During an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo on Wednesday night, Giuliani said that he "never said there was no collusion between the campaign, or people in the campaign," adding that the president has also never said there was no collusion.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-18 09:28:47
African Union urges DR Congo to delay final election results


The African Union (AU) has called on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) to postpone the release of its presidential election results.

The pan-African organisation, which aims to promote unity and democracy, says it has "serious doubts" about provisional results released last week.

Opposition candidate Felix Tshisekedi was declared the winner but another opponent of the current administration, Martin Fayulu, insists he won.

Final results are due on Friday.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-18 09:29:28
North Korea envoy in U.S. for talks with Pompeo, possibly Trump

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A North Korean envoy arrived in Washington on Thursday for expected talks with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and a possible encounter with President Donald Trump aimed a laying the groundwork for a second U.S.-North Korea summit.

The envoy arrived on the same day Trump unveiled a revamped U.S. missile defense strategy that singled out North Korea as an ongoing and “extraordinary threat,” seven months after he declared after his first summit with leader Kim Jong Un that the North Korean threat had been eliminated.

Kim Yong Chol, Pyongyang’s lead negotiator in denuclearization talks with the United States, was due to meet Pompeo and could also go to the White House on Friday, a person familiar with the plan said, a sign of potential movement in a diplomatic effort that has appeared stalled for months.

The North Korean visit could yield an announcement of plans for another summit between Trump and Kim Jong Un, the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-18 21:09:53
U.S., North Korea to hold talks on second Trump-Kim summit


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea’s lead negotiator in nuclear diplomacy with the United States is expected to hold talks with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and could also meet President Donald Trump on Friday during a visit aimed at clearing the way for a second U.S.-North Korea summit.

Kim Yong Chol arrived in Washington on Thursday evening for his first visit since he came last June ahead of a landmark meeting between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore. Efforts made since then to get Pyongyang to denuclearize appear to have stalled.

Hours before Kim Yong Chol’s arrival, Trump - who declared the day after the June 12 Singapore summit that the nuclear threat posed by North Korea was over - unveiled a revamped U.S. missile defense strategy that singled out the country as an ongoing and “extraordinary threat.”
Filibuster_HK 2019-01-18 21:10:39
Congo rejects African Union demand to delay final election result


KINSHASA (Reuters) - Democratic Republic of Congo rejected on Friday an African Union demand to delay announcing final results from its presidential election, compounding the turmoil surrounding a chaotic vote that many fear could fan widespread unrest.

In a surprise announcement on Thursday, the AU called for the results to be postponed because of “serious doubts” over the conduct of the election, which was supposed to mark Congo’s first democratic handover of power in 59 years of independence but which the runner-up candidate says was rigged.

The final tally will be released once the Constitutional Court has ruled on challenges to the provisional results. It is expected to decide on appeals, including that of opposition leader and second-placed Martin Fayulu, on Friday or Saturday.

“I do not think anyone has the right to tell the court what to do. I am not under the impression (the AU) fully understands Congo’s judicial process,” government spokesman Lambert Mende said. “No country in the world can accept that its judicial process be controlled by an (outside) organisation.”

The AU’s statement said it would send a delegation to Congo to seek “a way out of the post-electoral crisis”. The mission will include Rwandan President and AU chair Paul Kagame, Moussa Faki, chairman of the AU Commission, and other heads of state.
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