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Filibuster_HK 2019-04-01 08:47:55
Turkey local elections: Early result puts opposition ahead in Ankara

Results are so far extremely close in Turkey's local elections, which are widely seen as a referendum on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The opposition CHP candidate for mayor has claimed a narrow victory in Ankara, where 91.4% votes have been counted.

In Istanbul, the governing AK Party said it had won a tight victory by less than one percentage point.

"If there are any shortcomings, it is our duty to correct them," said President Erdogan, as results came in.

"Starting tomorrow morning, we will begin our work to identify our shortcomings and make up for them."

However, he maintained that his AK Party (Justice and Development Party, AKP) had come "top by far".

"Results show that, as the AKP, we emerged from this election as the top party by far, just as has been the case since the 3 November 2002 election," the president said.

In Istanbul, the AK party has 48.71% of the vote compared to CHP's 48.65%, but a few votes are still to be counted.

But opposition CHP candidate Ekrem Imamoglu said: "I know we won in Istanbul, it is very clear."
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-01 08:50:01
Algeria protests: Bouteflika appoints new government

President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria has announced a major cabinet reshuffle, after weeks of protests with demonstrators demanding he resign.

State TV reports 21 of the country's 27 ministers have been replaced.

Noureddine Bedoui will remain as prime minister, says Ennahar TV.

President Bouteflika keeps his title as defence minister, just days after Algeria's powerful army chief, Gen Ahmed Gaed Salah, urged the ailing president to stand down.

Other new cabinet members include Sabri Boukadoum who will reportedly replace Ramtane Lamamra as foreign minister.

Mohamed Arkab will take over from Mutapha Guitouni as energy minster, while finance minister Abderrahamane Rouia has been replaced by central bank governor Mohamed Loukal.

The appointments have not been officially confirmed by the government.
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2019-04-01 10:19:36

Trudeau now has a lower approval rating than Trump, with Tories way ahead: Ipsos poll


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appears to have suffered more damage from the SNC-Lavalin scandal than U.S. President Donald Trump has from the Russia investigation, hush money payments to a porn star, alleged campaign finance violations, threats of impeachment proceedings and the litany of new investigations launched by Democrats.

That’s according to a new Ipsos poll, conducted exclusively for Global News, which found that Trudeau’s approval rating (40 per cent) has now slipped below Trump’s (43 per cent), even as the Conservative Party established a double-digit lead over the Liberals.
y4t7sds12 2019-04-01 10:27:45
A comedian with no political experience has won the most votes in the first round of Ukraine's presidential elections, according to exit polls.

They say Volodymyr Zelenskiy - who played the president on TV - received 30.4% of the vote, with current leader Petro Poroshenko second on 17.8%.

The two - who have expressed largely pro-EU opinions - are set to take part in a run-off election next month.

Ex-PM Yulia Tymoshenko appears to have been eliminated on a projected 14.2%.
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-01 18:42:04
Julian Smith: Chief whip attacks cabinet's post-election Brexit strategy

The government should have made clear after the 2017 election that it would "inevitably" have to accept a closer relationship with the EU after Brexit, the Tory chief whip has said.

In a BBC documentary, Julian Smith - who manages party discipline - is also critical of the cabinet's behaviour.

The attack comes as the cabinet is split over whether to move to a softer deal that could mean a customs union.

MPs will hold further votes later on Brexit options to resolve the deadlock.

A customs union with the EU is thought to be the most popular of the ideas under consideration.

Other options include leaving the EU without a deal on 12 April, a referendum to rule out no deal and a confirmatory referendum on Prime Minister Theresa May's deal.
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-01 20:07:19
Turkey local elections: Setback for Erdogan in big cities


The opposition is also ahead in the contest for mayor of the largest city, Istanbul, the election commission says.

Nationally, the president's AKP-led alliance has won more than 51% of the vote in the municipal elections.

But the AKP is challenging the results in the capital and Istanbul - seen as the greatest electoral prize.

The vote, considered a verdict on Mr Erdogan's rule, has been taking place during an economic downturn.

The AKP alleges "invalid votes and irregularities in most of
一直等TY 2019-04-01 21:36:45
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-02 06:58:41
Brexit votes: MPs fail to back proposals again


The Commons voted on four motions for leaving the EU, including a customs union and a Norway-style arrangement - keeping the UK in the single market - but none gained a majority.

The votes were not legally binding, so the government would not have been forced to adopt the proposals.

Theresa May's plan that she negotiated with the EU has been rejected twice.

The withdrawal agreement section of her deal was voted down again by MPs on Friday.

Mrs May now has until 12 April to either seek a longer extension from the EU to take a different course or decide to leave the EU without a deal.
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-02 07:00:32
Option C (Ken Clarke): Make it UK law to negotiate a customs union with the EU. REJECTED by 273 - 276

Option D (Nick Boles): Common Market 2.0/Norway-plus. REJECTED by 261 - 282

Option E (Peter Kyle): Put any agreed Brexit deal to a public vote. REJECTED by 280 - 292

Option G (Joanna Cherry): Give parliament a final vote to avoid no-deal and revoke Article 50 as a last resort. REJECTED by 191 - 292

伏羽忍冬 2019-04-02 17:49:49
到底end game係乜
唔通係黑暗兵法, 拖到變no deal/ no brexit, 然後先revoke article 50?
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-02 18:34:18
Brexit: No deal more likely but can be avoided - Barnier

A no-deal Brexit is now more likely but can still be avoided, the EU's chief negotiator has said.

Michel Barnier said a long extension to the UK's current 12 April exit date carried "significant risks for the EU" and that a "strong justification would be needed" before the EU would agree.

On Monday night, MPs voted on four alternatives to the PM's withdrawal deal, but none gained a majority.

Theresa May has begun five hours of cabinet talks to tackle the deadlock.

BBC deputy political editor John Pienaar said the cabinet was "irreconcilably split" and "almost any outcome is conceivable", with one camp preferring no deal, the other a "softer" Brexit.

In the Commons votes on Monday, MPs rejected a customs union with the EU by three votes. A motion for another referendum got the most votes in favour, but still lost.

The so-called indicative votes were not legally binding, but they had been billed as the moment when Parliament might finally compromise.

That did not happen, and one Tory MP - Nick Boles, who was behind one of the proposals - resigned the whip in frustration.

Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay told MPs that if they wanted to secure a further delay from the EU, the government must put forward a "credible proposition".

One suggestion has been the possibility of a general election - but former foreign secretary Boris Johnson told BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg that would be likely to "infuriate" voters.
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-02 18:36:57
Joe Biden: Second woman accuses ex-VP of unwanted touching


A second woman has accused former US Vice-President Joe Biden of inappropriate touching, as the leading Democrat mulls a White House bid.

Amy Lappos said Mr Biden had touched her face with both hands and rubbed noses with her a decade ago.

The allegation comes after another women, Lucy Flores, said Mr Biden kissed her on the back of her head at a campaign event.

Mr Biden has said he did not believe he has ever acted inappropriately.

The former Delaware senator, who served as Barack Obama's vice-president in 2009-17, is seen as a possible frontrunner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Ms Lappos, a 43-year-old former aide to a Democratic congressman, said Mr Biden touched her inappropriately at a fundraiser in a private home in Hartford, Connecticut, in 2009.

She told the Hartford Courant the then vice-president entered the kitchen to thank a group of aides, before wrapping both hands around Ms Lappos' face and pulling her in to rub noses with her.

Ms Lappos called on Mr Biden not to run for the White House, saying: "Uninvited affection is not okay. Objectifying women is not okay."

Ms Flores' allegations first appeared on Friday in an article she wrote for The Cut magazine.
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-02 18:51:48
I do believe the only option is a no-deal brexit, GE won't be able to push through as required two-third of votes.
伏羽忍冬 2019-04-02 19:05:25
Tory權力中心應該唔想GE, 依家GE嘅話, 睇風向Tory有好大機會落台, 即係GE等於送權力畀Labour, 而且係變相公投, 班脫歐撚一定唔想咁做

但如果拖到得返no deal同revoke二選一, 最後都係no deal, 咁真係無嘢好講
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-02 19:10:36
你估Tories想revoke完自己爆炸,定no deal英國歐盟出事,點睇都似寧願英國歐盟一齊仆街啦

不過Davis同Baker出口術指如果longer extension會有機會支持no-confidence,所以再睇睇啦,我個人連上多一次MV的機會都唔樂觀
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-02 19:14:47
Laura Kuenssberg✔ @bbclaurak

Whispers this morning that clerks in Commons have made it clear to govt that Bercow would not allow them to bring back the deal for another vote - one source says this is a 'BIG PROBLEM' - with capital letters - BUT Speaker's office says not decided yet - let's see

伏羽忍冬 2019-04-02 19:16:47
要睇Tory班友係country over party定party over country
不過由May姐連續頂得住黨內同國會不信任動議就知, 根本無人敢孭飛
所以party over country成數高
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-03 06:56:58
Brexit: PM asks Corbyn to help break deadlock


Theresa May will ask the EU for an extension to the Brexit deadline to "break the logjam" in Parliament.

The PM says she wants to meet Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to agree a plan on the future relationship with the EU.

But she insisted her withdrawal agreement - which was voted down last week - would remain part of the deal.

Mr Corbyn said he was "very happy" to meet Mrs May, and would ensure plans for a customs union and protection of workers' rights were on the table.

The cross-party talks offer has angered Tory Brexiteers, with Boris Johnson accusing ministers of "entrusting the final handling of Brexit to Labour".

The former foreign secretary said Brexit was "becoming soft to the point of disintegration" and he could never agree with staying in a customs union.
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-03 08:48:30
Abdelaziz Bouteflika: Algeria's president resigns amid mass protests

Algeria's President Abdelaziz Bouteflika is resigning after weeks of mass protests, state media report.

Mr Bouteflika, who has been in power for 20 years, had already dropped plans to seek a fifth term as opposition to his rule grew.

The powerful Algerian army had called for the 82-year-old to be declared incapable of carrying out his duties.

The ailing leader suffered a stroke six years ago and has rarely appeared in public since.''

Car horns could be heard in the streets of the capital, Algiers, as hundreds celebrated the announcement.

People waved Algeria's national flags and sang.
y4t7sds12 2019-04-04 07:09:04
Justin Trudeau is defending his feminist credentials as the two women he ejected from the Liberal caucus say they have no regrets about standing up to the prime minister on principle.

Trudeau announced late Tuesday he had ejected Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott from caucus, saying that trust had been broken with the former top cabinet ministers.

Facing accusations today of hypocrisy regarding his equality agenda, Trudeau pointed to the important work of key female ministers, including Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, Labour Minister Patty Hajdu and Minister of Democratic Institutions Karina Gould.

"We have an extraordinary range of extremely strong women in our caucus and cabinet who continue to work on good things for Canadians," he said.

The expulsions came just before 338 young women took seats in the House of Commons today for the Daughters of the Vote, an event that draws female delegates from every federal riding in Canada to represent their communities and visions for Canada. Some of those delegates, expressing support for Wilson-Raybould and Philpott, turned their backs on Trudeau in silent protest as he addressed the chamber.


酒啊 2019-04-04 07:37:21
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-04 07:40:05
Brexit: MPs back delay bill by one vote


MPs have voted by a majority of one to force the prime minister to ask for an extension to the Brexit process, in a bid to avoid any no-deal scenario.

The bill, put forward by Labour's Yvette Cooper, was passed by the Commons in just one day.

However, it will need to be approved by the Lords before it becomes law. It would also still be for the EU to decide whether to grant any extension.

The vote comes after Theresa May met Jeremy Corbyn for talks on Brexit.

The discussions between the leaders, who are trying to find agreement on a way forward, were described as "constructive", but Mr Corbyn added that they were "inconclusive".

Teams from both parties were meeting on Wednesday evening ahead of a full day of talks on Thursday to see if they can agree a Brexit plan to put to a vote in the House ahead of an emergency EU summit on 10 April.
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-04 08:59:49
Dems formally ask for Trump's tax returns


House Democrats have formally requested copies of President Trump’s tax returns, taking action on one of their top oversight priorities.

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) sent a letter Wednesday to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig requesting six years of Trump’s personal and business tax returns, from 2013-2018, by April 10.

“The IRS has a policy of auditing the tax returns of all sitting presidents and vice-presidents, yet little is known about the effectiveness of this program," Neal said in a statement. "On behalf of the American people, the Ways and Means Committee must determine if that policy is being followed, and, if so, whether these audits are conducted fully and appropriately."

"In order to fairly make that determination, we must obtain President Trump’s tax returns and review whether the IRS is carrying out its responsibilities," he added. "The Committee has a duty to examine whether Congressional action may be needed to require such audits, and to oversee that they are conducted properly."

Dems escalate Mueller demands with subpoena

Democrats say it is up to Attorney General William Barr whether they move forward with a subpoena demanding the full release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday voted along party lines to authorize Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) to issue the order at a time of his choosing.

Barr has said he will provide more information to Congress about Mueller’s report by mid-April or sooner, but congressional Democrats are looking to increase the pressure on him. Almost two weeks have passed since Mueller submitted his report to Barr, and it’s been more than 10 days since the attorney general gave lawmakers a four-page summary of the conclusions in a report that’s said to be nearly 400 pages.

Democrats are desperate to get the report, particularly after the White House touted Barr’s principal findings of the 22-month probe as an exoneration of President Trump.
Filibuster_HK 2019-04-04 09:00:36
U.S. sets 2025 target for China to fulfill trade pledges: Bloomberg

(Reuters) - The trade deal that the United States and China are crafting would give Beijing until 2025 to meet commitments on commodity purchases and allow U.S. companies to wholly own enterprises in China, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday, citing three unnamed people familiar with the talks.

Under the proposed agreement, China would commit by 2025 to buy more U.S. commodities, including soybeans and energy products, and allow 100 percent foreign ownership for U.S. companies operating in China as a binding pledge that can trigger retaliation from the U.S. if left unfulfilled, Bloomberg said, citing sources.

Trade talks between the two sides made “good headway” last week in Beijing and aim to bridge differences during talks that could extend beyond three days this week, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said earlier on Wednesday.
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