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伏羽忍冬 2019-02-18 22:37:00


Stone早前提出佢單case唔關俄佬hack DNC案(United States of America v. Netyksho)事, 要求換法官, 而Special Counsel Office(SCO)就話佢單case

A)係根據同一批調查令挖到嘅料, 所以關事:

In the course of investigating that activity, the government
obtained and executed dozens of search warrants on various accounts used to facilitate the transfer of stolen documents for release, as well as to discuss the timing and promotion of their release. Several of those search warrants were executed on accounts that contained Stone’s communications with Guccifer 2.0 and with Organization 1.

即係話, 佢地係查查下俄佬hacker, 發現線索, 掉返轉查Stone, 然後發現唔對路, 最後拉Q埋Stone, 即係Stone可能唔單只係useful fool, 有機會係同謀?

呢度仲爆左之前無爆嘅嘢, 之前爆左Stone有透過中間人接觸WikiLeaks拎料, 呢度爆出SCO仲有證據證明Stone同WikiLeaks以及Guccifer 2.0, 即係俄佬特工hacker有聯絡, 但無透露係關於乜

; 以及B) Stone嘗試妨害嘅國會調查, 就係調查Netyksho案, 所以關事:

In other words, the criminal conduct alleged in Netyksho was a central focus of the congressional investigation that the defendant is alleged to have obstructed, and therefore the activities underlying the crimes charged in that case are part of the same activities underlying the crimes charged in this case. The defendant’s false statements did not arise in a vacuum: they were made in the course of an investigation into possible links between Russian individuals (including the Netyksho defendants), individuals associated with the dumping of materials (including Organization 1), and U.S. persons (including the defendant).

我開始懷疑, 目前呢埋妨礙司法公正指控, 最後將會係串埋一齊, 變成證明conspiracy against USA嘅一部分
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2019-02-19 02:39:05
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-19 08:46:26
Germany's Angela Merkel makes arms export pact with France

Germany is working to loosen its arms export control rules to make it easier to continue with joint weapons projects with France, according to an internal strategy paper obtained by Der Spiegel magazine.

The four-point paper, entitled "German-French industry cooperation in the defense area — common understanding and principles about sales," said that "both states will develop a common approach to arms exports with joint projects." It also said: "The parties will not obstruct a transfer or an export to third countries."

Der Spiegel described the paper as a "secret" adjunct to the Aachen friendship treaty, signed in January, which pledged cooperation on a host of future projects.

The apparently innocuous pledge contained a potential political collision, since France is one of the main suppliers of arms to Saudi Arabia, while Germany has officially stopped all exports to Riyadh in reaction to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The French company Naval Group and Saudi Arabia's state-owned arms company SAMI, which is headed by a German, also signed a joint statement of intent on Sunday, agreeing to build frigates and submarines together.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-19 08:56:21
NC elections chief details 'coordinated, unlawful absentee ballot' scheme in 9th District

A North Carolina political operative paid workers to collect absentee ballots and falsify witness certifications for those ballots, the state’s chief elections official said Monday.

The stunning remarks by North Carolina State Elections Director Kim Strach at a hearing of the state Board of Elections offered the most detailed description to date of the breadth of a months-long investigation into alleged fraud in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District.

Republican Mark Harris currently leads Democrat Dan McCready in the race by just 905 votes. But the allegations of fraud and a protracted fight over the composition of the state elections board has left the outcome of the race in limbo for months.

Democrats have called for a new election in the 9th District, arguing that the alleged fraud has marred the current election results.

Meanwhile, Republicans have called on state elections officials to certify Harris as the winner. They argue that the alleged fraud did not affect enough ballots to swing the results of the election.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-19 08:58:51
Congress closer to forcing Trump’s hand on Saudi support

Supporters of a measure to cut off U.S. support to Saudi Arabia in Yemen are projecting victory in the coming weeks when the Senate takes up a House-passed resolution.

The Trump administration is expected to ramp up its lobbying against the Yemen war powers resolution as the vote nears in hopes of flipping some of the Republicans who back the measure.

But opponents have few tools at their disposal to stop the resolution, which only needs a simple majority for a procedural vote and subsequent final passage.

Backers say they now have added momentum as the administration’s missteps in handling the Jamal Khashoggi killing have only increased ire at Saudi Arabia.

The resolution would require President Trump to withdraw U.S. forces in or “affecting” Yemen within 30 days unless they are fighting al Qaeda or associated forces.

The Senate passed a similar resolution in December, in a 56-41 vote. That was Republicans held a 51-49 majority. The Republican-controlled House at the time prevented the measure from coming to the floor for a vote.

But Democrats are now in control of the lower chamber, which voted 248-177 last week to approve the resolution, sending the measure over to the Senate.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-19 09:09:07

不過同時間,New York想有大型公共投資同建設一向唔係易事,你估好似香港咁咩


Liberal Activists Didn’t Kill the Amazon Deal. Robert Moses Did.
書桓 2019-02-19 09:12:44
electrion fraud 都唔洗重選
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-19 09:23:05
Stone posts photo of federal judge with crosshairs in background


Days after a federal judge gagged Roger Stone from talking about the special counsel’s Russia investigation around U.S. District Court in Washington, the Republican strategist and provocateur on Monday posted a photo of the judge with crosshairs in the background.

“Through legal trickery Deep State hitman Robert Mueller has guaranteed that my upcoming show trial is before Judge Amy Berman Jackson , an Obama appointed Judge who dismissed the Benghazi charges again Hillary Clinton and incarcerated Paul Manafort prior to his conviction for any crime. #fixisin. Help me fight for my life at @StoneDefenseFund.com,” Stone wrote in the Instagram post, which has since been deleted.

The same day that Jackson gagged Stone and his lawyers, the special counsel’s prosecutors suggested in a filing that they might have discovered “Stone’s communications” with Wikileaks, which made stolen Democratic emails public before the 2016 election.

The photo illustration of Jackson appears to be taken from a conspiracy site that contains photos of judges and politicians with crosshairs in the background and the words “corruption central” alongside them.

Stone’s original Instagram post was later replaced with a similar photo and wording but without the crosshairs. The second post was deleted, as well. Stone told The Washington Post that the photograph was not posted by him but a “volunteer” who helps with social media.

Filibuster_HK 2019-02-19 09:48:29
Mexico border wall: US states sue over emergency declaration


A coalition of 16 US states led by California is suing President Donald Trump's administration over his decision to declare an emergency to raise funds for a Mexican border wall.

The lawsuit was filed in the court for the Northern District of California.

It comes days after Mr Trump invoked emergency powers to bypass Congress and secure funding for the project - a key campaign pledge.

Democrats have vowed to contest it "using every remedy available".

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said they were taking President Trump to court "to block his misuse of presidential power".

"We're suing President Trump to stop him from unilaterally robbing taxpayer funds lawfully set aside by Congress for the people of our states. For most of us, the office of the presidency is not a place for theatre," he added.
書桓 2019-02-19 09:48:56
搏坐監證明係deep state 迫害佢?
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2019-02-19 10:22:53

3B tax break
個3B tax break 用黎比學校唔好

依加pull off左個3B都一樣唔會出現

伏羽忍冬 2019-02-19 18:05:17
未決定洗唔洗重選, 有個board處理呢類事
個board有5條友, 需要3票去確定投票結果
重選要4票, 依家個結構係3個Dem, 2個GOP
不過眾院有最後決定權, 可以將個位空左佢, 掟返個波畀州長決定重唔重選

最搞笑係, 重選嘅話, 好似無話出千嗰條友唔可以再參選

呢幾年愈留意美國新聞, 愈覺得美國神奇
伏羽忍冬 2019-02-20 01:17:14
Andrew McCabe: We Told Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan About the FBI Counterintelligence Investigation into Trump


Andrew McCabe has claimed for the first time that he told the Gang of Eight—including Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan—that the FBI opened up a counterintelligence investigation into President Donald Trump after the firing of James Comey. He claims none of them even tried to object.


McCabe was asked directly if he informed the Gang of Eight about the investigation and replied: “The purpose of the briefing was to let our congressional leadership know exactly what we’d been doing. Opening a case of this nature, not something that an FBI director, not something than an acting FBI director, can do by yourself, right?”

“This is a recommendation that came to me from my team, I reviewed it with our lawyers, I discussed it at length with the deputy attorney general, and I told Congress what we had done.”

Pressed on whether any of the senior Republicans or Democrats fought against the investigation, McCabe responded: “That’s the important thing here, Savannah—no one objected, not on legal grounds, not on constitutional grounds, and not based on the facts.”


FBI開總統file, 調查佢炒Comey單嘢, 署理局長去左brief國會領袖, 但8條友聽完無人有異議, 連McConnell同Ryan都無, 我諗有可能因為McConnell同Ryan老早知Trump-Russia有問題

Biden話Obama係大選前已經同佢地講俄佬干預大選, 中間有問題, 希望兩院連同白宮出聯合聲明話遣責俄佬, 但McConnell拒絕


而Ryan就更加明顯, 可以回顧郵報佢個"No leaks, all right? This is how we know we’re a real family here.”事件


Ryan依家連水都笠, 幾耐人尋味

呢個月係咁有炸彈掟出黎, 如果我無數漏, 有以下事件:

1) 新澤西檢察長對Trump就職委員出傳票搜證, 似乎想調查資金來源

2) 原來Mueller幾個月前向白宮新聞官SHS問話

3) 法庭裁定Manafort違諾, 認罪協議無效, 跟手Mueller建議量刑變左19~24年

4) Stone審訊進展

5) McCabe公開佢署理局長期間, FBI已經就炒前局長Comey一事, 開左Trump file

Filibuster_HK 2019-02-20 08:55:35
Bernie Sanders announces second US presidential bid

US Senator Bernie Sanders says he will run again for president in 2020, making a second attempt to win the Democratic Party's nomination.

The 77-year-old Vermont senator became a progressive political star in 2016 although he lost his candidacy bid.

His campaign says it raised $1m (£777,000) within three and half hours of launching.

An outspoken critic of President Donald Trump, Mr Sanders has described him as a "pathological liar" and "racist".

Mr Sanders - an independent who caucuses with the Democrats - is one of the best-known names to join a crowded and diverse field of Democratic candidates, and early polls suggest he is far ahead.

His calls for universal government-provided healthcare, a $15 national minimum wage and free college education electrified young voters, raised millions of dollars in small donations and are now pillars of the party's left wing.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-20 08:57:10
Shamima Begum: IS teenager to lose UK citizenship

Shamima Begum, who joined the Islamic State group in Syria aged 15, is to lose her UK citizenship.

Whitehall sources said it was possible to strip the 19-year-old of British nationality as she was eligible for citizenship of another country.

Her family's lawyer, Tasnime Akunjee, said they were "disappointed" with the decision and were considering "all legal avenues" to challenge it.

Ms Begum, who left east London in 2015, had said she wanted to return home.

She was found in a Syrian refugee camp last week after reportedly leaving Baghuz - IS's last stronghold - and gave birth to a son at the weekend.

In an interview with the BBC on Monday, Ms Begum said she never sought to be an IS "poster girl" and now simply wished to raise her child quietly in the UK.

ITV News obtained the letter sent to Ms Begum's mother, asking her to inform her daughter of the decision.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-20 09:01:08
Venezuelan opposition plans delivery of aid from Colombia and Brazil

Members of Venezuela’s opposition are gathering in Cúcuta, Colombia to shift stockpiled US aid to their homeland this weekend in defiance of their country’s embattled president Nicolás Maduro.

“Saturday will be a day that goes down in our history,” said Omar Lares, the former mayor of Campo Elías in western Venezuela, who has been living in exile in the border city for two years and is now helping coordinate Saturday’s planned delivery of aid.

“We’re working overtime to get the food and medicine that people so desperately need,” Lares said, speaking in the lobby of the Casino Internacional hotel in Cúcuta, which has become one of the opposition’s impromptu bases of operations over the last month.

The Brazilian government said on Tuesday that it would also deliver humanitarian aid to the Venezuelan border by 23 February at the request of Juan Guaidó, the Venezuelan opposition leader.

The distribution of the food and medicine from the northern Brazilian city of Boa Vista across the border would be in Venezuelan trucks driven by Venezuelan citizens organized by Guaidó, Brazil’s presidential spokesman General Otavio Rego Barros said.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-20 09:08:36
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-20 09:14:04
Trump aides ignored legal warnings in pushing reactor plan: Democratic report

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top White House aides ignored repeated warnings they could be breaking the law as they worked with former U.S. officials and a close friend of President Donald Trump to advance a multi-billion-dollar plan to build nuclear reactors in the Middle East, Democratic lawmakers alleged in a report released Tuesday.

The House of Representatives Oversight Committee report said former national security adviser Michael Flynn and two aides promoted the plan with Tom Barrack, the chairman of Trump’s inaugural committee, and a consortium of U.S. firms led by retired military commanders and former White House officials.

The effort, the report said, began before Trump took office and continued after his inauguration in January 2017 despite National Security Council staff warnings that a proposed transfer of U.S. nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia was being fast-tracked around a mandatory approval process in possible breach of the Atomic Energy Act.

John Eisenberg, the top NSC lawyer, had ordered the work halted because of concerns that Flynn could be breaking a conflict of interest law as he advised the consortium while serving on Trump’s campaign and transition team, said the report, which is based on documents and whistleblower accounts.

Administration support for the nuclear project, however, appears to have continued to the present, with Trump meeting consortium representatives in the Oval Office last week, the committee report said.
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-20 09:16:09
Former Trump adviser Stone ordered to appear in court over Instagram posts

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Roger Stone, a former political adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump, was ordered on Tuesday to appear in court this week over Instagram posts that chastised and appeared to threaten the judge presiding over his criminal trial.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson said Stone would need to show cause at a hearing on Thursday as to why the posts did not violate a gag order in the case or the conditions of his release.

Stone, who is free on a $250,000 bond and is free to travel to certain U.S. cities without the court’s permission, has pleaded not guilty to charges of making false statements to Congress, obstruction and witness tampering as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Stone’s attorneys filed a formal apology with the court on Monday, after he posted a photograph on Instagram of Jackson alongside what appeared to be the crosshairs of a gun.
書桓 2019-02-20 10:04:25
Filibuster_HK 2019-02-20 10:14:51
Likud大幅領先,其實係要睇大選之後的Coalition Formation先係關鍵

ABC平民 2019-02-20 10:16:31
Trump's 'bring jihadists home' call gets mixed response in Europe

Germany will put fighters on trial, while Hungary says they should not be allowed back

France has previously refused categorically to take back fighters and their wives

Britain has said its fighters can return only if they seek consular help in Turkey

Belgium’s justice minister, Koen Geens, on Sunday called for a “European solution”, urging “calm reflection and a look at what would pose the least security risks”

Hungarian foreign minister, Péter Szijjártó, said the issue was “one of the greatest challenges ahead of us for the upcoming months”.


trump trump 識玩
書桓 2019-02-20 10:37:54

President Donald Trump says there is no "magical date" for reaching a trade deal with China, suggesting again the March 1 deadline for new tariffs could be pushed up.

"I think the talks are going very well," Trump told reporters at the White House Tuesday. "I can't tell you exactly about the timing. The date is not a magical date because a lot of things are happening. We'll see what happens."

Trump 梗係識玩,又撚狗
暴走的赫胥黎 2019-02-20 17:01:17
y4t7sds12 2019-02-20 19:15:15
Heidi Allen, Anna Soubry and Sarah Wollaston have left the Conservative Party for the Independent Group

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞