唔係本身有香港車牌,住半年可以轉英國車牌? 巴打轉左英國車牌未
住過五年唔俾轉 要考
The problem is that DVLA will ask you to send in your passport as proof of ID - rather difficult to hide the fact that you are hear for more than 5 years.
The only thing I would suggest is that you write to the DVLA saying that although you lived in the UK for more than 5 years, you only gained your Hong Kong driving licence less than 5 years ago. (我係英國住耐過五年,但係我個車牌係冇五年 - thats my understanding - don't know whether it is correct or not!) If you have any difficulties with the DVLA, get in touch with your local MP to see whether he/she can help.
Why you did not exchange your Hong Kong driving licence to an UK one as soon as possible?